13:Why did I gain weight?

After completing the task of [Basic Offensive Rebound Improvement Card], Qin Feng started working on the [Advanced Physical Training Card] non-stop.

Accumulated 20,000 meters in sand running.

For Qin Feng, who has the [Winner Takes All] system, running alone is simply a waste.

after all...

As long as you win the running game, you can get the corresponding rewards.

Qin Feng called up four seriously overweight players from the reserve team and headed to the sandy area near the school together.


Another person is his good teammate-Carmelo Anthony.

Qin Feng will definitely not be able to outrun Carmelo Anthony.

But I can wait until he is tired before PKing.


"Qin, no...I don't want it." When Carmelo Anthony heard that he was going to train on the sand, he shook his head and refused.

"Melo, hehe, I have a collector's edition." Qin Feng sounded like a movie salesman, making a very seductive voice.

Carmelo Anthony, who is still only a high school student, even a talented high school student, cannot resist this temptation.

"Really? Qin, don't lie to me." Carmelo Anthony said suspiciously.

"Melo, you know, I, Qin Feng, never lie to others." Qin Feng said with a smile.


It was 4 a.m. the next day.

Qin Feng took Carmelo Anthony and his four seriously overweight brothers to run on a nearby beach.


By the way, there is also the golden retriever of the Silver family - Dudley.


On the vast beach...

Stepping on the soft sand, the whole person feels inexplicably comfortable.

But it's a pity...

There were no beauties in bikinis on the beach at 4 o'clock in the morning.

In addition, walking on the beach is romantic and comfortable.

But running is another story.

The resistance of the sand made the overweight fat men in the reserve team feel inexplicably sore.

"team leader..."

"team leader..."

"I can't run anymore..."

"Captain, you don't want it..."

"Captain, don't let Dudley go..."

The team members were running, crying and yelling for their mothers.

When Qin Feng saw this, a faint smile appeared on his lips.


Qin Feng pk round after round.

Win value +30!

Win value +30!

Win value +30!

Win value +30!


After Qin Feng finished PK 5 times, running 1,000 meters each time and winning 150 [win value] points, he was already panting and sweating profusely.

to this end...

He let Carmelo Anthony run with these overweight guys.

Qin Feng, who was almost rested, looked at Carmelo Anthony who was panting tiredly, and at this time proposed an "just and fair duel".

Seeing Qin Feng's shameless look, Anthony rolled his eyes angrily.

"Qin, you are really good at choosing time." Anthony said speechlessly.

"Melo, a real man never complains." Qin Feng said righteously.

Anthony's mouth twitched, not wanting to offend Qin Feng.

Just when Anthony was about to sit down and rest, Qin Feng's voice sounded again: "Melo, if it's LeBron James, he will definitely not admit defeat."

"Oh!" Anthony stood up directly and looked at Qin Feng with wide eyes.

"Hmph, Qin, come on." Anthony was stimulated by Qin Feng's clumsy provocation and directly agreed to Qin Feng's challenge.

Anthony's speed can fly Qin Feng across two streets...

But Qin Feng waited for work and traveled during peak hours.

to this end...

After running 1,000 meters, Qin Feng only defeated Carmelo Anthony, who had spent most of his energy, by half a fist.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for defeating the top three high school students in the United States in the 1,000-meter long-distance running training. You will be rewarded with 1 [Injury Resistance] point."

The system's voice sounded again.

Qin Feng's [Injury Resistance] has increased from [80] to [81]. Even if he is placed in the NCAA, he is not a glass man. But if he goes to the NBA, where the competition is more fierce, and if he averages more than 20 minutes per game, he will be able to play at most 20 minutes per game. Played 58 games.


7 o'clock in the morning.

A full 3 hours.

Under Qin Feng's constant excitement, he finally finished the 20,000-meter run.

In addition to the 6 points of [Physical Strength] attribute rewarded by the [Advanced Physical Training Card], there is also 650 points of [Win Value].

Cumulative winnings: 750.


Qin Feng and Carmelo Anthony came to school extremely tired.

He lay down on the desk and fell asleep.

Although the two were tall, they sat in the last row of the classroom.

Logically speaking, even sleeping will not affect other students.


The two snored louder than the other.



This snoring sound is almost as loud as the Dragon King of Huaxia Guangdong City getting angry.

This made the teacher on the podium tremble with anger and let out an angry voice.



However, the two people who were sleeping soundly did not hear it and were still sleeping on the desk.

It wasn't until the classmate next to them reminded them that they stood up in a daze.

"What's going on with you two?"

"After class, come to my office."

The white male teacher, who was 160cm tall, felt an inexplicable sense of intimidation when he saw Qin Feng and Anthony, who were nearly 2 meters tall, standing up. He couldn't help but lower his voice when he spoke.


get out of class is over.

After heading to the office.

Carmelo Anthony was criticized by his teacher.

Although Anthony is the school's basketball genius, he transferred to Oak Hill High School this time largely because his academic performance was not good enough and he could not get into college with the academic score.


For top basketball talents, they can go to college without going to college.

But Anthony wants to fulfill his mother's wish for him to go to college...

Carmelo Anthony, who was domineering, graceful and the leading scorer on the court, was obediently bowing his head in front of the teacher and did not dare to speak at all.

As for Qin Feng...

As a top student, the teacher just whispered a few words and asked him to return to the classroom.


"Qin, you've done me a terrible job." Anthony said in a resentful tone after returning to the classroom.

"Melo, don't worry so much. Tomorrow I will bring you Teacher Hado's high-definition collector's edition." Qin Feng said with a smile.

As soon as I finished speaking...

The resentment between Carmelo Anthony's brows disappeared without a trace, replaced by that smile like a honeydew melon.


2 days later.

Oak Hill High School will play its first official game in the Virginia High School Basketball League.

The last game was just a friendly match.

Does not count towards high school league results.

The opponent is Potomac River School, which was in the top 16 of the state last year.

Although it was an underdog last year, it welcomed a European transfer this year.

A tall man with a height of 208cm, a weight of 90kg, and a wingspan of 218cm. Although this static talent is very average in the NBA and is quite thin, in the high school league, such a player is just a bug.

After all, there is no three-second rule in the high school league.

The big center can stay under the basket.

Before that...

The Oak Hill High School basketball team conducted physical tests on all players.

The team's starting players, such as Carmelo Anthony, have no chance of changing their height and weight.

But the fat guys in the reserve team screamed one after another.

"OMG, I lost 5kg."

"Thank you Captain!"

"OH, no! I actually lost 4.5kg."

"Thank you Captain!"




All right.

Qin Feng successfully turned the school's basketball reserve team into the "Devil's Weight Loss Training Camp".

Regarding this...

Qin Feng, the only one among the starting players who had not been weighed yet, stood on the scale with a little excitement.

Although Qin Feng is currently playing the power forward position...

But he knows that with his height, it may be difficult for him to get a chance in the NBA, let alone the NCAA.

Qin Feng has always wanted to lose weight, increase his speed, move to the 3rd position, and become a forward swingman.


Reality is skinny.


"Ha ha!"


"Not only have you not lost weight, you have actually increased to 103kg."

His teammates were making fun of him frantically.

Even good friend Carmelo Anthony couldn't hold back.

"I'll wipe it!"

"I train so hard every day and yet I gained 3kg?"

Qin Feng was speechless.


"The scale must be broken."

Qin Feng said with determination.

"Qin, please stop lying to yourself."

"Everything we weighed was fine..."

"That's right..."

Teammates joked.

Qin Feng was silent.

For a while he couldn't accept this reality.

But then I thought about it...

My weight gain is most likely due to my wingspan.

Over the past few days, my arm span has increased by 0.3cm every day, and now it has increased to 203cm.