I have a male friend from UK. I just met him online year 2008, and we have become friends since then. Although we chatted now and then, and he got my number as well, I insisted we became plain friends only. He asked me everytime if I wanted anything from him like money, gifts, etc. But I only asked petty stuff like magazines and flower seeds. So he sent me magazines, seeds and post cards.

He was calling me over the phone although he's in UK and I'm in Philippines. But I cannot talk longer because I cannot understand his English well, it's too slang. I stopped communicating in the middle. But, he found me eventually, like in viber and facebook, especially in 2020, as the pandemic happened.

I am consistently deactivating my facebook account, and tend to make new accounts everytime. He just added ma again this year, I think.

I am consistently posting about the LORD JESUS, and about me, as Michael.

I posted many controversial things like the COVID vaccine injuries, the POPE that I believe is not HOLY (involved in the POLITICAL world), and the deaths of Jacob Rothschild and Queen Elizabeth of UK that I considered them as EVIL!

I heard a man's voice while I posted those, and he said, "I DON'T LIKE YOU." I posted it as well, whatever's on my mind. This was my post:

< A male voice said, "I don't like you."But another male spake to me, "Ignore them, Michael. Remember, you are Michael, the Angel of the Lord.">

He (a friend from UK) replied to my post. I don't know that it was him. I was already sleeping that time, and I just read it as I woke up the first hour in the morning. I just woke up and felt that sudden intense emotion while reading his comment.

He said: Michael is an ' Arch- Angel ' ; Do not misinterpret the Holy Bible; Before casting stones on others who may have sinned in your opinion, are you 100% free of sin youself? For God so loved the world that he gave his only SON, Jesus, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life ' John 3:16; JESUS IS THE SON OF GOD, Do you believe in the HOLY TRINITY? The FATHER, The SON and The HOLY GHOST?

He commented in another post of mine as well: "Blasphemy. SATAN HAS CORRUPTED YOU."; "You are being tempted by SATAN. Repent"; " Jesus ìs the Son of God. Read the Holy Bible word for word."

And I posted this:

Next, he got angry at this post of mine, he's catholic, and he put an ANGRY EMOTICON, he commented: "YOU Need to be exorcised. Was not your child born out of wedlock. So that is a sin that is very great."

And I replied: "That is why the LORD said, "REPENT! CHANGE!"

I quoted a scripture: 1 Timothy 1:15 NLT[15] This is a trustworthy saying, and everyone should accept it: "Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners"—and I am the worst of them all.

The LORD advised me to stop, and I blocked him. He won't believe, no matter.

Then, I heard a male voice telling me, "REMEMBER THIS DAY, MICHAEL." It's February 29, 2024.

I heard FATHER GOD's voice, he told me: "My WILL BE DONE! not you or anyone else."

Father God said. "Don't PLEAD for them anymore!"

"That's enough, my Child." The LORD GOD tells me. "Mind your own business from now on.

"Quit posting, Michael, QUIT POSTING!" (Another male voice speaks).

I put down my phone and went to the back of the house, rested, and exhaled my bad emotions. I remember the night before it happened. I saw in my vision a man, and he told me, "MY RING, THAT'S MY RING."I remember I posted in the daytime about the LORD JESUS who paid a price to redeem me, so I said,

You were ransomed by your LORD. His name is JESUS." Father GOD tells me. "He paid a BIG PRICE for you."Way back 2019, the female spirits told me one night,"He sacrificed everything for you."....As the Scripture in 1 Corinthians 6 says:17 But whoever is united with the Lord is one with him in spirit....You are not your own; 20 you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies. >

I heard a commotion while I posted this, a woman's voice, she said in Filipino dialect, "...soloha..." It was like mocking me. I threw the two rings I bought online last 2-3 years, outside of the house. And I heard voices saying, "It's a FALL-OUT."

I heard a male voice telling me, "DENOUNCE THEM! DENOUNCE THAT RELIGION (CATHOLIC)!"

The following night, I saw a vision in my mind, a golden gigantic LORD above the sky. He has a muscular body, like a giant above the sky. He said, "I know why you are CRYING, MICHAEL."

I moved on and forgot the friend I lost along the way.

(The next week, I joined a new group, a Christian group, the LORD told me, "Immerse with them. It's for your own son's sake. Save him, save your son.")

Today, March 11, 2024, I'm about to rise from bed, and inside my head, I heard this male voice speaking to me, "IT'S THE END OF THE WORLD. JUST WATCH. DON'T DO ANYTHING."

And a male voice told me, "POST IT!" So I wrote, "It's the END OF THE WORLD! (WORLD =EVIL PEOPLE/RULERS)

March 11, 2024