
A black skeleton, a human skeleton, about two meters tall, holding a bone-white knife in its hand. In the eye sockets of the skull, a black flame flickers, extremely eerie.

"This is a skeleton. I never expected to encounter one." Xu Yan sighed.

In the gaming world of his previous life, he had slain many skeletons. He never thought that he would encounter one right in front of him now.

"Be cautious; this skeleton should have been a god during its lifetime. It's just that for some unknown reason, its divine bones have been contaminated, turning it into a dark creature." The Golden Ant warned with a solemn tone.

These dark creatures were challenging to deal with and usually appeared in demonic and evil territories.


The skeleton roared lowly, wielding the bone knife as it charged toward Xu Yan, slashing down with great speed, even faster than an ordinary cultivator, and its power was extraordinary.