45:NBA level intensity

Qin Feng, who is 196cm tall, wants to gain a foothold in the paint, which means he needs to score in front of a 208cm+ tall man.

In the American high school league, there are not many 208cm+ insiders.

For one thing, the high school league is just a state league.

Secondly, there are many players who develop late and only start to grow in their junior and senior years of high school.

Many familiar players, such as: 'Anthony Davis' entered high school as a point guard with a short stature and a pair of glasses.

No one would have thought that he would be the future son of America, the king of snipers.

After entering the NCAA, Qin Feng will face the top players in the United States.

When he breaks into the NBA, he will have to compete with the top insiders in the NCAA, and even those who once dominated the NCAA.

Even if they are just the water cooler keepers of the NBA.

In the past, when I was in high school, I had Shaq and Olajuwon on the sidelines of my playing career.

In other words, if Qin Feng, who wants to enter the NBA, cannot dominate the high school league, the NCAA will be the end of his basketball career.



The purpose of the static interference training under the basket is that after Qin Feng grabs the offensive rebound, he is covered by the opponent's inside line and does not have enough space to jump. He can forcefully push away the defense and put the ball in.


Such static interference training is too much for high school students.

After Snoopy and the players from the reserve team raised the obstacle to a certain height of 220cm, the distance between the highest point and the ground was 275cm.

This is almost the standing reach of a 208cm inside player.

The big killer of the NCAA, Michael Beasley is 208cm tall, with a wingspan of 214cm and a standing reach of 272cm.

Beasley, who is second on the list, has undoubted talent. Although his wingspan of 214cm is only 6cm longer than his height, in fact, this is not bad for a forward swingman in the 3rd and 4th positions.


As for those whose height and wingspan differ by more than 10cm, they are definitely at an excellent level.

The difference in height and arm span is 15cm+, which is a monster level.

The difference in height and arm span is 20cm+, making him a monster.



Qin Feng under the basket seemed to be covered closely by two 208cm players, who were constantly bumping into each other to simulate the confrontation in the game. This made Qin Feng unable to even see the basket.

For this reason, Qin Feng's hit rate is quite dismal.

In a group of 20 times, Qin Feng could only score 5 goals on average, with a hit rate of only 25%.

"Captain, um... how about I be gentle." Snoopy looked at Qin Feng, who was sitting on the ground gasping for air after finishing ten sets, and said apologetically.

"No need." Qin Feng waved his hand in refusal without any hesitation.

"Captain, you are too reluctant."

"How can we have such a high-intensity defense in our high school league."

The reserve team player in charge of sparring said.

"Ha ha."

"I just love the intensity."

"Okay, don't talk nonsense anymore. After a 5-minute rest, let's continue."

Qin Feng waved his hand and sent the two of them away. He had to think about how to get a good shooting space under the crowded basket.

"Qin, be aggressive." Oak Hill coach Steve Smith said.

"Aggressive?" Qin Feng looked at Steve Smith in confusion.

"That's right."

"Qin, you have to imagine the obstacles on the training field as opponents on the competition field."

"Complete it meticulously, so that you can show your true strength when you get to the court."

Steve Smith's words awakened the dreamer.

In the 10 sets of training just now, Qin Feng did not have such a mentality. He just hoped to complete the tasks on the training card as soon as possible, rather than treating these obstacles as living people.

For a moment, Qin Feng's mind flashed to the 'veteran' of the CBA in his previous life. As a college student internet celebrity, he was ridiculed by fans after entering the CBA, but through life-threatening and 'flashy' training, he won the respect of everyone.

At the same time, veterans have used practical actions to prove that the training that netizens call "fancy" really works.

The mentality of training is very important. If you regard obstacles as real opponents, you will become serious involuntarily.

Only in this way can we bring what is on the training field to the game.


After thinking and resting, Qin Feng began a new round of training.

"oh oh..."

"oh oh..."

"Captain, hit it gently."

Snoopy and the others, who were sparring partners, said quickly.

"This kid... must be the next legend in the basketball world." Oak Hill coach Steve Smith looked at Qin Feng who was covered by the 'obstacle' under the basket, and used his upper body and torso to lean and bump into each other to gain Space to take action.

At the same time, there are also some hidden elbows.

"Tou, Qin, he practices so fiercely."

"But my upper body strength is still a bit lacking."

The assistant coach who witnessed Qin Feng's wild growth with his own eyes, although he was only 6 years older than Qin Feng, regarded Qin Feng as his real student.

That part of his dream about basketball has long been pinned on Qin Feng.

Qin Feng was under the basket, and he could stand still when faced with the push from two sparring partners.

To know...

Many sluggish insiders can't stand firmly under the crowded basket. After getting the ball, they don't even have the strength to take off.

Being able to stand and maintain his position proves that Qin Feng's static strength (the comprehensive strength of lower limb strength, weight and tonnage, etc.) has exceeded the level of the high school league.

However, although the strength of the upper body is quite good in the high school league, it is still inferior to the strength of the lower body. It is difficult to quickly knock out and get out of the space.

"Haha, don't worry. Qin is not even 17 years old now. According to the intensity of his training, his upper body strength will be improved soon." Steve Smith said.



Two days passed in a hurry.

In addition to anti-interference training at the basket, Qin Feng also has lower body strength, upper body strength and offensive rebounding training.

[Intermediate Lower Body Strength Training Card] completed 500 times of 84kg squats.

have to say...

Now this 84kg squat is so-easy for Qin Feng.

It only took less than 2 hours to get it done successfully.

Lower limb strength +3.

[Lower limb strength]: 111

This has reached the lower body strength level of the NBA starting No. 4 position.



[Elementary Offensive Rebound Training Card] 100 offensive rebounds, which is also easy for Qin Feng.

Done just as easily.

Offensive rebound +1. [Offensive rebound]: 72. ... ... [Advanced Upper Limb Strength Training Card] 2,000 barbell rowing, 84KG5,000 times, the current progress is only one-third of the time. [Intermediate Bounce Training Card] 20,000 skipping ropes... Well, Qin Feng didn't move any. The main thing is that there is too much training, and I really have no extra physical strength. As for the [in-situ close-up shooting training card], Qin Feng has completed 1,100 times, and there is still 900 missing. But... what surprised Qin Feng was. In training, through his own efforts, [in-place close range] has been raised from [58] to [59]. The improvement of this 1-point [Attribute] at least made Qin Feng sweat 3 pounds. And... this is still the 'benefit period of the first systematic training'... Just like fitness, there is a novice welfare period. The early effect is obvious, the main foundation is poor, and it is easy to improve. It's like a school exam, it's easy for you to improve from 58 to 59, but it's hard to improve from 88 to 89. This also reflects... This dog's system is really strong. Let Qin Feng have no 'limit' and 'bottleneck' in training... As long as he doesn't die, then he will practice hard! ! !