"Mama, pray for us," Anna and Richard asked their daughter.

Their four-year-old daughter clasped her hands together, closed her eyes, and said, "Bless this food and satisfy it. Grant provision to those in need in the name of Jesus. Amen."

Richard and Anna burst into laughter. "Satisfy or sanctify?" they asked together.

Jessica chuckled, "I can't pronounce that word. It's so haaaaaaard," rolling her eyes.

"You did so well, my little baby. Don't mind mummy," Richard said.

They began to eat the rice and stew that Anna had prepared, with Anna serving each family member.

"Mummy, the food is so spicy," Jessica complained after tasting the rice.

Anna rolled her eyes. "...even if there was no pepper, you would still complain. I'm used to your nagging."

Richard brought Jessica's plate closer and gently blew on it. "She will notice the spiciness more if it's hot."

He removed some of the stew and placed it on his plate. "Now that there's less stew and it's cooler, I'm sure it will taste better. Try it."

Jessica tasted the rice again and found it less spicy. "Thank you, Daddy," she said.

Richard leaned in and kissed her forehead. "You're welcome, my adorable."

Anna looked softly at her husband.

Everything he did reminded her of her late father.

He was so intentional about making her feel like a princess.

When he noticed her staring, she quickly buried her face back in her food.

After dinner, Anna gave Jessica a bath and put her to bed.

Jessica peacefully drifted off to sleep while watching "Barbie: The Island Princess." Knowing how much Jessica loved Barbie movies, Anna always made sure to get different ones for her.

After settling Jessica in bed, Anna returned to the bedroom she shared with Richard.

When she walked in, she found Richard busy removing cobwebs from the top of the wardrobe.

Anna hugged him from behind, feeling a deep love for the man she had prayed for five years ago.

Richard returned the hug, reciprocating how strong their connection was.

As their interaction grew more intimate, he kissed Anna on the lips, hinting at something more.

When she realized he was trying to lead her to the bed, Anna pulled away. "Why can't you men receive affection without thinking about sex? Huh?"

He chuckled. "I was just minding my own business, and you came to grab me yourself! Now I'm the bad guy."

"I just wanted to hold you, not take things further, Mr. Dirty Mind."

He licked his lips and said, "Don't you think Jessica should have a sibling soon? She's already four years old."

Anna gritted her teeth. "We both agreed that we would give Jessica a sibling when she turns six."

He rolled his eyes. "You agreed! Not me!"

"Richard, can you go one night without being so annoying?"

"You didn't even let me touch you yesterday! The Bible says you shouldn't deny your husband these things."

She rolled her eyes. "You touched me on Tuesday, for crying out loud!"

"You say Tuesday as if it was this week's Tuesday!"

She chuckled. "You're so cute and annoying."

Richard started chasing her playfully around the room, but their fun was interrupted by Anna's phone ringing.

She quickly answered, "Hello?"

Theresa's voice was full of panic. "Anna, it's happened again! The serial killer has struck again! This is the third victim! I'm at a loss; I don't know what to do!"

"What about the detectives you brought in for the case? Where are they?"

"Anna, please, just this once, help me. I'm begging you."Anna hesitated, remembering her past.

"Theresa, you know I can't get involved with anything related to criminals."

"Three people have died under our watch. Do we have to wait for a fourth? Please, don't abandon me; I'm begging you."

"What difference will it make? The detectives couldn't do anything."

Theresa was desperate. "I'll sign the Sparkles deal with Richard. I'll contribute to the project. Remember, my only child is dead. You promised you'd never leave me in distress. Please, don't abandon me; I'm begging you."

The call ended, leaving Anna confused and upset.

She looked at Richard, who had a disapproving expression on his face.

"What did you tell her?" he asked sternly.

"Er... I didn't tell her anything... I..."

"You didn't tell her anything? Really?" He shook his head in disbelief.


"Three years ago didn't matter to you?"

"It does matter! Of course, I'm Jessica's mother!"

"Then why does it seem like you're considering what she just said?"

"Three murders! Someone in Saint High is killing her students..."

"I have professional detectives that..."

" friend is already in distress! Her only child..."

"I don't care what you're trying to say! You're not going anywhere! You'll stay at home!"

"...please give me this chance to help my friend, Richard. I'm begging you."

He shook his head in disbelief.

"I gave up my spy job after what happened to Jessica."

"Anna, I'm worried about you. I'm really worried because I don't ever want to lose you." He touched her chin gently. "I don't know what I'd do without you."

"Do you remember what you always tell me whenever I feel hopeless?"

"Jeremiah 29:11, 'For I know the plans I have for you,' says the Lord, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.'"

"I love you, Richard. I really love you, and I promise that if it starts to look like it's a risk to my life and family, I'll back off."

He nodded thoughtfully.

She knew it.

He was still deeply scared of the idea.