Chocolate biscuit and tea.

While reading the documents, the great emperor's eyes initially flickered with surprise and shock, then with happiness and ecstasy, but soon he calmed down, adopting a look of calm and seriousness befitting a ruler of an entire space civilization.

Once he finished reviewing, his gaze returned to the robot or more specifically to the genetic sample within the vial.

After more than 5 minutes of staring at it, he began giving commands.

"Take this to the confidential laboratory. I want the highest-end genetic technology to be used. Not only compare this DNA with that of my brother and former brother-in-law but also reproduce his mental power from the sample and verify it with the former unique mental power vibration of the Royal family. Verify it the maximum number of times with precision and certainty."

After he said this, he continued.

"Use code R-000001, maximum coding and confidentiality... I don't know if there's still someone planning something."