It was Oct 2022, I slept and the LORD showed me the PAST or my past? (few times) ...I was a man (now I am fully a woman, not a tomboy) an INVENTOR and sometimes I rode a wagon maneuvering a horse.


Johan Lohenfeld contacted his two male friends, his two connections working in different company. He wanted them to help him inorder to do something successfully.

His one of his friends was a crane operator of a big company.

And his friend said, "Okay. I'll remove a part of the machine to make the volcano erupt!"

(I am not sure if it's figurative or literal...)

It's like they have to sabotage something.

His friend was a young man, a white also like him.

He has many connections in his lifetime to help him do his work successfully.

Back at home, he was busy doing his invention, it's a steel clock, a big one.

This big steel clock was attached on a long horizontal bar, a few feet from the ground.

I think he used a ladder just to reach the steel bar where his clock was. He's so busy doing the parts of the clock, connecting a curved wire in every hour, an arc in every space of the hour.

His family just arrived when he's about to finish connecting the curved wire on the very last hour.

His father and brothers were wearing a black long trenchcoat. And they stood there not moving staring at him at an angle upward as he attached forcefully the curved wire on the very end. And they applauded, merrily exclaimed, ""BRAVO! WELL DONE! CONGRATULATIONS!!!"

He made it! He successfully connected the wire to the very last

And his brother said, "..but you have no geodetic battery."

"That one, I'll leave that geodetic battery to you." he replied.

(I was like Johan Lohenfeld, he was me and I am he. It's maybe 1800's with that kind of attire.)

And I woke up at around 4am. And I asked, "Is it me?"

"Yes. You're an old soul." A male voice answered (an angel?).

"You were there. You can be anyone..."

"Your memory of the past is slowly coming back."

I remember the year 2020 when I dreamed also of riding on a horse cart, driving the horse. And an old voice of a man called me, MICHAEL!"

I have lived many lifetimes. But in every lifetime, I have no memory of it but dream.

"You are above them all, Michael! I'm proud of you!" Father said.

"They are only a part of the PLAN, " Lord our Father declared.

We knew what's right & wrong deep within our hearts. Listen to the Lord's Voice.

The Lord knows well who is telling the truth or the one who is telling lies (those who are making up stories only).

He knows well his true children (in thoughts, words, and actions).

Those who are speaking against the Holy Spirit (Blaspheming/insulting) will be removed from the BOOK OF LIFE forever.

Father, the Lord Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are different persons but they are the same as GOD!

The Lord said to me, "You are me, and I am you. We are one."

"You cannot deny it."

"You hear what I hear, you see what I see." The Lord said ( we are one).

October 9, 2022