Old Doctor Bai

Xu Yan's face displayed a bewildered expression, finding it hard to believe. He said, "How is that possible? The prescription I provided is absolutely flawless. There is no way anything could go wrong if you follow it to get the medicine."

Seeing a patient die, especially when it's related to him, was not a small matter for Xu Yan. Matters of life and death were grave, especially when connected to him, making him feel very oppressed.

Xue Xi and Xue Mei were also astonished. A woman poisoned by a snake, after taking medicine prescribed by Xu Yan, had died? How could this be? Setting aside Xu Yan's extraordinary medical skills, his incomprehensible cultivation alone should have prevented such an occurrence.

"At this point, you, this unscrupulous doctor, are still putting on an act!" Wang, the stall owner, was furious and still wanted to strike Xu Yan. However, strands of Tao sentiment bound him, preventing him from moving. He was left both shocked and angry, unable to do anything.