Rose Solace

Gender: Girl


Birthday: January 17th 


School: Wade High School 


Powers: Turns into a Black Wolf with Ice Blue Eyes/Vaewolfves

Knows About Powers: Yes

Fights With & Who: 1|Tyler

Eye Color: Light Purple

Hair Color: Purple

Relationship: Dating Aaron Lycan in and out through the book

Life: Alive

Born Location: Unknown 

What Powers Can Do: Working On

Powers & Other info below:


Healing Factor - A healing factor is a term used to describe the ability to recover from bodily injuries or disease at a superhuman rate.

Immortality - Users possess immortality: an endless lifespan, as they can never die, never age, never get sick, are completely self-sustaining, free from all bodily necessities, and can shrug off virtually any kind of physical damage. Users are often called "Immortals".

Night Vision - Able to see in the dark

Shapeshifting - In mythology, folklore, and speculative fiction, shapeshifting is the ability to physically transform oneself through an inherently superhuman ability, divine intervention, demonic manipulation, sorcery, spells, or inherited ability.

Superhuman Agility - Ability to react faster than a normal human and to possess greater flexibility and with higher/farther jumping capacity.

Superhuman Endurance - Sometimes called "enhanced endurance", Superhuman Endurance is a term used to describe the ability of some characters to never get tired. Their bodies metabolize at a rate that far exceeds normal humans allowing them to continue in their task for an incredible amount of time. See also: Super-Breath.

Superhuman Senses - Ability to see, smell, taste, feel or hear more than a normal human.

Superhuman Speed - Also called Super Speed - is the ability to move seamlessly at velocities faster than the human eye can follow as well as process sensory information so fast that one can perceive the world through a slowed perspective while moving unhindered through the world.

Superhuman Strength - Superhuman strength is a superpower commonly invoked in fiction and other literary works such as mythology. A fictionalized representation of the phenomenon of hysterical strength, it is the power to exert force and lift weights beyond what is physically possible for an ordinary human being.

Wall Clawing - The power to fasten onto and climb vertical and horizontal surfaces without falling.