25:Nickname [Air Tank]

After the game entered the second quarter, Oak Hill High School still led the pace of the game.

32:14, Qin Feng received the ball in a low position. Facing an opponent who was shorter and thinner than himself, Qin Feng leaned back and hit him. After stepping into the reasonable collision area, he directly cut the opponent open with a deep step. With a sound of "Bang!", Qin Feng dunked hard with both hands under the basket.


"Qin, he dunked!"

"Am I dreaming."

"Qin, he actually dunked while someone was guarding him. Am I really reading that right?"

"Yeah, Qin, it's like a mini version of the big shark."



Qin Feng's dunk immediately aroused exclamations from the Oak Hill High School bench players.

Although Qin Feng has dunked in previous games...

But that was all under completely undefended circumstances.

Like the dunk just now, he immediately connected with his hands and dunked hard after taking a deep step.

This places high demands on the player's strength, explosive power, bullet speed and physical strength...

Most of the inside players don't have the extra energy to complete the dunk after relying on their backs and digging into their opponents with deep steps.


The most important point is that the opponent is too weak.

If he had been replaced by someone who weighed more than 95kg, or whose lower body strength was more stable, it would be almost impossible for Qin Feng to gouge his opponent and complete a dunk.


38:18, Oak Hill High School was attacking, Snoopy made a layup, and with a "snap!", Qin Feng jumped up high, with a height that was half a slap higher than his opponent, and with a "pop!", he caught the attack. The rebound, at the same time, completed the second attack and hit the rebound under the basket.

"What a board!"

"This heavy guy can actually jump."

"OMG, I feel like I saw a flying elephant!"

"Yeah, I seemed to see a tank taking off."

The fans at the scene were once again frightened by Qin Feng's helicopter-like grab.

Although many players with good athletic ability can grab the board like this, there are relatively few players with Qin Feng's size...

Qin Feng, who is 196cm tall and weighs 103kg, is considered a heavy inside lineman in the high school league. Even among centers, he is considered "heavy".

The player opposite Qin Feng is the same height as Qin Feng, but is 13kg lighter. Against his background, Qin Feng looks particularly strong.

Like an ancient mammoth...

Like a heavy tank...

After [Elite Rebounder] was promoted to [Silver] level, Qin Feng's bounce speed, jumping height and explosive power were greatly improved when fighting for rebounds. Although it cannot be compared with Jumping Man, in the high school league, It also belongs to the category that is more capable of jumping.

When fighting for rebounds, Qin Feng repeatedly showed jumping that was inconsistent with his body size.

This also made the fans at the scene call Qin Feng the "Flying Elephant" and "Aerial Tank".



In addition to the two-handed slam dunk after a strong attack at the basket, and the helicopter-style offensive rebound...

Qin Feng has repeatedly demonstrated what is called "invisible talent" in competitions.

42:22, after Qin Feng received the ball in the low post, the opponent wanted to come to help defend. Qin Feng first faked a pass and made the defensive player stay in place. Then, Qin Feng turned his back and slammed the ball behind him. The defensive player, after pushing the opponent to the vicinity of the reasonable collision area, uses his right foot as the axis and prepares to half-turn and sink.

When the opposing player saw it, he quickly took a step back, bent down and lowered his center of gravity, using his hands like pushing waves, trying to stop Qin Feng who wanted to forcefully eat him.

Seeing this, Qin Feng suddenly retracted his left foot that was stepping back.

Face the defender with the side of your body and perform a hook shot.


Hook hit!

After the opponent saw Qin Feng's hook, he had no time to stop him. After all, he had bent down and lowered his center of gravity to resist Qin Feng's strong attack.



Oak Hill High School bench.

"nice shot!"

"Qin, he's really smart at playing."

"Boss, I always have a hunch, Qin, he will definitely enter the NBA."

The assistant coach said decisively after seeing Qin Feng's performance.

Although the assistant coach is young, he has also competed in the NCAA.

Qin Feng is reading the game, making adjustments according to the opponent's defense, adapting to circumstances, and making the most reasonable choice. Qin Feng is also a top player even in the NCAA.

"Of course. This little guy is completing his transformation at the speed of a meteor streaking across the sky." Steve Smith smiled and nodded.

During his coaching career, he has coached many talented players.

For example, ceiling-level Carmelo Anthony.

But people like Qin Feng are like phoenix feathers and water chestnuts.

In their senior year of high school, most high school players have almost fully developed their bodies, and it is difficult for their running and jumping abilities to improve, but Qin Feng feels that he has just begun.

"Head, maybe Qin will be the one to decide the game against St. Vincent St. Mary High School in a few days."

"No one at St. Vincent St. Mary's High School could guard him except that kid LeBron..."

"But it's impossible for LeBron to guard Qin. After all, we still have Melo."

the assistant coach said.

"Haha, I hope so." Steve Smith is also looking forward to this high school version of the century game.




At the beginning of the fourth quarter, Oak Hill High School had already opened the point difference to 28 points.

An invincible army appears on the page.

Carmelo Anthony, who is known as the "Peerless Twins" together with James, not only scores like a prodigy, but his enthusiasm on defense also surprises many college scouts and even NBA scouts who come to the scene.

"Melo is impeccable on the offensive end..."

"Mainly his defense..."

"When did he start, he was actually willing to invest on the defensive end, and he seemed to enjoy it."

"Although many of his defensive habits are not good and he is very green in defensive positioning. But his static and dynamic talents are enough to make him an above-average defensive player."

Anthony's change in defensive attitude made many scouts at the scene a little surprised.

As for his teammates...

Qin Feng!

It has also entered the field of vision of NBA scouts.

Mature far beyond his peers.

Far beyond the reflexes of his peers.

Best low post moves among his peers.

But the talent is equivalent to that of an NBA player, which is really poor.

In terms of plasticity, it seems that it cannot swing to the 3rd position.

The NBA scouts at the scene saw Qin Feng receiving the ball from a high position and facing the defender guarding him, Bernard Howell, who was 188cm tall.

Qin Feng, whose shooting was unstable, chose to face the frame and make a strong breakthrough. Faced with misplaced defense, Qin Feng made the right decision.

But Qin Feng's ball-holding ability lacks...

Qin Feng's center of gravity when dribbling was high, and his first step had poor explosive power. Although he used his strength to push the opponent back, his poor ball-holding ability caused him to be beaten by Bernard Howe before taking three steps to combine the ball. I'll just take it out.

This is not the first time this has happened during a game...

This prevents NBA scouts from seeing that Qin Feng has the ability to play the 3rd position.

"Perhaps he can make a name for himself in the NCAA, but his talent will never make it to the NBA." A third-rate scout from the Philadelphia 76ers and a Houston Rockets has already been disappointed with Qin Feng's NBA journey. death penalty.