32:Became James' nightmare

As the game entered the second quarter, both teams adjusted their defensive strategies.

At Oak Hill High School, head coach Steve Smith asked starting guard Arthur Decker to defend against LeBron James.

Qin Feng swung to the 5th position to face their center, and James sent one of the smaller players, Sean Cotton.

Sean Cotton is 193cm tall, 3cm shorter than Qin Feng, but weighs 110kg, 7kg heavier than Qin Feng.

By the way, Sean Cotton, like James, is also a football player at the school.

St. Mary's High School will let Romeo Travis, who is 196cm tall, face Carmelo Anthony, while James will defend Snoopy, who has no outside shooting.

The reason why the coaches of both sides made such adjustments was mainly because they did not want their team's leading scorer to consume too much.

The same is true in NBA games.

Even if they are super giants in the same position, it is impossible for the whole field to face each other for a long time.

In the past Rockets vs. Magic Finals, O'Neal and Olajuwon were not facing each other throughout the game.



Facing Arthur Decker, who is 190cm tall and weighs 82kg, James directly accelerated and rushed forward, even though Arthur Decker chose to take a step back according to Qin Feng's advice before the game.

But James' powerful impact was like a light truck hitting him. With a "bang!", he directly knocked Arthur Decker out of the way, accelerated in the second stage, and rushed to the basket.

Steve Smith has no illusions about using Arthur Dekker to defend LeBron James alone...

His last move was on Qin Feng, who moved to the 5th position.

Qin Feng, who was under the basket, took a step to the upper left after seeing James rushing over.

This simple step...

Seems unremarkable.

But it surprised the NBA guest group including Barkley, O'Neal, Kobe Bryant and Iverson.

The next second.


James bumped directly into Qin Feng.


At the same time as the referee's whistle sounded, Qin Feng's body fell back.

LeBron James hits someone with the ball!

Offensive foul.

Carmelo Anthony and other teammates from Oak Hill High School came over immediately and stretched out their hands to help Qin Feng up.

Although Qin Feng was a little confused by LeBron James, James, who was called for an offensive foul, looked helpless and spread his hands towards the referee, as if to say: "Did I commit a foul too?"

The referee nodded and said in a very confirming tone: "Yes, you did commit a foul just now."



"Kobe, I see a little bit of Tim in this guy."

"Even though they have completely different builds."

Allen Iverson said.

"Yeah. This fat guy's space selection is very good. After LeBron broke through their first layer of defense, this fat guy anticipated his breakthrough route and stepped up to block it in advance."

Kobe Bryant said seriously and seriously.

In addition to his excellent individual defense ability, Tim Duncan's assist defense and frame protection are also top-notch. In terms of frame protection, it mainly focuses on blocking the breakthrough routes of outside players, rather than pursuing a volleyball hat with excellent viewing ability.

This is also why Duncan's blocks give people the feeling of someone else taking the initiative to help him get there.

"Charles, this little guy is much better defensively than you." O'Neal joked about his former rival Charles Barkley.

"Haha, Shaq, if you are better than me, then be better than me. Anyway, I am retired now. Hehe, when my disciple enters the NBA, Shaq, wait to be hugged by him." Although Qin Feng did not admit that he He is Buckley's disciple, but Buckley has shamelessly claimed to be Qin Feng's teacher.

"Fuck!" O'Neal, who had a fight with Barkley in the past and was thrown in the arms, suddenly lost his composure after hearing the past incident being brought up.

"The kid wearing the No. 4 jersey just now must have been a coincidence. After all, even the NBA's defensive colander will occasionally have shining defensive moments."

"Also, LeBron, the breakthrough just now was too careless and underestimated the enemy."

"Oak Hill High School, in addition to Cameron, there is also a fat boy with great practical ability."

Stephon Marbury said.



St. Mary's High School attacked. After Drew dribbled the ball past half court, he handed the ball to James. James, who was fouled by Qin Feng in the last offensive round, will undoubtedly fight back.

"Rubbing!" With a click, James started tank collision, first sticking to Arthur Decker, and then using the only upper body strength in the high school league, he pushed away Arthur Decker again.

Although this breakthrough method is simple and crude, the technology inside is very delicate.

Arthur Decker is a 'chairman', not a pure knocker.

For those NBA players who traveled to China in their previous lives, such as KJ of the Spurs, when he was dueling with the passer-by king, you could clearly see him making a breakthrough and cleverly knocking his opponent away.

The breakthrough of the passer-by-king player feels more like a 'bump away'.

The difference between chair opening and collision opening is that one is efficiency, and the other is that the chair can accelerate immediately after opening.

After James rushed to the basket, he once again faced Qin Feng, who blocked the breakthrough route in advance. This time, he was well prepared. When he was half a step away from Qin Feng, he jumped directly with both feet, "Whoosh!", one in the air. Pulling the lever, his long arm passed through Qin Feng's defensive area and hit the board.

The process from James taking off to pulling the bar to wipe the board...

Although Qin Feng's consciousness reacted, his body couldn't keep up.

James's bullet speed and explosive power are too strong. In addition, he has advantages in height and wingspan. Once he takes off and flies into the air, there is nothing Qin Feng can do against him.



"Dude, did you see that? My students don't rely on guessing." After seeing Qin Feng make the correct defensive position again, Barkley said proudly to Marbury, who had all doubts before.

"His defensive positioning is indeed good, but his talent is too poor..." Marbury said with a faint smile.

"Hmph, you know a hammer." Buckley snorted coldly.

Barkley didn't bother to tell them that Qin Feng's physical talent is now awakening. As long as you watch his games carefully, you will find that he is getting stronger at a blinding speed in every game.

Although there are not many such situations, there are also many.

Some NBA players couldn't even dunk when they were sophomores in high school, but after entering the NCAA and the NBA, they could start in gear, fly into the sky and escape, and become the king of grudge games.

"If you want to guard LeBron, the first line of defense needs to be stronger and try to prevent LeBron from picking up speed, so as to reduce the pressure on the fat boy." Kobe, with an afro, watched the court attentively. Go up and speak slowly.

"Haha, but then again, even if Oak Hill can't guard LeBron, it will be difficult for LeBron to beat them." Allen Iverson, dressed in hip-hop attire, smiled nonchalantly.



On the court, as Allen Iverson said...

After LeBron James broke through two lines of defense in Oak Hill and scored on a layup, Carmelo Anthony immediately responded on the offensive end and faced Romeo, a five-star high school student in the United States.

Carmelo Anthony caught the ball, feinted, broke through, took a step, and shot directly.

Compared with James' simple and crude scoring method...

Anthony's score is more like a picturesque piece of art.




Under Romeo's defense, Anthony scored 3 goals in a row and scored 6 points in a row.

This made Romeo, a five-star high school student in the United States who has already been accepted to four NCAA Division I schools, look helpless and spread his hands...

In addition, in the next offensive round of St. Mary's High School, James, who passed Arthur Decker, was suddenly assisted by Anthony, which made him slow down after reaching the elbow area.



Qin Feng loudly colluded with Anthony and asked him to perform defensive rotations. After all, James' passing was too lethal.


Since I've reached the low position without picking up speed, that's my prey! ! !