End of Graduation

The names keep being called,

"Tiago Akello"

My childhood best friend moved after hearing his name and gave me a smile, officially going to get his diploma.

I saw him approaching, of the 3 members of the army, only the one who was a guide, Colonel Pedro, gave a smile, the general and lieutenant colonel did not respond to his arrival like the others, only the lieutenant colonel gave a slight look.

After receiving it, Tiago almost ran and showed me the fingerprint of his diploma.

"Look, Alex!!"

I touched his head and spoke.


"By the way…the general definitely has a bad aura…I bet it will be very difficult for a sub-orc to fall in love with him…. it is a shame…. the lieutenant at least doesn't seem so oppressive and the idol is definitely cool."

He whispered to me and I didn't particularly pay much attention.

"Alex Henzell"

When the director spoke this name, there seemed to be greater animation in the pronunciation and expression, not only that, those students who were nervous, distracted or talking also looked away in search of me.

Of course, this whole situation could not fail to attract the attention of the members of the invited army.

For me after smiling at my friend, I simply walked to the stage. During those years at school, many orcs tried in one way or another to flirt with me, although some, instead of moving away, seemed to have awakened a sense of hunting or something... Furthermore, after I hit some of the orcs, the sub-orcs they also started to like me more and see me as an idol, of course besides that is the fact that my grades are at the top and due to other things, everyone ends up looking at me with different looks, some envious looks, some of admiration, some of love….

But either way I don't care.

I moved slowly and walked onto the stage without rushing, I felt two strong gazes on me from behind, especially one…which seemed like the general was stronger than normal…Regardless

I approached the director.

Who looked at me with his usual fervent gaze.

"Alex!! It's good to see you! Here is your diploma"

He spoke and moved his smart bracelet above mine, and after charging it I saw a white image with the school symbol and my name, indicating the formation of the school beyond the planet.

And when I wanted to bow and leave, I still felt the director's gaze.

"Can I help you?..."

I asked hesitantly…despite knowing what he was going to say approximately.

"Are you really just going to go into logistics?... Mech or combat would be better!"

He stared blankly as if he wanted to convince me forcefully.

But I just looked at him with a smile and after a few minutes… The director sighed.

"Well…I'll talk to you more later"

"Please do not"

I spoke with a whisper and a smile on my face and before I left.

Colonel Pedro shook my hand.

"You look like a student with good potential, I hope to see you in the army in the future"

I was surprised, but not so much, the colonel congratulated almost all the students.

However…when I was about to leave I found the great General Leonardo in front of me which left me a little confused….


The attention from all over the place seemed to be even stronger and more curious…even if I get used to the attention it can still be annoying.

The General seemed to react a little and extended his hand, I was surprised, but instead of asking why, I just wanted to leave quickly.

So I shook his hand, but he took a while to let go and I had to face him again... he's lucky to be a general and have an appearance in line with my taste... otherwise I'd want to hit him a little...

"A pleasure, I'm Leonardo"

"Alex, general pleasure"

But he kept holding it and looked at me.

"You can call me Leonardo."

'Why?…we don't know each other that much…but it's better to leave.'

"Okay Leonardo"

He looked satisfied and happy and gave me a beautiful smile that made me pause for a moment…the appearance really is in line with my taste…of course I left straight away, in my pasts lifes I saw models, handsome men and even fantasy beings like elves and dragons… I'm not going to be held back by a face... and since he had let go of my hand I just left the place quickly.

Ignoring everyone's stares and a stronger look from behind.

And of course, when I sat down, Tiago looked at me with a gossipy look.

"Alex. Do you know the general?"

I looked at him.

"No i dont"

"Then why did he do that?"

I frowned, i didn't fully understand either. So I responded with one possibility.

"Maybe the director told him about me or something."

"Is it possible that the director visited his house so many times…"


I don't know if that's exactly what it is, but I got this answer and there's no point in thinking about it too much.


Leonardo PVO.

I was a little bored...this event really isn't funny...at the same time I tried to look for that cute sub-orc with a strong aura that I saw briefly before...

But due to the high number of students and because his chair seems to be more hidden, it was difficult to see… he could move the chair closer…

And at that moment I felt the director call a name with a different tone than before.

'Alex Henzell'

And when I heard the name I saw the young man I was looking for before he got up and came to the stage, while different eyes met him.

He wore an unusual outfit and moved with elegant movements, with long legs and a slender and handsome body, a perfect face beautiful blue hair and small fluffy ears….handsome and even a little cute….

"So your name is Alex…"

I whispered softly with a louder smile on my face.