20:university invitation letter


Qin Feng's door was pushed open.

Mike Seaver, holding an email in his hand, stood happily in front of Qin Dong.

"Qin, you are so great. The University of Chicago sent you an invitation letter."

"If you would go to their school, you would get a full scholarship."

Mike Seaver is like a trumpet.

University of Chicago?

Qin Feng couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

In terms of academics, although this is a famous school, its basketball strength is very weak...

It is the D3 league of the NCAA.

The NCAA is also divided into levels.

D1, D2 and D3.

The overall strength of the NCAAD3 league is not necessarily stronger than China's college student league CUBA.

It is impossible for NCAA players selected by the NBA to have D3.

Even the undrafted players are almost all D1.

"Qin, why didn't you respond at all..."

"This is the University of Chicago."

Mike Seaver looked at Qin Feng's calm performance and said in surprise.

"Yes. Thank you, I understand." Qin Feng said calmly, then stood up and headed to the backyard.

Although he received invitations from NCAA universities, it was obviously difficult for a D3 level team to satisfy Qin Feng.


Two days later.

Qin Feng completed the task of [Advanced Defensive Rebounds Improvement Card]. In the past few days, Qin Feng grabbed 500 defensive rebounds.


Mainly due to traveling during off-peak hours and training with the reserve team.


This does not mean that Qin Feng only trains with the reserve team. He has not missed a single training session with the regular players in the team.

Defensive rebounds +3!

This increased Qin Feng's [Defensive Rebounds] from [83] to [86].

[86]'s defensive rebound prediction, in the NCAA D1 league, is also at the level of a strong team's starting No. 4 position.

But the defensive anticipation is strong...

It does not mean that your defensive rebounding has reached the level of a starting power forward in the NCAA's D1 league. This also depends on the player's [strength confrontation], [blocking skills], [standing height], [bounce speed] and [ Bounce vertical height] related.

[Bounce Vertical Height] It's not just about jumping high, it's also about jumping far...

For example, Drummond, his vertical jumping height is very exaggerated.

Even if the difference between the landing point of the rebound and the take-off position is one meter, the vertical height of Zhuang Shen's vertical jump is only a little shorter than the vertical height of his take-off.

The vertical height of the bounce is an important indicator for long rebound masters.


In addition, Qin Feng also completed a total of 2,000 bottom steps.

Consume 1000 winning points.

Earning balance: 2098.

[Master of Sinking Bottom Step (Bronze)] was promoted to [Master of Sinking Bottom Step (Silver)].

[Master Shen Dibu (Silver)] Introduction:

1. When performing the bottom step action, the related strength attributes and speed will be improved to a certain extent, which can more effectively 'gouge' the defensive players.

2. To reach the next stage [Sink Step Master (Gold)], you need to complete 5,000 sink steps. Moreover, it requires 10,000 winning points.


The remaining 2098 winning points were used by Qin Feng for the lottery again.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting 1 point of [Random Attribute]."


"Fuck!" Qin Feng couldn't help but swear.

This 1 random attribute...

And they have strengthened [lower limb strength].

This left Qin Feng quite speechless...

Qin Feng's lower body strength is already [91]. Let alone the high school league, even if it is placed in the NCAA D1 league, it is still at the T1 level of the 4th position.

Now it has been upgraded to [92].

Is this stupid system intended to make my lower limbs invincible?


Oak Hill High School has another game coming up.

The opponent is Blue Ridge Middle School.

A lower-middle-class team in the Virginia High School Basketball League.

In this game, the opponent put all their defense on Carmelo Anthony. Even when Anthony was off the ball, there were players sticking to him.

But Anthony's ability to get rid of the ball is not comparable to these ordinary high school students.

A dance-like reverse run and acceleration, and the opponent can't even see the rear taillights.

Or, first challenge the defensive player, bump into him, knock the opponent around, and then step out to catch the ball.


Blue Ridge High School vs Oak Hill High School

19:27, Qin Feng and the team's starting point guard Snoopy pick and roll. After the pick and roll, Snoopy passed the ball to Qin Feng, who was passing down. Qin Feng's speed of receiving the ball was only [58], even if it was released. When it comes to the high school league, it's also the floor level.

Qin Feng was quickly chased from behind by the opponent's defender, but Qin Feng relied on his weight, tonnage and confrontation to keep pressing towards the basket, almost hanging on to the opponent's defender, and hit the target with his soft finishing touch.

Qin Feng's [breakthrough layup] is as high as [89]. Even if it is placed in the NCAA, it is a quasi-T1 level finishing touch.

The problem with his inefficient offensive efficiency under the basket is not his finishing touch, but the creation of 'offensive space' and the need for more offensive space.

Unless you are Shaquille O'Neal, you can dunk face to face...


Tell the truth.

Even the Sharks don't hit every ball like that. A large part of their offense is to finish close to the frame after resisting the opponent.

As a short and stocky insider with athletic ability, Qin Feng not only needs to create an offensive space through physical confrontation, but also needs a large offensive space. Because of his poor bullet speed and explosive power, he can easily be interfered by the opponent's help.


The team has Carmelo Anthony to contain the defense, which allows Qin Feng to reap a lot of 'offensive bonuses'.

21:33, after Anthony was double-teamed by many people, he passed the ball to Qin Feng. Qin Feng made an alley-oop... tip-in... and succeeded.


At 25:38, Snoopy broke through for a layup. Qin Feng, who was on the weak side of the basket, pulled the opponent's No. 4 behind him and jumped to grab the offensive rebound. "Wow!" This rebound made Steve Smith scream in the Oak Hill coaching seat.

A rebound with such a high bounce is really rare for Qin Feng.

After grabbing the offensive rebound, Qin Feng took a deep step and directly 'turned' the opponent away from the No. 5 position who weighed only 89kg and was 203cm tall. However, Qin Feng, who was slow to bounce, was knocked out by the opponent when he took off the ball. Position 5 hit his arm, "Pop!", a crisp sound sounded.


The referee whistle sounded.

The opponent's thug committed a foul.

Although the shot after the foul did not hit, he got 2 free throw opportunities and made both free throws.

"Hehe, my vertical jump on the rebound just now felt good."

"Although my bounce speed and bounce are currently stretched, I have the [Elite Rebounder] badge..."

"I save points [Win Value] to upgrade the [Elite Rebounder] to the [Gold] level as soon as possible."


"Tou, Qin, his low post offense has really improved blindly this year." said the team's young assistant coach.

"Yeah." Steve Smith smiled and nodded.

"But it's a pity that Qin is a little shorter and a little slower. Otherwise, the opponent's help defense just now would not have had time to stop Qin's layup." The team's young assistant coach said.


"I think Qin's running and jumping abilities are also...awakening."

"And it's not slow..."

"His body is undergoing a dramatic change."

As a famous high school coach, Kenny Smith used to feel sorry for Qin Feng's mediocre athletic talent like the team's assistant coach, but now he has a new perspective.

Qin Feng is just like those legends in the basketball world, his athletic ability is improving at a speed that is blindly visible...

Maybe in a month or two...

Qin Feng has the capital to enter the NCAA D1 league and the qualifications to enter the NBA! ! !


The game entered the third quarter.

In less than 3 minutes, Carmelo Anthony scored 8 points in a row, directly extending the lead to 25 points.



The game entered the fourth quarter.

Qin Feng led the team's rotation on the court.

49:77, Qin Feng faced the opponent's starting power forward and hit a hook from behind.

Immediately afterwards, he interfered with the opponent's outside layup in the defensive round and protected the defensive rebound.

49:79, Qin Feng asked for the ball in the low post. After getting the ball, he turned his back and suddenly used his right foot as a pivot to turn the opponent away with a deep step. The thin opponent was directly knocked down by Qin Feng.

"Oh! no!"


"No way!"

In addition to Qin Feng's tyrannical strength and the buff bonus of [Master Shen Dibu (Silver)], there is also the fact that the opponent is exhausted.

Qin Feng's physical strength is at the level of "half-step physical monster" among the inside players in the high school league.