chapter 11 [Final chapter] Becoming God of Multiverse

6 years ago tang san came back and said to Both his wife and all of his children that this time he will be gone for long time , at that time thay thought he will be gone for one years at most but he still has not come back after 6 years , both Bibi dong and Qian renxue and both of their son's have by now acended to God

inside papel palace Bibi dong is managing daily affairs and a portal opned and tang san came out of their and directly passed out , everyone was shocked, although Bibi dong Know by her experience that Trials of Dead god's position har way harder then one other 3 passed but it was not deadly

After few days he woke up and first thing he said after waking up is "I did it i defeated him"

After this he went back to sleep , next day he woke up and everyone was standing around him and thay asked "what happened, how did you end up lik this " tang san said "I got a chance, for Increasing difficulty the position i would inherent would also be Upgraded, originally my 8th Trial had me fight with owners of God Seat i was supposed to inherent but i got offer from person who decided the trials thay insted of his son , who's position i was supposed to inherent, i can inherent his position if i fight and defeat him insted of his son, although he supressed his power to 99 he still was a god emperor, i should have seen this coming"

After few days of rest and healing tang san went back to inherent god Position, a gold light came out of Martial soul hall and a man now stood above martial soul hall with a spear in his hand , that man was tang san, tang san opned his hand and few ravens flew out and went in direction of Star lou empire , with inheritance of Odin came his powers and his wepons , although he will have to

re-cultivate he had inherited Odin's powers

Inside Star lou royal palace the emperor was talking with few people , one of them was patriarch of Blue lighting tyrant Dragon ,

The emperor said "for last 6 years army's of Martial soul hall are stationed at our border and we believe thay are only waighting for pope's order "

As thay were discussing a raven flew into palace sat on top of hall and at martial soul hall sitting on pope's chair , tang san closed his eyes and started seeing and hearing everyting raven in star lou empire's palace could, after hearing all of their plan he spoke threw raven "I will give you 1 day to surrender to martial soul hall , if you have not surrender by then , you can say rest in peace "

After that raven disappeared and tang san called both of his son , when thay came he told them "go to Star Lou empire and order every noble in empire to surrender , if thay do not you can kill them and do not kill any civilian , nor any body who surrenders"

After that both of them went to star lou empire and started their task , in royal palace after hearing news of 2 gods running threw , along with royal family everyone surrender reluctantly

After star lou empire was integrated into martial soul hall , tang san declared Spirit empire, with him as first emperor

100 years later

By now Tang san's 3rd son had taken throne and is ruling, tang san has send his 4th son to open tang sect in this world , with indirect support from tang san and hidden wepons tang san is on rise , tang san's third son scene he was born after tang san become god has inherated MJÖLNIR and after he reaches rank 99 he will be able to inherent Thor , tang san has already spent points to redeme god Position for his 3rd son , Qian renxue after eating 3rd and last fruit has become young and Angel god's position was incresed to god king , tang san has also found god position for both of his Daughters

Tang san is standing outside Elder hall where He , both of his wife and his eldest 4 child are about to acend to god relam , tang san pulls out gungnir and stomps it on ground , after that Light of Bifrost shines on them and thay are transported to god relam , although thay can fly to god relam like everyone else had , tang san has inherited Bifrost and it will be shame not to use it

Inside god Relam Light of Bifrost shins on unoccupied area in god relam and a Large Palace Apears their , this is the same Palace where tang san did his god Trial's , after he passed Inheritance he was given the palace ,

Inside god ream 5 god kings are discusses becose 3 new god kings are comming along with Asura's successor , as thay were Discussing a multicolour Light came threw and out of it 4 peope came threw at same time same light shined on palace that was just placed ans 3 people came , 4 people who went directly to god king's meeting are tang san , bibi dong , qian renxue, new Asura God . although tang san's cultivation is at 3rd class god no one other than old Asura god and Destruction god can defeat him so he has more then enough capitla to sit hear

Years went by and tang san has finally reached god king and his inner world is slowly turning into a universe, after he reaches peak of god emperor he can use his inner world to directly reach god of creation

Few thousand years latter tang san has reached peak of god emperor, becose he has no bottleneck untill he reach god emperor and all faith he gets from his inner world , for last 3 thousand years tang san is comprehending rules of creation from his inner world

In god relam tang san is sitting and suddenly tang san is getting rejected by universe and suddenly a tree branch came and universe became like tang san's subordinate and it stoped rejecting him , when tang san opned his eyes he was changed and he had a majestic aura that if one looked at would imedeatly be bewitched

Tang san herd a voice


Slowly tree branches and roots spread across countless universes and all universe slowly become atached to them and in void their was a tree which spread across countless universes on top of tree their was a mejastic divine relam , this is the relam tang san himself build with Asgard as blueprint , the relam was as large as universe and at center was majestic palace which was as large as a world , inside palace tang san sat on a large throne and bellow him were many chairs , everyone who sat on chairs were at weakest were god emperor