It was like I was flying in the air while walking down the road, with my friends, they surrounded me.

As I walked as if my feet were not on the ground, I said this to them all in an angelic voice, "I AM MICHAEL, YOUR ARCHANGEL. I AM MICHAEL.", in a calm voice.

Then we went to a house of worship, a cult like group, they are evil, and led by an IMPOSTOR.I saw that their leader was QUIBOLOY.

I faced him, his men surrounded him, they were protecting their leader.

I attacked him and wanted to strangle him but he had a sharp BLADE on his chest, long, like a death blade (the long curved one).

If I continue to attack him, I will definitely be injured, I will hurt myself. His blade is like a BOOMERANG that if I touch his body, the very sharp BLADE will immediately strike me back. My force seemed weak to fight him.

But the FATHER GOD spoke, only I could hear, he said it in my MIND,"I'LL HELP YOU""I'LL GIVE YOU FORCE"

So I pushed QUIBOLOY with all my strength, and I wanted to kill him but his SHARP BLADE was really pressing on my body.

It seems NO ONE WILL WIN or LOSE to us, what is my strength, that is also his strength (EQUAL OPPOSING FORCES).

In the end, GOD THE FATHER said this to me, "FORGIVE HIM".So I stopped.

June 10, 2022 Dream

The BIG and SMALL Lord



A woman's voice shouted, she said in English, "IT IS FOR THE LORD JESUS ​​CHRIST!"

She pointed the large area on the MAP.

And then she pointed the small area on the map, which has a distance/gap to the large area, and she also said this. "IT IS FOR THE LORD JESUS ​​CHRIST."

Same LORD in 2 different countries (big and small).

The small country is surrounded by many groups of people.

I woke up around 6 in the morning, Saturday, July 24, 2021.