Looking for transport.

"It costs XXXXX, the first payment is made at the entrance and the last upon exit."

Hearing the price was a bit surprising, but not too much, since I had asked Andromeda to investigate, and as it is the first mission, the academy will cover costs like this.

Therefore, despite the surprise, Arno went to pay without any hesitation.

The old man also seemed satisfied and spoke to the robot beside him.

"C3DO, activate the gravitational equipment on the ship."

"As you wish, sir."

I looked curiously at the robot; it had a slightly green hue and a design different from the robots I had seen in the capital. It appeared a bit simpler, but it seemed to have slightly better intelligence.

Beside it, there were other robots that helped control the gravitational equipment, varying in sizes and shapes.

The old man continued speaking.