
The next day.

Qin Feng completed the [Basic Bounce Training Card], with a bounce +1, and the [Bounce] was increased to [75].

In addition to physical training, Qin Feng also conducted high-position ball-holding attacks, breakthroughs after receiving the ball, and a lot of anti-interference training at the basket.

Holding the ball in a high position and attacking the frame is a "compulsory course" for Qin Feng after entering college. The current training is more to lay a solid foundation.

The breakthrough after receiving the ball is an offense without the ball, which can enrich the offensive weapon arsenal and step out of the comfort zone.

Anti-interference training under the basket allows you to squeeze out shooting space through your physical advantage even when the ball is dead under the basket.

From quantitative change to qualitative change.

Sweat is the best hymn.

Qin Feng's [Breaking Layup] increased from [89] to [90].

[In-situ close range shooting] has also been increased from [71] to [72].



Two days later.

Virginia High School Basketball Championship Semifinals.

Oak Hill High School vs. Lake Braddock High School.

In the first quarter of the game, Qin Feng showed terrifying low-post lethality, almost eating the opponent's No. 4 alive. He made 5 of 6 in a single quarter, and scored 4 free throws and 2 of 4 free throws.

Two of them were 2+1.

This means that Qin Feng caused the opponent 3 defensive fouls.

Qin Feng scored 12 points, 5 rebounds and 1 assist in a single quarter.

At 31:19, Oak Hill High School led the opponent by 12 points.

The game entered the second quarter, and the opponent adopted a forward defense against Qin Feng.

Qin Feng, who was blocking the position in the low post, used his thick right hand to push the opponent player who wanted to go forward. His left hand pointed at the basket and shouted toward the three-point line: "Snoopy!"

After Snoopy heard this, he immediately threw it high.

At this time, the opponent who had been unable to get around was shocked to find that the mountain blocking him suddenly disappeared.

After Qin Feng noticed the alley-oop pass from Snoopy, he immediately turned around without the ball and went directly behind the opponent. Because of Qin Feng's sudden withdrawal, the opponent's center of gravity was unbalanced and he rushed forward.

Qin Feng took the opportunity to shoot up. After catching the ball with both hands in the air, he exerted force on his waist and abdomen, gathered all his strength, and smashed the basketball towards the basket.

"Bang!" A sound...

The basket buzzed as Qin Feng dunked it.




"Alley-oop dunk!"

"I said Qin is the contemporary flying pig in the sky."

"Haha, I seem to see a wild boar flying in the sky."

The audience gave warm applause.

Alley-oop dunks are not uncommon in high school leagues, but Qin Feng's alley-oops have an indescribable violent beauty.

Before he took the alley-oop, he had been struggling with the opponent's No. 4 position, but he looked so fat, but he turned around in an instant and faced the basket to complete the alley-oop dunk.

Of course, the most surprised among these people was Oak Hill coach Steve Smith.

"This kid seems to really be able to fly."



Now with Qin Feng's bullet speed and bounce height, as well as the buff bonus of [Alley-oop Terminator (Bronze)], it is not difficult for Qin Feng to complete the alley-oop.

However, due to his height, Qin Feng's alley-oop dunk was still a little slow...

And with this time difference, it is easy to be interfered by the opponent's help defense.

After Qin Feng succeeded in two consecutive alley-oop dunks, he attracted the attention of the opponent's No. 5 position.

This caused Qin Feng's three subsequent alley-oops to be destroyed.

But fortunately, Qin Feng has terrifying offensive rebounding ability. Even if he hits an alley-oop, he can jump up and grab offensive rebounds immediately.



In the second half of the game, the lead was gradually extended to 30 points by Oak Hill High School.

The huge point difference makes the opposing players feel discouraged.

But Qin Feng became more and more fierce as he fought. Among his off-ball skills, he practiced breakthroughs after receiving the ball and practiced them extensively in the semifinals.

[62]'s speed is not fast even in the high school league, but Qin Feng's impact is strong and his left-hand ball control ability is pretty good, which makes Qin Feng's breakthrough after catching the ball have an unexpected effect.

Every time he breaks through to the basket, the opponent is knocked off his feet.

Of course, putting unskilled skills into formal competitions will undoubtedly lead to many mistakes.

But what makes opposing players envious is...

Qin Feng, who made 5 turnovers in the second half, was not replaced by head coach Steve Smith.

Not even a word of reproach.




"Mr. Steve, is he raising a ferocious beast waiting to be fed?"

the on-site commentator exclaimed.

"Yes, using actual combat to train Qin's [off-the-ball ability] is a hundred times more effective than regular training."

"You know, this is the semifinals."

Another on-site commentator said carefully after understanding Steve Smith's intention.




In the semifinals, Oak Hill High School defeated its opponent with a 28-point lead.

Qin Feng's score tonight is not an exaggeration, only 27 points.

In terms of rebounds, they were only two-thirds of the opponent's team, 18.

But Qin Feng's "ability to rush the frame without the ball" displayed in tonight's game stunned the college scouts who came to watch the game.

Of course, compared to his ability to rush the frame, scouts discovered "immeasurable" plasticity in Qin Feng.

He seems to have the offensive potential to swing to the 3 position.



Due to many mistakes in the second half, the overall scoring efficiency declined due to polished skills, resulting in the loss of the MVP of this game.

Qin Feng only received 200 winning points after winning the game.


7 days later, the day before the finals.

ESNP released the latest rankings of high school students in the United States.

Qin Feng rose to NO.4.

NO.1: LeBron James

NO.2: Carmelo Anthony

NO.3: Amare Stoudemire

NO.4: Qin Feng



Qin Feng received:

[Elementary Bullet Speed ​​Training Card] x1.

[Elementary Lower Body Strength Training Card] x1.

[Intermediate Upper Body Strength Training Card] x1.

[Elementary Jump Training Card] x1.


Tomorrow is the final, and Qin Feng doesn't have time to complete training.



The next day.

The final scene.

After Qin Feng caught the ball in the low post, he was immediately double-teamed by the opponent.

Qin Feng had no choice but to pass the ball to his teammates on the outside.

Qin Feng's landlord, the Xifo family, was in the audience.

"Oh, no, these guys' encirclement and suppression of Qin is crazy." Mike Seaver, the eldest son of the landlord, said.

"Although I don't know much about basketball, the fact that Qin was so targeted by the opponent also reflects his strong influence on the game." Landlord Jason Seaver said.

"Haha. Qin now enjoys the treatment of a superstar!" said the landlady Maggie.

"Yes, Qin, he is already a superstar." Ben Seaver, the youngest son of the landlord, nodded.

"Woof woof woof..." The landlord's golden retriever Dudley unexpectedly barked twice at this time.



The double-teaming tactic is the greatest compliment to a player.

Because this means that the opponent cannot guard him one-on-one.

This is also a label for becoming a superstar.