27:Live broadcast across America

There is only one day left until the war of the century.

ESPN officially revealed a shocking news.

St. Vincent St. Mary High School vs. Oak Hill High School will be broadcast live across the United States.

Before the official announcement, there were many rumors that the showdown between Carmelo Anthony and LeBron James would be broadcast live across the United States.

But most fans don't believe it...

After all, there has never been a national broadcast of a high school game.

The competition venue is the home stadium of Oak Hill High School.

As soon as this news came out...

Not only did it cause a sensation in the entire state of Virginia, but even the neighboring states wanted to come to watch the peak showdown between the two unparalleled heroes, the battle of the century.

And on this day...

Tickets to the normally free Oak Hill High School basketball gym were priced at $50 each, with front-row tickets even reaching $300.

To know...

It is difficult to sell NBA tickets for $300 a piece.

But the duel between these two high school students created such huge commercial value.


Seaver's house.




Qin Feng threw the 84kg barbell to the ground, making a crashing sound.


"It's not easy..."

"Finally finished."

"In such a short few days, I completed 1,500 times of 84kg squats!"

Qin Feng, who was lying on the ground, was panting heavily and sweating profusely, just like the water droplets on his face before a storm came.

Unprecedented fatigue!

His legs were shaking constantly, as if they were swinging, which made some friends who didn't know the truth mistakenly think that he had found a lot of girlfriends recently.

But it's all worth it...

Advanced lower body strength training card, lower body strength +6!

Intermediate lower limb strength training card, lower limb strength +3!

Lower limb strength increased by a total of 12 points.

It has been upgraded from [92] to [101].

[101]'s lower body strength can be said to be invincible in the entire high school league.

To know...

The NCAA's cap attribute is 100.

However, this [100] attribute is aimed at those players who dominate the NCAA but are not selected by the NBA.

To put it simply, he is the strongest NCAA player in the NBA, with the limits of various attributes.

Is this weak?

Of course not weak...

Many NCAA insiders are no worse than the centers of weak NBA teams in terms of strength, but they were not selected because of their slow speed, poor athletic ability, and short height.

There are some NCAA outsiders whose athletic abilities are no slower than those of guards on weaker NBA teams, but they were not selected because of their height and weight.

If Qin Feng can push every attribute to the limit of the NCAA, compared to NBA players, every attribute will be at an above-average level.

After entering the NBA, he was also a little monster.

Like Lamb in 2k13...

Although the overall rating is not high, it is really strong.


Once Qin Feng gets the [Attribute Breakthrough Card], just like the current [Lower Body Strength Breakthrough Card], there is a high probability that he will reach the lower body strength limit of an NBA player before landing in the NBA.


LeBron James, who is currently in his senior year of high school, has already reached the limits of the NCAA in terms of running and jumping ability, upper body strength and core strength, and is above average even in the NBA.

With this level of physical fitness and a height of 201cm, the NCAA cannot say that they can catch a lot of players, but there are still a lot of them.

So why can he become the No. 1 pick in the NBA?

Or the No. 1 pick in the draft?

the reason is simple...

Because LeBron James is still in his senior year of high school.

He is still one year away from being selected as the No. 1 pick.

For high school students whose bodies are in the growth and development period, one year old makes a huge difference.

Assume that two players with the same level of development at the same age are selected at the age of 16 and 17 respectively.

That 17-year-old can undoubtedly beat the 16-year-old.



Just imagine, LeBron James, who is less than 17 years old and 201cm tall, has the physical fitness to compete with NBA players.

This is like NBA players parachuting into the high school league.

What a terrible thing.



on the other hand.

Qin Feng gained 9 points of lower limb strength.

Also, during this period, I accumulated 2,000 [Win Value] points.

Qin Feng chose to draw a lottery.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the [Advanced Physical Training Card]." The system's voice sounded.

[Advanced Physical Training Card] Introduction:

1. If you complete 20,000 meters of sand running in total, you can gain 6 points of [Stamina] attribute.

2. Time limit: one week.

This thing needs to run on the beach...

There will be a game with James tomorrow, so Qin Feng naturally doesn't have time to go there.



Suddenly, there was a rapid knock on the door of Qin Feng's bedroom.

Don't think too much...

Judging from the rhythm and rhythm of the knock on the door, it must be Mike Seaver, the eldest son of the Seaver family.

But after Qin Feng opened the door...

But Qin Feng was shocked.

"Uncle, aunt...Why are you all here?"

Qin Feng looked at Xifo's family all at the door of his room.

"Qin, can you get tickets for your school's basketball game?" Jason Seaver said excitedly.

"Yes, Qin." The hostess, Aunt Maggie, also said expectantly.

Qin Feng laughed dumbly.

"Let me ask for you." After a moment, Qin Feng said with a smile.

As the captain of the school basketball team, it is no problem to get a few tickets.



The next day.


Inside the Oak Hill High School indoor basketball gym.

Compared with other high schools, the basketball hall of Oak Hill High School is relatively large, able to accommodate 618 spectators.

But now the seats are still packed...

Full of pits and valleys.

In order to generate revenue, the school even sold standing tickets.

But even so...

Standing tickets also cost $30 each.


Before the game starts.

Players from both sides are warming up on the court.

LeBron James, wearing a training uniform, detonated the audience with a highly stretchable gliding tomahawk dunk.


"Such a dunk can probably only be seen in the NBA."

said the live DJ.

"He is indeed the chosen one, his talent is so terrifying!" Qin Feng thought to himself.