73:competition is over

Suddenly, Qin Feng went around to grab the position and directly pulled Kenyon Martin behind him.

With a "pop!", Qin Feng grabbed the offensive rebound and passed it back to Anthony who was cutting in. Anthony faced Keith Van Horn's defense and flew to pick the basket.

Hit! ! !

This is the second offensive rebound Qin Feng got in this game.

In terms of offensive rebounds, Qin Feng is far inferior to his performance in the high school league.

After all, Kenyon Martin is a starting power forward at the NBA level.

He doesn't have an advantage in bounce speed or jumping height. It's difficult to grab rebounds in front of Kenyon Martin, but occasionally he can complete the position grab.

Sometimes he succeeds in grabbing position, but before he can take off in time, he will be picked on by Kenyon Martin.

In addition, although Qin Feng possesses [Popularity Master (Silver)], his lower body strength and tonnage also exceed Kenyon Martin.

However, [agility] and [explosive power] are still a bit low, and the success rate of position grabbing is not high. In many cases, he cannot grab position in front of Kenyon Martin in the first time.



The NBA stars attack, with Derek Tiall and Kenyon Martin looking to pick and roll high again.

This time, Qin Feng and Anthony suddenly double-teamed Derek Tiall.

The double-teaming between the two also showed their tacit understanding.

In addition to being fast in double-teaming, he is also very experienced in double-teaming.

The two are 197+cm tall and have pretty good wingspans. They kept waving and successfully blocked Derek Tiall's passing line of sight.

This is close to the level of double-teaming in the NBA, making it impossible for the 193cm Derek Tiall to release the ball in time.

After all, there are two non-NBA teammates on the court, and their offensive positioning makes the relatively short Derrick Tiall 'invisible'.

The place that can be seen vaguely is in the defensive area of ​​Qin Feng and Anthony.

"Bring it, you!"

Qin Feng suddenly made a move, his body like a tram maniac, and rushed towards Derek Tiall.


The moment Qin Feng hugged the basketball with both hands, he violently pulled it back.

But what quickly shocked Qin Feng was that although the opponent was an NBA player, he was just a thin man with a height of 193cm and a weight of 83kg.

Derek Thiall just pulled the basketball out by himself. His body shook a little, but he didn't throw it away.

Qin Feng, who succeeded in stealing...er...successfully robbed, made a long throw to his teammate on the fast break. The latter caught the ball and hit a layup on the fast break.


The high school star team took an 8-point lead with this goal.

Of course, to achieve this lead, Qin Feng and the others had to thank Lanny Cook, who was blindly dominating after the start of the second quarter.

It was his poor performance that not only allowed Qin Feng's high school star team to complete the reversal, but also gained a 4-point lead.



Soon, Qin Feng and Anthony double-teamed Derek Tiall on the defensive end again.

This time Derek Tiall was not robbed by Qin Feng and passed the ball.

It's just that his ball cannot make any changes in the defensive formation of the high school star team. The pass has no lethality, which is the so-called invalid pass.

Force the shot as the attack time is approaching.

Shoot the iron.

Qin Feng protected the defensive rebound.

The three NBA players of the NBA Stars team returned to defense in time, but there was a problem with the defensive positioning of the other two teammates. Qin Feng once again caught a random matchup with Derek Tiall during the fast break counterattack.

Qin Feng launched a back attack from the elbow area, pushed him all the way to the basket, and then quickly followed up with a deep step. Derek Thiall was directly deflected, and Qin Feng jumped up to wipe the board.

Hit again!


Qin Feng and the others opened the point difference to 10 points.

The audience couldn't help but gasp after seeing Qin Feng and the others leading by double digits.

Although Lanny Cook held back the NBA stars, during this period, Qin Feng and the others also had a 6:0 offensive climax.

To know...

The opponent has three NBA players.



In response to Derek Tiall and Kenyon Martin's high pick-and-roll, Qin Feng and Anthony frequently double-teamed in the second and third quarters, or made the opponent pass the ball ineffectively.


Keith Van Horn, the NBA's high-powered player, showed off his superb overhead shooting skills.

Derek Tiall passed the ball to him, and although it didn't help Keith Van Horn get an open shot, he was able to attack with a top shot.

in addition...

Qin Feng and the others couldn't guard against the NBA star team's fast break counterattack. Kenyon Martin rushed up as fast as the backcourt players of the high school star team.

As for the offensive end, Anthony used the triple threat to single out everyone on the NBA star team on the wing.

Kenyon Martin!

Derek Tiall!

Keith Van Horn!

Anthony showed unparalleled offensive talent in front of them.

Qin Feng's post-up play in the low post was hard for anyone except Kenyon Martin to guard.

Even Keith Van Horn, the No. 2 pick in the NBA with a height of 208cm and a weight of 100kg, was so choked by Qin Feng that he was even forced to defend forward.

This scene shocked the entire audience.

Qin Feng is a high school student under 17 years old.

You are also an NBA player after all, and you actually need to use forward defense.



The game was very exciting.

The NBA star team relied on their overall stronger strength to erode Qin Feng's lead little by little.

There are still 20 seconds left before the end of the third quarter.

Score [68:69].

Qin Feng and the others are still 1 point ahead.

NBA star team offense.

This time both parties were extra serious.

Three NBA stars will not play in the fourth quarter.

But they also don't want their team to be behind at the end of the first three quarters.


The same goes for Qin Feng and the others.

Originally, Lanny Cook's 'reverse assist' gave the team a 4-point lead. If they were still behind at the end of the third quarter...

Qin Feng, who was almost paranoid about victory, found it difficult to accept it.

The last attack.

The entire stadium seemed to be filled with the smell of gunpowder smoke.

The surrounding spectators held their breath and watched the players on both sides of the court with rapt attention.

After Derek Tiall dribbled the ball past half court, this time he did not engage in a high pick-and-roll with Kenyon Martin. Instead, he gave the ball to Keith Van Horn who came out to receive the ball.

After receiving the ball, Keith Van Horn faced the pressing defender. He first pushed his opponent sideways with his shoulders to create a shooting space. After making a textbook shooting posture, he directly hit the defensive player.

This once again aroused exclamations from the fans at the scene.

Keith Van Horn immediately lowered his center of gravity and dived toward the basket to accelerate.

The speed is not very fast, but the rhythm is very strong. Anthony, who wanted to help defend against the delay, was deceived by Keith Van Horn's fake fax after combining the ball.

After arriving at the basket, Keith Van Horn was slightly stunned when Qin Feng blocked his shooting route in advance. His good sense of defensive space and position made Keith Van Horn slightly stunned.

But soon, Keith Van Horn made an emergency stop and turned back.

"Crash!" Qin Feng almost jumped up immediately, but soon, Qin Feng was shocked and realized that this turned out to be a fake move by the opponent.

After Keith Van Horn deceived Qin Feng into taking off, he immediately turned around and flew to the basket...

The moment the basketball came out of his hands, a smile appeared on the corner of Keith Van Horn's mouth.

But soon...

A figure quickly flew out from behind, and with a sound of "Boom!", he completed a nail-biting block on Keith Van Horn's basket.

"Well done!"


"So handsome!"

Although Keith Van Horn deceived Qin Feng, his slow shot was blocked by Anthony's defense at the last moment.

at the same time...


The referee whistle sounded.

The third quarter is over!

The score is still [68:69].