I grew up in the Catholic religion. I only go to church every occasion, because we are far from here, we go every Wedding, Baptism, Funeral or HOLY WEEK.

I also used to join people during HOLY WEEK, especially on GOOD FRIDAY. Because for me, this is like the HIGHLIGHT of the event, where there is a parade and we carry candles.

And after the parade, the crowd will line up, for the kiss, kissing the wooden statue nailed to the cross, the symbol of JESUS's crucifixion on EARTH.


 I also used to kiss the statue of JESUS ​​on the CROSS when I was a child, just imitating and I wanted to smell the perfume that was put there.

But when I went to college, around the middle of my studies, I started to question this and that, why there is such and such. And I'm also reading a BIBLE that I found in the trash at SCHOOL (I was a working student at the time), the small BIBLE of the NEW TESTAMENT.

It's well written and easy to understand, for me. This is what I always carry with me wherever I go, until I got a job after graduating from COLLEGE.

I don't read anything else all the time, but this BIBLE that I carry, in the BOARDING HOUSE, alone and especially sometimes when I have a problem, the BIBLE gives me knowledge and strengthens my faith.

Worked in a far away place, I didn't go to church anymore. Sometimes, I would hear the sound of a church bell, like I thought I was in a PLANTS vs ZOMBIES game.

One of the things I questioned is that what they teach does not match what they do in reality, such as kneeling in front of a statue or any saint. It was said in the BIBLE that it is forbidden, because kneeling means that you WORSHIP or PRAY for them, they are not GOD.

I also used to have many pictures and statues, because I also love ANGELS figurines, JESUS ​​statues, MARY and pictures of JESUS ​​(I still have pictures of ANGELS and JESUS ​​to honor them), but I understood that they are just SYMBOLs and should not be their substitute.In my mind, maybe GOD will be jealous or angry if we no longer pray in the SPIRIT, because we only focus on statues or symbols.

And it is clear from his ten commandments, what he said is not to make any image on earth or heaven and not to kneel down to them.

In the BIBLE, EXODUS 20:4-5 ESV, it says:

{4 "You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.

5 You shall not bow down to them or serve them, for I the Lord your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and the fourth generation of those who hate me, 6 but showing steadfast love to thousands of those who love me and keep my commandments.}

From then on, I just read the BIBLE at the boarding house.

I have a lot of bad dreams, like:- I was chased by many black-robed priests or sacristan in the church carrying a long iron with a cross on the end. They seem scary, like cults.

I have had many dreams like that.

And one of my strange dreams was that I was fighting a DEVIL, like LUCIFER, with dark wings. We fought for a long time, it seemed like I struggled to fight him, but in the end I'm not sure if I succeeded because I woke up.

That's one after the other. It seems that many deaths in dreams are chasing me before the year 2020 arrives. I have seen many strange VISIONs.

If there are many bad dreams, some good dreams also came to me like JESUS ​​appearing in my dreams, angels and visions of the future.

I have also experienced many strange events in real life, no longer a dream because this is in real life, awake, beautiful things that for me are called or awakened by heaven, by GOD, by JESUS .

I remember that I was very sad, I felt like no one believed me, and I had no credibility, that even if I told the truth, they wouldn't believe me. I thought because I'm just a single mother, and I speak boldly, straightforwardly, that's why they think of me badly.

So I knelt down one night, and prayed to the Lord JESUS ​​to forgive me of my sins. And I said all my grievances, my heartaches, disappointments in life and betrayal of both friends and family .

Around 2018, my son's father and I separated.I was hurt but I always dreamed that he was still with me.With the help of dreams, I was able to cope, I moved forward little by little, but it was difficult, and one day, I heard the Lord's voice in the rented room.It's morning, and suddenly he spoke in ENGLISH, I can't see him,"I WILL BRING YOU TO CANAAN." (not literal Canaan)

And out of nowhere, I also answered, "YES, MY LORD."

I also wondered why I knew he was the Lord, as if I knew immediately deep inside me that he was my Lord, but I couldn't explain it.

Days passed and I forgot about it. But it turned out to be true, after a few months, October 2018, there was a little problem with the one I was renting, this pushed me to move far away because they raised the rent and for me it was not right because the room was too small, there was no window, there is no CR just for us, but shared outside.

I moved to a cold place, near Tagaytay, November 2018.

And also in 2018, before I moved house, I also moved to a new job, which is a work from home set up only, reporting to the office only once. My boss hired me suddenly through a phone call that he needed me as his assistant. It seems that everything is planned by GOD, to prepare for the upcoming 2020 (PANDEMIC).

Once, someone invited me to go to the CATHOLIC church, I didn't want to, but the woman insisted so I agreed to go the next Sunday, but I had a bad dream, about the inside of the church.

So I stopped attending the Catholic mass. Sometimes I ask myself where I belong, I say to myself, "I have no religion, not belong to any group."

I like to search online and that's where I saw the posters that said, "GOD HAS NO RELIGION." And I thought, that's right, GOD doesn't have a RELIGION, only man made it. I respect other people's decision, regardless of their belief, but for me, the real GOD is SPIRIT, and I believe in JESUS!

In 2023, I tried to join a Christian sect.I agree with them about the BIBLE, the Sabbath day and the forbidden foods that GOD says in the BIBLE. The prohibitions are also for human welfare, health and to prevent us from being damaged.

But, after 4 months, I noticed something strange. I try to understand that everything is not perfect, there are little mistakes, so it's okay in the beginning. But, sometimes, we can't go to church because my son is sick, they immediately ask us why we are absent. And secondly, I got sick, so I was absent again. The next time, I just recovered from the illness and I wanted to visit my poor family (my poor little nephews) to treat them or celebrate my BIRTHDAY in advance (I borrowed money first), so I was absent . Then when I returned to the church, the PASTOR immediately said,"Those who are absent for 6 months will be DROPped immediately from the membership...."And I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, "LET THEM DROP YOU."

I have many doubts whether to continue here or not. And one night I had a bad dream, a warning that I was standing upside down, my hands were on the ground or like a ladder I was on the top rung, and my feet were up in the air. My money falls out of my pocket, and a man catches it at the bottom of the stairs. There was a man on the bottom step next to me, standing, behind me. The man helped me stand up straight. I was brought down from the highest to him.

So when I woke up, I thought to stop joining this sect. Because I don't have money anymore, to give to their DONATION or OFFERING or TITHING. I was ashamed not to give because there were only a few of us and I felt like I was forced to give because the container was really coming close to me to drop money. It's like I feel out of budget or lack of money at that time.

And one more thing, why do they have to DROP someone, like in school. For example, you go far away, and you just disappear for a few years, then you are no longer accepted? So I can't help but compare them to the CATHOLIC, because there it's free to come back at any time and you're not noticed whether you enter the church or not, because maybe there are only a few of them so it's easy to see or track everything.

There is an advantage and a disadvantage, you will be criticized quickly, especially your mistakes because they are few.

So the next morning, it was my birthday, September 8, and it happened to be SUNDAY, a Catholic church. I just thought of going in. For me, any church, as long as I don't imitate the bad, I will only do the right thing.

I came in around 9 in the morning. Since it was also Mama Mary's birthday, they had decorated balloons (white and blue) in the middle and her statue.

They sang "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!", I also imitated but the name I mentioned at the end was me, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!"

In the priest's sermon, he spoke of "DUMB, BLIND AND DEAF..." and suddenly a BALLOON burst! Coincidence!

At the end of the mass, people lined up one by one to offer the white roses they were holding.

I just watched, I didn't do anything.

Just over an hour, and the worship is over. But in the other group I joined, the worship or fellowship is from 8 am to 12 noon, then, the majority will share lunch, and there is another PROGRAM in the afternoon until 4 pm.

At first I also attended for a whole day. In the long run I didn't want to attend the afternoon program because I felt awkward. I don't like to dance and I don't know the action of their songs because I was shy. It's like you can't escape, or you're really forced to join when the speaker sees you. There are games like 'PINOY-GENYO', guess the CHARACTERS in the BIBLE or something else. Maybe I'm not used to that, because I feel shy or just really awkward to play inside the CHURCH! It's a fellowship and it's okay but I hope there's no pressure. Even though they say there is no pressure, they still call you if they want you.

I have many reasons to stop there, even though I understand that they are only human and make mistakes. And I was connecting things, realizing, when I joined there, I heard a man's voice that was angry, and said, "I WILL KILL YOU, MICHAEL!", sometimes saying, "PITY!".

When I was sick, I dreamed of a small elemental, dwarf or elf. But I got better after a week or two.

The following week, the second week, I tried Catholic again, September 28, 2024. At that time, ARCHANGEL MICHAEL was in the front IMAGE, the statue of MARY was behind.

There is a voice inside me that tells me that I am only there to visit, to observe. When they knelt, I didn't kneel, just sat. I heard a voice say, "KNEEL! Kneel down." But I didn't follow. I answered in my mind, "I WON'T BOW DOWN TO ANYONE ON EARTH!" so I didn't really kneel, because what I see in the middle is the PRIEST, and the statues. For me, who will I kneel for, the PRIEST or the STATUE? Is the PRIEST or STATUE a GOD for me to worship or pray to?

And I suddenly heard a man's voice that seemed to agree with me, like the VOICE of GOD the FATHER speaking in ENGLISH of praise. I forgot his exact words in ENGLISH, he was happy.

After the mass, I heard the voice of JESUS ​​saying, "WAIT."I waited for the people to come out first, and we saw my son's classmate there, along with his mother who was carrying a baby, a baby girl.The baby was cute, he was really smiling and the Lord was happy, he said, "I LOVE YOU."

I have decided again not to join any other religion, even though I would have liked to join for my son as well for the purpose of fellowship. That night, I heard the voice of GOD, as if he was happy with my decision, that there are things that we need to discover ourselves, or figure out, so we have FREEWILL or FREE CHOICE. Our faithfulness will be tested to what extent we can be faithful.

"I won't test you anymore. I know where your faith lies." I heard a man's voice say.

After that, I didn't attend anymore.

JESUS ​​and I just agreed to rest at home on Saturday, or fellowship with people regardless of religion. I started my son to read the BIBLE and make him understand what it means.

Why switch to different religions? Anyone can do this, fellowship with people, in real life and share knowledge about the BIBLE with anyone. Let me start with myself first before others. Even if I don't attend their SUNDAY or SATURDAY worship in their church, I should practice in real life what GOD said in the bible like SABBATH day worship - as a remembrance of GOD and let's rest from everything in the world unless it's really important like food, drink or life and death matter. And practice true love for others, not only money is desired or something is desired in return.

Everything revolves around two things: loving GOD and the neighbor in real life. (LOVE GOD ABOVE ALL and LOVE YOUR FELLOWS)

The question is, how can you show that you love GOD and your neighbor in real life?

That's it, until next time.

By Analie Patino

September 30, 2024