Hunter Ledger {Asmodeus}

Gender: Boy


Birthday: Unknown

Family: A son in chapter 30, A brother in chapter 34

School: None

Grade: None

Powers: Can kill with one Bite, Claw, Or one cut from his blade

Knows about powers: Yes

Fights & With Who: Zack, Seth, Tyler, and 152 others

Eye color: Red

Hair color: Black/Brown

Relationship: Dating Olivia Huxley

Life: Alive

Born Location: Hell

What Powers Can Do: Kill someone by looking at them in a certain way or biting or clawing them. Also cutting them once with his blade. More Below

Powers & Other info below:


Asmodeus was a Prince of Hell and a retired demonic general. He was formerly acting as the temporary King of Hell until Lucifer's return. Once he discovered Lucifer was weakened, he decided to permanently take the throne and imprison his father along with Castiel to help prepare for the impending invasion of the Apocalypse World version of the archangel Michael. It was revealed that following the Apocalypse, Asmodeus captured Gabriel and used his grace to gain a great deal of power. During an attack on the Men of Letters bunker to recapture the escaped Gabriel, Asmodeus was killed by the enraged archangel, leaving the Princes of Hell extinct.

As one of the Princes of Hell, Asmodeus is one of the most powerful demons to ever live. He displays many powerful abilities, some of which are generally not seen in demons. Asmodeus' power is so great that he is able to harm angels up to the Seraphim class with ease. According to Lucifer, however, Asmodeus was his "weakest creation", which places him below Lilith and the other Princes of Hell in strength, but Asmodeus managed to acquire some powers from somewhere other than from Lucifer himself. In The Thing, it is revealed that Asmodeus has been injecting himself regularly with grace from the archangel Gabriel. In Bring 'em Back Alive, it is confirmed that this is the source of his new powers. According to Gabriel's story, "Asmodeus, once the weakest of Hell's Princes, grew strong by feeding on my grace." Taking this into consideration, it is likely that Asmodeus is now the strongest prince and one of the top demons to ever live.


Demonic Possession - As a demon, Asmodeus requires a vessel to walk the Earth.

Telekinesis - With a hand gesture, Asmodeus was able to pull Drexel to him. He was also able to throw Castiel and a weakened Lucifer with a flick of his hand.

Biokinesis - With a wave of his hand, Asmodeus caused several demons to clutch their throats in pain with the audible sound of bones breaking. He also strangled the Winchesters and Donatello Redfield. In another instance, Asmodeus caused Sam and Castiel a great deal of pain by gesturing at them before he was interrupted by Gabriel.

Invulnerability - As a Prince of Hell, Asmodeus cannot be harmed by most common demonic weaknesses. When Dean shot him, he was completely unharmed, displaying no wounds from the shot.

Immortality - As a Prince of Hell, Asmodeus is many millennia old and has stated that he has served Lucifer for "eons". He will never die or age unless killed.

Immunity - Asmodeus has shown to be immune to the Bunker's warding, claiming that it "wasn't designed for the likes of him." Whether this is due to his status as a Prince of Hell or because he is a demon infused with Archangel Grace is never elaborated.

Shapeshifting - Asmodeus can take on the form of others. He is able to change form seamlessly with a brief distortion of his form happening when he makes the change like the Alpha Shapeshifter. According to Lucifer, he did not receive this power from him and got it from somewhere else. This was confirmed to be the case as Asmodeus regularly stole the grace of Gabriel to help boost his powers.

Teleportation - Asmodeus was able to teleport away when threatened by Jack. He later teleported from across the room to behind Arthur Ketch in the blink of an eye.

Electromagnetic Interference - Asmodeus' presence caused the lights in the room to flicker.

Photokinesis - When Asmodeus arrived at Needham Asylum, his presence emitted a strong white light in the doorway behind him.

Smiting - With just a clench of his hand, Asmodeus was able to smite five demons at once in a similar manner to angels and Sam when drinking demon blood. Presumably, Asmodeus got this power from Gabriel's grace.

Molecular Combustion - With a wave of his hand, Asmodeus caused a man to explode into dust.

Voice Mimicry - Asmodeus was able to mimic Castiel's voice to trick the Winchesters on a phone call.

Clairsentience - Asmodeus was able to sense Lucifer's return. He also believed he could detect Jack's presence, however, since Jack was cloaked, he could not. Asmodeus attempted to use this power to locate Gabriel with whom he shared a "connection," but was unable to at first. Asmodeus eventually sensed that Gabriel was within the Men of Letters bunker.

Mind Control - By touching two fingers to Donatello Redfield's head, Asmodeus was able to implant a command in his mind without Donatello ever remembering their encounter.

Super Strength - As a Prince of Hell, Asmodeus possesses a level of strength beyond even the vast majority of demons. With just a few punches, Asmodeus beat Arthur Ketch badly. He was easily able to lift Arthur above his head and slam him down with such force that Arthur's impact shattered a table.

Torture - He tortured Gabriel so badly that the archangel went insane.

Energy Blasts - When fighting Gabriel, he was able to throw a blast of blue energy at him.