
Oak Hill High School's opponent in the first game of the second stage was Blue Ridge Middle School.

The two sides have played against each other in points matches before.

When they met again, Blue Ridge Middle School made some targeted defense.

I want to use a forward defense against Qin Feng to prevent Qin Feng from catching the ball in the low post.

However, what surprised the head coach of Blue Ridge Middle School was that it was difficult for their center to get around Qin Feng.

Qin Feng firmly blocked the opponent's No. 5 position behind him, unable to move.

After receiving the ball, Qin Feng didn't even need to use his back to test, he directly hit...

If the opponent is lucky, he will be knocked out of the bottom line.

If you are unlucky, it will be a knock-down.

After knocking over his opponent, Qin Feng dunked directly under the basket.



After Qin Feng's upper body strength improved, his shoulders became stronger and stronger, making it particularly difficult for the opponent to squeeze through.

As the gap between Qin Feng and his opponents of the same age becomes wider and wider, he still has the power to jump and dunk after knocking his opponent away.

If the opponent is replaced by Kenyon Martin, even if Qin Feng can cut through the opponent, it will be difficult to take off quickly and dunk.



"Dang!" With a sound, Snoopy took advantage of Qin Feng's pick-and-roll breakthrough for a layup, but was interfered by the opponent and the basketball bounced out of the frame.

Qin Feng, who followed behind, took off and jumped. With a "pop!", Qin Feng in the air grabbed the backboard with both hands at a height higher than the opponent's slap.




The fans at the scene immediately exclaimed.

Qin Feng doesn't look like he can fly...

Is the bounce so exaggerated?

Could it be that the 'wild boar in the sky' as mentioned by the media is not a fiction?

In fact, Qin Feng's jumping height is not high enough to be called a violent dunker.

But Qin Feng's jumping height is not low either. Among the No. 4 players in the high school league, he is above average.

But Qin Feng's bullet speed is fast, and he has the bonus of [Elite Rebounder (Silver)]...

Qin Feng jumped up to grab the rebound as if his feet were equipped with springs.

The feeling...

It's like a helicopter taking off.


After grabbing the offensive rebound, Qin Feng was like a huge magnet, instantly attracting 2-3 opposing players.


Qin Feng also wanted to pull out of the crowd like a green onion and complete a dunk.

But for now...

Still far from it.

Qin Feng quickly passed the ball to Anthony on the outside.

The latter hit from mid-range.



Qin Feng already got 7 rebounds in the first quarter, including 5 defensive rebounds.

Two offensive rebounds in a single quarter, which is quite good for other high school post players.

But he couldn't meet Qin Feng's self-standards.

There were 2-3 opportunities to grab offensive rebounds. Qin Feng missed the offensive rebound because he had a wrong time to take off, either jumping early or late, and not predicting the landing point of the rebound correctly.

After the start of the second quarter, Qin Feng did not immediately come on the court. Sitting on the sidelines, Qin Feng frowned and reviewed his offensive rebounds that had just passed by his fingers.

"Qin, what's wrong with you?" Oak Hill coach Steve Smith asked with concern.

"Head, I'm thinking about offensive rebounding."

"I always felt like something was wrong."

Qin Feng said with a solemn expression.

"Ha... Qin, aren't you kidding?"

"The opponent only had 9 rebounds in the first quarter, but you got 7 in a single quarter."

The assistant coach burst into laughter.

"No, I'm serious." Qin Feng said.

The assistant coach was speechless. Just when he was about to say something, Oak Hill coach Steve Smith winked at him and turned to Qin Feng and said: "Qin, in addition to thinking more carefully about the timing of rebounds, and landing point, you also need to observe the opponent's shooting movements and shot strength, which will help you judge whether it is a long rebound..."

Steve Smith told Qin Feng a lot seriously.

Qin Feng listened quietly.

The attitude is very open-minded and humble.

As a high school basketball star who has become famous, not many can still maintain the spirit of Cheng Menlixue.



Soon, it was time for Qin Feng to appear.

Watching Qin Feng, wearing Oak Hill's No. 4 jersey, step onto the field.

"Tou Qin, he should be the most ambitious among all high school star players." the assistant coach said.

"Haha." Steve Smith smiled and nodded: "That's true. The upper limit for others is just the bottom line for Qin Feng."

If you say who is the most talented player in the history of Oak Hill High School, the answer is almost always - Carmelo Anthony.

But to say that the person with the most ambition in the history of Oak Hill High School and the one who is willing to work ten times harder for it is undoubtedly Qin Feng.



Qin Feng, who just debuted, devoted himself to the game. A heavy pick-and-roll with Anthony from the high post directly knocked the opponent's No. 3 to the ground.


Of course, this was the opponent's No. 3 taking the initiative to bump into Qin Feng.

Anthony easily broke through to the basket and scored.

Not long after, Qin Feng was caught out of position by the opponent's No. 1 position during a fast break at Blue Ridge Middle School.

The opponent's No. 1 position pulled the basketball from the left to the right in a disguised manner. However, after short body and accelerating the breakthrough, he found that Qin Feng was still following him.

In addition to Qin Feng's pulling hand, [Death Coil] also played an important role.


Qin Feng forced the opponent's No. 1 position to stop at the elbow.

Once a small player stops the ball near the penalty area, it is approximately equal to gg.

Good friend Anthony stepped forward and teamed up with Qin Feng to double-team the opponent, causing the opponent to steal.



On the basketball court, except for Qin Feng, whose strength has improved by leaps and bounds and whose growth rate is blindingly obvious...

Carmelo Anthony has also made visible improvements on offense and defense.

"Swish!" After Anthony wandered without the ball, he caught the ball and shot.

Next offensive turn.

Qin Feng took the ball from the high post on the right wing. Anthony, who was defending the weak side, ran back without the ball and cut inside towards the basket. Qin Feng hit the ground and passed the ball. After receiving the ball, the latter completed a two-handed slam dunk.

Movement without the ball is a technique without the ball.

Anthony's off-ball skills are actually very average. It is difficult to change the opponent's defensive formation through roaming, running and combining his own offensive threats like those off-ball masters.

This is also the biggest difference between the empty scorer and Choko.

The true off-ball master is not just about scoring, but the ability to change the opponent's defensive formation, causing mismatches and local overplaying.

China's "Sun Tzu's Art of War" says... The core idea of ​​​​war is to establish an asymmetric advantage.

By moving without the ball and stretching the opponent's defense, Anthony already has this trend.