11:Make your opponent cry


"Shameless hook..."

Joe Ix was so angry that Qin Feng hooked him.

But what puzzled him was...

When I faced Qin Feng last year, even though I would get hooked by him, it was definitely not as uncomfortable as it is now.

Some hook shots with obvious intentions can prevent him.

But tonight...

But it was very difficult for me.

Clearly knowing he was going to hook up!

But I just can't help it!

"How is this going?"

"This guy hasn't grown much taller? His wingspan is still as short as a Tyrannosaurus rex..."

Joe Ix was very confused.


Soon, Snoopy used his speed to shake off his opponent and hit a jump shot near the free throw line.

Snoopy is like most high school junior guards...

Excellent athletic ability and good dribbling, but very tough shooting.

A sound of "Clang!"...

Shoot the iron.

Rebounding competition.

Qin Feng, who was under the basket, once again got in front of Joe Ickes. With a "pop!", he grabbed the offensive rebound in front of his eyes.

"Fuck!" Joe Ickes, who was ready to block his position, couldn't help but curse when faced with Qin Feng's violent grab for position.

Qin Feng grabbed the offensive rebound and made a false shot.

Joe Ickes, whose mentality was completely unbalanced, took off directly.

Qin Feng seized this opportunity, used his right foot as a pivot, turned around, turned sideways to face the basket, "Rubbed!", jumped up, and shot a hook shot with his left hand.

Joe Ickes, who was beaten out of time by Qin Feng, landed and jumped vigorously, but he still missed the basketball in the air.

A sound of "Shua!"...

Qin Feng's hook!

Hit again! ! !



"Qin, his hook is more powerful than last year."

The assistant coach on the bench at Oak Hill High School said to coach Steve Smith.


"I found Qin, he became faster."

"It seems like his physical fitness is awakening."

Steve Smith nodded with a smile on his face.

Steve Smith was extremely happy today. From the first second after the game started to the fourth quarter, his face was full of smiles.

This season, Oak Hill High School, in addition to welcoming strong supporter Carmelo Anthony, the team's senior senior player, Qin Feng, is also undergoing a transformation.


With a sound of "Shua!", Qin Feng faced Joe Ix again. He first used his tonnage to take two steps forward, and then made a fake move to turn forward and trick the opponent back. Suddenly, Qin Feng looked like a guest in a hotel. Turning like a gate, with the right foot as the axis, turn forward and hit the hook again.

24 points!

"Dad, Mom, Qin, he already scored 24 points tonight."


"You know, Qin, the highest score in his high school career was only 28 points."

In the audience, Mike Seaver said excitedly to his parents.

"Well, Qin's condition tonight is really outstanding, and he is simply unstoppable." Benn, the youngest son of the Westford family, said.

"Mom and Dad, I think Qin can really enter the NBA in the future." Carol, the second daughter of the Seaver family who is a top student, said with a serious face.



"Of course, anything is possible."

Jason and Maggie laughed.

It's very, very difficult to get into the NBA...

Even a second-round pick in the NBA is Jordan on the feeder line.

Although the Xiver couple, who are in their forties, also hope that Qin Feng can enter the NBA one day, the reality tells them that this is really almost impossible.

Even if you are the best high school student in the state, there are still many who cannot enter the NBA.


Halfway through the fourth quarter, Carmelo Anthony came on the court.

After Anthony came on the court, the team's offensive firepower instantly increased to a higher level.

Anthony showed his terrible scoring ability. Within 3 minutes, Anthony hit 3 three-pointers in succession.

Among them, 2 goals were made with players on their backs.

The score difference continues to widen.


With 2 minutes left before the end of the game, the point difference has been widened to 37 points.

51:90, Qin Feng once again faced Joe Ickes' defense in the low post and hit a hook, opening the point difference to 29 points. At the same time, Qin Feng's personal score also reached 30 points.

At this moment...

Joe Ickes, who was almost moved to tears by Qin Feng, suddenly understood why he couldn't defend the current Qin Feng.


That's right!

Although his height and wingspan have barely changed.

His bullet speed has become faster!

In addition, he also developed a "back-turning dribble" under the basket!

The combination of the two makes it almost impossible to prevent his hook.

Damn bastard...

He hooked himself 10 times, but only missed once! ! !

hateful! ! !