Mech engineers room


I looked at my painting quite satisfied, it conveys the spirit and impression I aimed for.

And at that moment I heard the voice as my psychic power that had been so focused on the painting finally became aware of the presence of other individuals in the room.

And I turned my back and saw Leonardo, Colonel Pedro and Daniel and finally Tiago.

And the one who spoke and approached quickly was Tiago.

"Alex!! The painting was very good!! As always you are great at these things, I still remember when you painted that picture of my favorite drawing I had to insist a lot until you did jejeje" He said scratching his head in embarrassment.

I touched his head remembering this, I painted the picture using colored paints going for something like a pop art with drawing and very colorful, the character was a big strong and courageous earth bull…. a very peculiar hero compared to the others... I don't know if it was because he identified with the earth element which is similar to his metal...

And then I heard Colonel Pedro's voice and he approached and looked at the painting curiously.

"You really... are peculiar, Mr. Alex... using old techniques and materials to paint... besides it's lost, most people do this today in virtual reality technologies and simply put a machine to reproduce or leave it purely in the virtual.... besides the But even without knowing much about it, I can clearly say that it is of high quality." He looked at me, probably impressed and at the same time curious about such an unusual ability, but I didn't intend to explain.

"Thank you, I like hobbies" So I just said a simple answer with a beautiful and holy smile on my face, something not difficult to practice since I was literally a saint in my life.

And it simply left him impressed and without knowing what to answer.

And Leonardo was the one I came next to and he looked at the painting for a few seconds and then he looked at me in a much more focused and detailed way compared to the painting which made me feel a little itchy and that's why I had to speak.

"What was ge– Leonardo?" I changed the title given to the previous conversation.

Which made him smile.

"Nothing just remembering… someone with a lot of skills can attract attention… and remembering that squirrels like to keep things…" He spoke in a low whisper that I barely heard and I didn't really understand what he meant and for some reason I felt there was something irritating in the middle so I just ignored it.

And when he looked like he was going to say more, Colonel Pedro intervened and quickly approached.

"Well, actually Colonel Daniel and I came to officially greet you and now that the ship is stable in space you can move around as you please."

And the General, seeing him stop talking, was going to open his mouth, but Pedro interrupted again.

"Cough cough And now the General and I will resolve documents and something from the 4th army and I will let Colonel Daniel present it to you"

And at the end of his speech, an irritated voice came from the general and a surprise from Daniel.



The general's aura was also colder and in a bad mood even patches of frostbite on the ground could be seen, and I definitely stated that this looks like the general that no one approaches...of course it makes no difference to me given all the types of enemies that I've already faced it, but I bet it scares others easily, I was also in front of Tiago slightly, it shouldn't affect Tiago at that level, but when in doubt...

"Yes, no discussion"

And without leaving any opportunity for a response he pulled the general away and left Colonel Daniel...well if the general wanted to resist it would be easy, but I bet he wouldn't hurt his right arm easily besides...they are cousins...

And Colonel Daniel woke up.

"Cough Cough..well where do you guys want to go?"

I looked at Tiago.

"Hmmm the Mech engineer room?"

"Okay, let's go"

I placed the painting next to my bed before leaving.


Soon we arrived in the room, it was a big room and there were some mechas, they were surrounded by different orc and sub orc engineers.. and I saw Tiago's eyes light up slightly.. in fact Tiago has always loved this scientific field.. but he always He ended up giving up studying... but I plan on making him change course and helping him study... even though I have no knowledge of mecha, I have knowledge of weapons engineering, robotics and even energy, even though they have different scientific and theoretical foundations in I don't lose the level of advancement in my past life and it even has better aspects...especially robotics given my other life as a Hacker and programmer.

Tiago is not only intelligent, but his metal power helps a lot in this field.

The engineers saw Tiago's eyes shining, called him and started to present and talk, Tiago was embarrassed, but paid attention.

I also decided to join, I don't plan on changing course, but I'm curious and want to help Tiago.

But before I went, Colonel Daniel spoke.

"Alex, I'm going to get some snacks and I'll be right back!!"


And literally like lightning he ran away...I could even see small lightning bolts and a black looks like a leopard and a power of electricity could be seen even slightly...

" he hungry?..."

I didn't pay much attention and joined the semi-classes, taking place alongside the excited engineers of different ages and races...I should also protect Tiago from orcs out of doubt...although I don't think anything will happen to the people from the 4th army and with all laws and regulations that surround the federation today.