Jax Solace

Gender: Boy

Age: 22

Birthday: February 11

Family: Rose Solace

School: Has Graduated From Demon Side High School

Grade: None


Knowledge of powers: 

Fights: Zack, Gavin, Seth, and 11 others

Preferred weapon: Spear 

Eye Color: Green

Hair Color: Brown


Life: Alive

Birthplace: Unknown

Powers & Other info below:


Super Speed: A Non-Original Hybrid's intensified quickness, agility, reflexes, and endurance makes them faster than any werewolves, non-original vampires, and humans. Hybrids can use this ability in human or werewolf form. As with strength, Hybrids get faster with time. The full moon will increase their speed and being in Wolf-form will make them even faster. Even having just turned, a Hybrid's speed surpasses that of both a Vampire and a Werewolf, with their movements being the fastest of any immortal species.

Super Agility: Non-Original Hybrids possess a higher level of superhuman agility than both Werewolves and Vampires alike. They can move, jump, climb, and run incredibly fast without difficulty or exhaustion.

Super Endurance: Hybrids can sustain many punches, blows, and other wounds by other superhumanly strong beings, while still being able to fight back.

Super Senses: Non-original Hybrids have incredibly keen senses of hearing, sight, touch, and smell that exceed those of non-original vampires, werewolves, and humans. Since they're a supernatural crossbreed between Werewolves and Vampires, hybrids have the combined senses of both species thus making their ability extremely effective.

Super Durability: Non-original Hybrids can bear a lot of trauma. They also hardly ever get tired or fatigued. Hybrids can take far more trauma than any non-original vampires, werewolves, and humans, without much discomfort or injury. Stakes and arrows do not seem to kill a non-original Hybrid when they are struck in the heart, they merely become unconscious, they are able to resist the bullets created by The Brotherhood better than non-original vampires as Stefan said to Tyler if he was a normal vampire he would be dead.

Immortality: Like non-original vampires, and original vampires, a non-original hybrid stops aging the moment they transition. They become immune to all conventional diseases, toxins, poisons, viruses, illnesses, infections, and injuries. As they are technically still werewolves albeit ones that are turned into vampires, they are likely immune to werewolf venom.

Shapeshifting - In mythology, folklore, and speculative fiction, shapeshifting is the ability to physically transform oneself through an inherently superhuman ability, divine intervention, demonic manipulation, sorcery, spells, or inherited ability.

Electrokinesis - An oni was able to purposefully disable electronics, including the computer system on three skydivers' parachutes to cause the failsafe to the reserve parachutes to fail. The oni was also able to change a stoplight from red to green while ensuring that the opposing light also remained green and ensuring no airbags deployed in the cars involved in the accident he caused.

Reality Warping - As an oni's power grows from absorbing the chaos it creates, its influence will spread through a town and cause the same kinds of accidents it could cause up close but without it needing to be present for them. However, this effect only worked for the smaller scale stuff and the bigger stuff, such as a stadium collapse, required the oni's personal attention and effort. These effects end if the oni leaves or is killed.

Lycanthrope Enhancement: All non-original Hybrids are capable of showing their wolf-eyes and fangs while displaying their abilities, using their werewolf features to further supplement their powers and abilities. Hybrids can grow claws from their nails and werewolf fangs from their teeth even when they are still in their human forms. A non-original hybrid's claws are sharp enough to penetrate another non-original hybrid's very durable skin. Also, non-original hybrids can display both sets of vampire and werewolf fangs. Their eyes also change into those of their werewolf form, presumably granting them better eyesight. Due to their werewolf heritage, a non-original hybrid's strength and speed are heightened further during a full moon and at its peak in their werewolf form.

Lie Detection: Due to their werewolf heritage, a Hybrid is able to sense if someone is lying or not.