chapter 6 18+ Tang san and Bibi Don

After voice stoped speaking, tang san came into room and seeing him and knowing what she wanted to do was wrong she said "tang san your master is very impressed with your performance , now master has important ting to do , so i am leaving for while" as Bibi dong was saying Tang san closed the door of room and started removing his clothes and said "Master i know what gift you wanted to give me , a year ago i found out what you wanted to give me when i saw you shouting my name while pleasuring yourself , at first i had same thought you have now that a master amd disciple shoud not have this type of relationship but i wanted to see you do those things to yourself , i wanted to see your true self amd as i saw more and more i found out that behind the dignified pope of martial soul hall is a inocent girl whose whole life was changed when her master had his way with her , i saw was a girl who was hungry for love not pleasure that was given , years ago your master had your way with you when he stoped seeing you as disciple when you looked at your beautiful body and when i saw you did those things to yourself while shouting my name i no longer wanted to be your disciple i wanted to be something more than that , i want to be your man and as last gift to my master i wanted to do same thing last pope did to my master to the current pope" while saying this he slowly went close to Bibi dong all naked and when he want near her he touched her and as he touched her , her body stoped listening to her and she forgot about her strenth as rank 98 Titled Douluo and she became same as he was 16 years ago helpless

Tang san swpt his hand all over Bibi dong's body and held her mouth open and forced a herb into Bibi Dong's mouth , after thay Tang san took out herb that was same as one he fed to Bibi dong and ate it , both Bibi dong and tang san's body were rapadly changed to how it would look at when thay would be 18

Before tang san came into Bibi dong's room , while on his way he herd

DING Host task 2 has beem changed

Task 2- years ago as age of 22 your master wrongfully lost her innocence and once gentel ans lovely girl was turned into a visious and evil women when her master had his way with her , host will be given reward for this quest in advance , give her innocence back change her back into as she was before that incedent and take her youthfull and vergin body for yourself

Reward- 3 10 million years old god body fruit

[God body Fruit - a fruit which will give those who eat it a youthfull body as that thay had at age of 18, if those who eat has 2 martial soul , their martial soul will be merged and upgraded, if age of fruit is 10 million or more , those who eat will get god position from god of multiverse's inventry and those who are alrady have god inheritance will have it upgraded, inheritor of god of multiverse will not have their martial soul merged"

At presant Bibi dong opned her eyes and saw a young man with beautiful long blue hair with a godly body [writer hear- imagin adult tamg san from anime ]

and then she looked at herself and she found her body has reverted to as she was at 18 years old , she also found out that she was vergin once again , she was happy with change but suddnly a pain was felt throughty her body , as she felt pain the man who was standing naked before her came on top of her and said "Dong'er you will feel unbarabel pain let me make it easyer " as he spoke he came close to her and put his tonge into her mouth and kissed her at same time she felt that her virginity was taken again , as it was happening she felt aura of that man and man's aura was same as tang san , feeing this she said "tang san what are you doing" tang san said while pushing in and out "dong'er as i said i am,easing your pain , do not resist it will only pain more " she replied "do not call me that i am your master , i am more powerful then you" tang san said "dong'er if you wanted to stop would have alrady did that and even if you want to stop me i advice you to look at your cultivation rank" Hearing this Bibi dong checked her rank and what she found out shocked her she no longer had 2 martial soul and she even lost her cultivation she said "you said you want me so why did you do this to me " before she could finish tang san said "your martial soul although is decresed to 1 but both have merged into one stronger martial soul and your inate soul power is incresed to 20 and although your cultivation is gone but when your martial soul fully solidifies and all your soul power is intragated you will gain your cultivation again but untill your body completes it's changed you are at my mercy"