The cuisine of the 4 elements.

"Today's activity is a culinary challenge!!!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the entire setup was revealed, making everything clear to everyone. Multiple stations had been arranged, each equipped with stoves, refrigerators, utensils, professional kitchen knives, and other tools used in a high-level kitchen.

"Today's activity will be divided into two stages. The first is called 'Cooking with the Four Elements.' After that, the participants will be evaluated by renowned chefs hired by us, as well as by the audience, in a 60-to-40 ratio. After this evaluation, the second event will begin, and by the end of the day, four people will be eliminated."

When the host reached the final part of his speech, his eyes, somehow, took on a deep, menacing red color—probably due to some technological effect or chemical substance.

"But first, let's start dividing the teams."