Going to the general's house for the first time.

Looking at the person approaching was already someone waiting, he smiled slightly.

"Well, the general himself came to get me and I should feel honored." I said pretending to bow in a joking tone.

When he saw this, he smiled and responded by replying to me.

"Not at all. I can come and pick you up whenever you want."

"Wo…a high-level driver?"

"Yes, I am whatever you want"

He replied with the natural smile still on his face.

Observing this and feeling that it didn't seem like such a joke as I walked in front of those gazes that seemed more affectionate than usual, I preferred to look away slightly and change the subject.

"Cough cough, let's go" I coughed a little and got into the car.

He didn't take off his smile and walked in directly next to me, I looked at him for a moment and the answer came from him.

"The car has autopilot out there, do you know Anturian?"

When he said that, I heard a voice coming from the computer.

"Hello master Alex. It's a pleasure to meet you, I'm the general's latest AI that accompanies him on space and personal travel."

The voice didn't seem so emotionless and even a little emotional.

I was curious and looked at Leo next door who gave me an explanation.

"This is a new AI model developed by one of the technology laboratories, it has the ability to connect with other technologies more easily and is even capable of imitating certain human and emotional behaviors. Of course, it is still programmed to stay safe and only comply with the owner's commands in addition to other security measures."

I nodded. Most AIs work through an electronic device or system and are only connected to an online network, so one with the ability to "travel" between systems and make decisions more autonomously and outside of its programming is something new in this world, and indicates a advancement in terms of programming and artificial intelligence.

I was curious and asked him.

"How did you get this kind of AI? If I may ask."

He didn't seem to mind and answered me.

"Someone there owed me a favor and I thought it was a good idea to acquire the New AI."

I agreed with him that unlike the Andromeda that I personally built using my knowledge of technology from the future world from one of my lives and from being a top hacker in a world with very powerful hackers, the technology of this AI seems very close.

"By the way, is this your house or your family's?" I asked curiously and he quickly responded.

"Mine, my father is in the laboratory researching, my mother is in the army and my brother and sister-in-law are working too, so the boy will stay with me but for one more day, the sister-in-law should pick him up tomorrow afternoon, they live nearby too both my parents and my brother." He spoke while giving me a slightly longer explanation.

"What I see"

And we continued talking about some other topics as the car drove to his house.

And we quickly arrived.

The house was a medium-sized two-story house with modern architecture given that it was the house of a single person and the powerful general, it was large enough and had a refined and well-built architecture.

It had white colors with a blue that seemed icy and the materials looked like materials that wanted to keep the temperature in the place cold, perhaps due to his skill.

"A beautiful house in general"

I praised him.

And I heard the answer.

"Thank you, whenever you want to come you can come"

I ignored his invitation.

And I walked forward, at the door he placed his smart bracelet and biometrics to unlock the door and with a green permission light the door was opened.

Inside the house a robot butler welcomed us.

"Welcome back master"

He was wearing a black suit, and had a somewhat elongated body, but he wasn't tall.

On the front there was a screen on which emojis appeared as a way to represent his reactions.

"Thank you for the welcome" The lion said, smiling and greeting the robot while calling me to come in. There was a staircase connecting the second floor on the right side, there was what looked like a room to rest and on the left there was a dining room and you could relax. see the kitchen next door.

The house didn't look very decorated and had cold, simple tones that were beautiful but weren't really my style and as I watched I heard Leonardo's voice.

"What do you think of the house Alex?"

"It's a beautiful house"

I smiled at him and replied.

"Did you like it? Is it your style?"

For the second question I hesitated for a moment and seeing this he spoke.

"You can speak honestly, I want to know your opinion."

Hearing his statement, I smiled and gave an answer.

"I really liked your style. But for me I like it when there is more vegetation, art and colorful aspects."

"O…I see…good to know"

He spoke and seemed to think while observing the environment and murmuring something that I couldn't hear because of the noise from upstairs.

"...looks like I'll have to make some changes...so my squirrel likes it here more...maybe I can ask him to help me decorate in the future...it's a good bonding time.."

Without hearing the absurdity of his speech I looked upstairs and saw the little tiger Rafael running up the stairs, purple rays were on his body that seemed to make him move at a higher speed and he jumped towards me.

"Brother Alex!!'

I smiled softly and affectionately and grabbed him easily and played with his hair with my hands.

"Did you miss me, little tiger?"


He said happily while rubbing his chest against mine and at that moment I heard another voice.

What looked like an orc wearing formal clothes that by the style was probably a nanny.

She was a little short and had slightly curly brown hair and green eyes that looked innocent and careful…reminding me of a little deer.

"Young master!! Don't run, it's dangerous."

She who was running up the stairs stopped when she saw me and Leonardo.

Especially when she saw Leonardo, she seemed to see a little fear in her eyes.

Which was soon gone and she bowed.

It seems that the fact that the general has a bad reputation in general...is true...good at least on a personal level since as a soldier his reputation is good...making him quite paradoxical in that sense.

"Welcome Master Leonardo and…master's guest."

She respectfully greeted Leonardo and me.

And I heard Leonardo's voice from behind.

"This is Ana. The nanny who normally takes care of Rafael. She is a deer-type orc."

I nodded and as I thought her impression was indeed true...

And after that I introduced myself.

"It's a pleasure miss, I'm Alex."

"A…a pleasure master Alex."

I smiled at her a little shyly and Leo then took my hand and led me towards the dining room and kitchen.

"In the house there are several natural ingredients, we don't have anyone focused on cooking here since I generally live alone so just a robot that is responsible for cooking some dishes I will ask him to do it now while we can sit and talk at the table with this boy too ."

Listening to him, I thought it was normal that most people use robots to cook in this world. And only those who like cooking as a hobby, as a way to de-stress or as a profession will learn to cook, some even use nutrients as a meal replacement as it is "more practical and faster".

The robot's abilities are not that bad, for daily food. Of course for me, I've been a Michelin star chef and cooked in so many lives... there's still a lack of a human, creative and affectionate touch in food that robots can't imitate.

With that in mind, I decided to speak out.

"About dinner…"