Because they immediately believed the world, and not the TRUTH, Satan deceived everyone. They immediately believed that they would be saved, not Jesus. Insult isn't it?

The world is full of lies, deception... Because those who hold the system are Satan's minions (Banks, Hospitals, Military, Government, Church, etc.)

The great test of heaven is the PANDEMIC, who do you side with or trust, the GOD or the DEVIL of the world (vaccine).

They are insulting GOD! You believe more in the works of man or the devil!

Heaven's punishment for those who don't believe in him (Jesus) firmly, Heaven just let you go even if you kill each other, or fight each other or believe the lies of Lucifer who pretends to be kind.

You insult me too, so it's FAIR. TRUTH really hurts.

"Who do you think you are?" The woman said. I keep saying who I am. TRUTH HURTS, doesn't it? It really hurts those who don't want to believe.

The world hides the truth, blocks or immediately bans the real effect of the vaccine in Facebook, I know many people who have perished because of that, but they cannot admit the truth .

I have also lost many acquaintances or friends, immediately unfriended, because they say I am fake news? I didn't get vaccinated, but I'm still fine, and my brother-in-law who got vaccinated, is dead! And my Aunt is also dead, and my cousin's husband.

"Your job is almost done. Say goodbye to your friends now."

A voice said. "I am your Lord God. We will take you out from here, from this ROTTEN place. IT'S DONE. IT'S FINISHED!"

This is what the Lord God had said, "This world will be abandoned. They will fight each other. But you will be taken away first..."

JULY 26, 2024