Welcome To My Enemies | Chapter 15

Soon after I leave, Jade and Winter are in the house sleeping when they hear the doorbell go off at 5 in the morning. Jade wakes up and looks over at Winter and grabs the gun and goes downstairs breathing heavily. He opens the door to find a girl wearing a hat with short hair. She looks up at him and grins " Can I help you? " She looks him up and down then back into his eyes. " I just need somewhere to stay for the night with it raining and all " Jade looks at her " Well it is raining pretty badly out there " He sighs knowing this won't end well. Jade moves out of the doorway and lets her in. She looks at him with a weird face in her head " I'm a stranger to him and he is willing to help me?.. Odd " Jade closes the door and turns around to find her on the couch sleeping. Jade yawns and looks over at the girl on his couch knowing that it wouldn't be a good idea to leave her down here alone since he doesn't know her. He goes back upstairs to check on Winter to make sure she is okay. The girl wakes up and looks around " Well this must be the house he was talking about but then that guy doesn't look like the one he described. " She gets up and walks around the house looking at pictures seeing Aaron and Winter plus their family. " Hm, that looks like him but without the horns and stuff. " Jade comes back downstairs to find the girl looking at the pictures. He walks over to her and points to Aaron as a kid " That's Aaron my girlfriend's brother " The girl looks up at Jade " Your girlfriend? " Jade looks down at her " Yeah? " She sighs and goes back to looking at the pictures and finds one of Rose and Aaron. " Who's the girl? " She asks as she points to the picture. Jade looks up at the wall " Oh that's Rose " " Rose? " " Yeah she was a big part of our lives ". She looks down " Did she die? " Jade chuckles " No, She just went back to where she came from unwilling " The girl looks up at Jade " Well my name is Oliva by the way " He looks around the house knowing he hears something " I'm Jade " Oliva looks around " What do you hear? " He stays quite as he looks at the door and grabs Oliva and hides behind the couch. The door handle jiggles as it opens " Jade? " Aaron says as he walks through the house. Jade looks at Oliva " Stay here " He goes gets up and walks over to Aaron at the table " Any luck finding Hunter? " Aaron looks at Jade " No not one bit of luck " He looks around " Maybe you should get some rest Aaron " Aaron looks at him and nods as he flies upstairs. Jade walks back over to Oliva and gets her to her feet " So that's Aaron? " Jade nods " Yeah that's Aaron " Oliva looks at Jade and giggles. He looks down at her " What? " he asks in a friendly voice. She just shrugs and walks to the back slide open door and opens it and walks out onto the dock. Jade follows " Jade it's not safe with you around me " She turns around and looks at him. He tilts his head and looks at her " What do you mean not safe? " Before he can finish his sentence, Hunter shows up and puts his arm around Oliva. Jade growls " Well look who it is, " Hunter says as he kisses Oliva's forehead. " What are you doing here? " Jade asks as he takes a step back. Hunter laughs " Now tell me where's Aaron? " Jade looks at Oliva and squints his eyes at her as he goes back to looking at Hunter " He's not here, He's out looking for you " He laughs " Mhm sure " He looks at Oliva " Now tell me, baby is he here? " Oliva looks at Jade then back at Hunters cold red eyes "N...No he's not here " Hunter kisses her forehead " Well I'm going looking for the bastard " Oliva looks at Jade as Hunter runs away really fast. " Why did you do that Oliva " She sighs " I don't want you getting hurt " Jade looks at her confused " You just met me though " Oliva hugs Jade " That may be true but your nice " Jade smiles and hugs her back. They both feel the dock move Jade turns around to find Aaron. He charges at Oliva but Jade grabs him and pushes him back " What the hell are you doing with her?! " Jade holds him back as Aaron turns into his demon form. Oliva's eyes widened " Let me go Jade now! "