43:NCAA Division I invitation

Qin Feng scored a double 30+, and at the same time, in his senior year, he won the game MVP for the first time.

Although Carmelo Anthony scored 34 points, 5 rebounds, 3 blocks, 2 steals and 5 assists tonight.


Prior to this, Carmelo Anthony swept this award.



"Ding, congratulations to the host for winning the game."

"Ding, reward the host with 200 [win value] points."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for winning the [Best Player of the Game (MVP)]."

"Ding, reward 1 point of [Random Attribute]."

The system's voice sounded in Qin Feng's mind.

Soon, the system strengthened this [random attribute] to [lower limb strength], reaching an astonishing [108].



After winning, Qin Feng accepted interviews from several media outlets at the scene.

"Qin, congratulations on winning tonight's game, and also got an amazing 30+30."

"What prompted you to obtain such horrific data?"

A white female reporter with a good figure smiled and interviewed Qin Feng.

Even in the high school league, double 30+ is quite explosive.

The United States, which worships individual heroism, naturally cannot avoid interviewing Qin Feng after the game.


Qin Feng first expressed his gratitude in a personable manner.

Immediately afterwards, Qin Feng said: "You know, I am not interested in personal data. Compared with the team's victory, points, rebounds, assists, etc. are not worth mentioning."

Qin Feng's answer was very humble.

This surprised the white female reporter in front of me.

High school students of Qin Feng's age are almost all young and frivolous.

Such a sober answer is really rare in the world.

"Qin, can you evaluate your performance tonight?" the white female reporter said again.

Qin Feng said with a serious face: "First of all, it is my shortcomings in offensive rebounds..."

"Ah!" The white female reporter immediately made a surprised sound.

Qin Feng glanced at her.

"Sorry, Qin, interrupt me."

"If I remember correctly, of the 30 rebounds you got tonight, 9 were offensive rebounds. You know, the opponent team only had 6 offensive rebounds, and a large part of them were after you came off the court. I got it at that time." The white female reporter looked at Qin Feng in surprise and said.

Good guy... you said you didn't grab offensive rebounds well, but you alone had more offensive rebounds than the entire opponent's team. You're too Versailles.


"If I remember correctly, I jumped early or late four times during the game when fighting for offensive rebounds."

Qin Feng criticized himself seriously.

"Okay..." The female reporter laughed dumbly. It turned out that Qin Feng was not pretending to be sexy, he was really reflecting on himself.


Qin Feng has both Versailles and self-reflection.

Qin Feng's current offensive rebound awareness and sense of smell can only be regarded as above average in the high school league. He relies more on "grabbing position" and "blocking position" to grab offensive rebounds, which cannot be compared with Rodman and Qin Feng. Like his teacher 'Charles Barkley', he completed the rush with his excellent rebounding sense.

"Secondly, my scoring methods are too single..." Qin Feng continued to self-criticize his second shortcoming.

At this time, the white female reporter did not interrupt like before, but listened quietly to see how Qin Feng, who scored 30 points tonight, criticized his scoring ability.

"Most of my scores were concentrated near the 'reasonable collision zone'. Although I scored 30 points and shot 75% from the field, this does not change the fact that my offensive method is single."

Qin Feng criticized himself.

Qin Feng is not exactly like Versailles. He really feels that his offensive methods are a bit lacking. He half-turns, sinks and steps to attack, and spins with his back in the low position to fend off defensive attacks and short-range hooks.

These two offensive methods, if replaced by a 226cm big inside man, the offense will definitely explode.

But for Qin Feng, who is 196cm tall, these scoring methods are far from enough. To be able to score 30 points tonight, in addition to the opponent's No. 4 position who can't stand him, there is also the opponent's No. 5 position who protects the frame and assists. The defensive capabilities are lackluster.

If there is a mobile No. 5 position, Qin Feng will be blocked when he attacks the defense and hits the basket.

If Qin Feng wants to go further, he needs to develop his half-cutting ability, turning back and shooting the ball. He has a rich arsenal of offensive weapons so that the opponent will not dare to help defend and double-team unscrupulously.

In addition, Qin Feng's running and jumping abilities such as speed, explosive power and bullet speed need to be further improved. In this way, after breaking away from the defense, he can shorten the time to attack the frame and finish before the opponent rushes to help defend. Finish to the rim.

"Finally, it's my ability to switch defenses. Although I forced the opponent's ace player 'Marcus Hyde' to stop twice during the game, he scored 19 points tonight, which was only 26 points per game. Just 7 points less."

The last item Qin Feng criticized himself was [the ability to switch defenses].

Qin Feng, who is 196cm tall and weighs 105kg, although his running and jumping ability is at the level of the 4th position, he showed his ability to switch defenses in the game.

But it's memorable.

Not only did it not allow outside players to pass easily, on the contrary, it also forced the opponent to a dead ball.



The three items Qin Feng mentioned were all his personal strengths and shining points, but he had a hard time fighting with himself after the game.

But Qin Feng, who aspires to enter the NBA, knows very well that only by standing out from the crowd with long legs can he be seen by more college and NBA scouts.

As for shortcomings...

That's not to say there's no need to supplement it, but it's just that it's not necessary at this stage.

First have one advantage that is far ahead of other players, and then talk about the others.

in addition...

Qin Feng's speech greatly inspired him to learn from Anthony Bennett, the most popular No. 1 pick in NBA history.

Qin Feng 'learned' from him not just to become a parallel importer.

It's about getting a higher draft pick.

The reason why Anthony Bennett became the No. 1 pick...

Except that the year I was in was a weak year for the draft, and several strong competitors were pushed down in the draft due to various factors...

The most important thing is Bennett's 'wordsmanship'.

Bennett's agency team has packaged him as a player who is 'gentle', 'young and mature' and 'full of leadership qualities'.

During the player interviews, he showed politeness, humility, maturity and leadership qualities that were different from most black people, which once made the Cavaliers management think they had found the next LeBron James.

But in fact...

Bennett is not only mediocre in talent, but also has very low football and emotional intelligence.

His character is also very low.

But his trick of fooling NBA scouts and management is worth learning from Qin Feng.

The underlying reason is self-marketing.

Those college scouts and NBA scouts will undoubtedly be impressed when they see Qin Feng posting such excellent statistics and being so humble, mature and highly motivated.