Disruption Of Desire | Chapter 38

Later in the day, Aaron and Winter started to collect their things from Kai's shed. You could tell Aaron wasn't happy or sad just numb to everything going on around him. He still couldn't believe everything that happened with Rose and Zach. He knew that this really was the end for all of them. They would not be a family ever again. Aaron turned and looked over at Winter and he thought about everything they had been throughout and knew this was too much for her. "Are you okay?" he asked her. She turned around and looked at him "This all is a lot to deal with in a short amount of time but I'll be fine." she sighed before looking throughout the window. "It's crazy isn't it?" He turned and looked at her "What?" she giggled a little bit "How everything with Jade happened and then with Hunter just all of it." He sighed "Why did you laugh about it? It was something big that happened and you just acted like it was nothing..." She turned and looked at him "I have to look at it that way Aaron, if I don't then this will haunt me. It was traumatic don't get me wrong but life happens stuff happens and you just have to move on with your life." Aaron got a little upset "How could you say that!? You died and so much more and you act like it wasn't a big deal at all." He yelled she looked at her hands and back at him "Aaron, yes it did traumatize me but I learned to accept it. Because if I keep on just ignoring it, it's going to haunt me for the rest of my life." She sighed and looked back at the window. He looked at her and sighed as well "Well, I guess you have a point. I am sorry I yelled at you, you didn't deserve it..." She looked at him and then smiled "It's alright, I just had to explain it in a way you'd understand was all." He smiled at her and then hugged her. They both picked up their bags and teleported to Jade and Renesmae. Winter smiled as Aaron opened the door, she took a deep breath in and went upstairs to set her stuff down in her room. As she went to turn and walk out of her room. Jade came out of the guest bedroom, his face went white. "Winter? Is it actually you?" She looked at him and had the look of just heartbreak. "Yeah, it's me. Everything got fixed and now almost everything is back to normal." As soon as she said that Renesmae walked out of the room and stood behind him. Jade looked at her and then back at Winter. "Yeah almost everything, glad you're back though." Winter nodded and walked down the hall to Aaron's room. She closed the door and went and sat on his bed. "You didn't tell me Jade was with Renesmae now..." Tears started to form in her eyes. Aaron turned around and looked at her and went and sat beside her. "Sis, you got to think you were a child for almost 7 years. He wanted to wait for you but he didn't think we would ever be able to bring you back. He thought the best thing for him to do was to move on. But trust me, he didn't want to do it. He did want to wait just in case it was a possibility." He put his hand on her face to wipe her tears. She looked at him "Aaron we just... We were together for so long. It's really hard to believe that he would just move on like that. Yeah I was gone for a long time but if you truly love someone you would wait for an eternity to be with them. He didn't truly love me, in the beginning before I was turned into a child. He was messing with Oliva and you know it. He didn't really love me, it's just something I haven't gotten over." He nods "I understand that, it honestly was the same thing with Rose. Except she's living in our other house with Zach. There is nothing I could have done to keep her with me. She knew I couldn't give her a baby of her own. So she decided to be with someone that could." She looked at him "I am so sorry Aaron I honestly am..." He smiled "It's alright Sis, stuff happens and you move on with your life right?" She giggled "That's right." They both hugged each other and Winter went back to her room to get some rest. Aaron looked around his room and then went downstairs outside to the doc. He sat down holding the key in his hand that he found under his parent's "grave". "Why did both of y'all leave us? Do y'all even know everything that has been going on? Probably not, who am I kidding..." His voice trailed off as he felt the doc move. He turned around and it was Jade. He rolled his eyes before turning back around. "Hey Aaron?" "What is it now Jade?" Jade took a step forward and looked down at Aaron holding the key. "I just wanted to congratulate you on being able to bring Winter back, is all." Aaron stood up and got in his face. "None of this would have ever happened if you could have just stayed by her like you promised you would." Jade looked at him in shock "You didn't exactly be a big brother either. You left her for like 2 years without any contact or anything!" Aaron yelled "It was because I killed someone! I found out I was a demon. So much happened that you couldn't even bear to understand!" Jade took a step back "Yeah, I guess you're right." Aaron growled "Of course I'm right! You think you know everything when you don't. You don't even have a clue, I left to make sure I stayed alive! I didn't want Winter or anyone to be locked up because they wouldn't know where I was! I did it all to protect her and keep the rest of you safe! Not only did Rose break me back then but she has done it again... and I'm here just trying to fix the broken pieces of my life." Jade looked around and then looked back at him "I... I know it's been a lot but I didn't mean to hurt any of you... I know me being here just makes shit worse with Winter and then I pissed Rose off and that's what made her leave and go back to the old house... I am sorry Aaron truly..." Aaron looked at him in the eyes "It has been, but shit happens and you move on with your life..." Jade giggled a little bit "Sounds like something Winter would say." Aaron laughs "She's the reason I say it." Jade nodded "Well I'm going to go back inside alright?" Aaron nodded "Alright." He left and went back into the house. Aaron looked back at the key and knew he had to go to the house. He went inside to talk to Winter. He knocked on the door "Hey sis?" "Yeah?" he opened the door and she was sitting on her bed drawing. "I am going to go... to a house, um want to come with me?" She looked up and him and smiled "Sure." She put her drawing book up and they telaported to the house in the outlands. Aaron slowled walked up on the front porch before unlocking the door. He looked back at Winter and then opened the door. Inside it was dark with cobwebs everywhere. It looked like no one had been there in years. Aaron held her hand as they walked around the house. Next place was to look upstairs. As they started walking upstairs they felt a cold brezze. One of the windows was open. When Aaron turned around the stairs to look down the hallway a dark figure ran into one of the rooms. The door slammed and locked, Aaron and Winter both ran to the door and tried to unlock the door. A woman called out to them "Who's there?!" Aaron looked at Winter "I'm Aaron and I've got my sister Winter with me." The door opened slowly and there stood a woman she had dark brown hair and her eyes glowed yellow. "Aaron Lycan?" He nodded "And this is Winter Lycan." The woman hugged both of them. "Kids it's me Miley Lycan." Aaron started to cry. "Mom?" She nodded "I've missed you both so much me and your dad." Aaron's face went white "Dad?" She nodded, "Honey we both have been alive for years, we had to disappear for y'all to stay safe." He looks at her up and down "We have needed both of you for so long now!" his voiced raised as he got mad "Son you have to understand why we did this. It wasn't something we wanted to do either. But we've known about everything that has been happening. I have precognition, it is a psychic phenomenon that involves becoming aware of future events. I knew everything that was going to happen. But if me and your father would have stayed it would have threw the timeline off. So after the wreck we disappeared, we placed a different couple in the car that looked like us. They were more than willing to give up their lives for a greater cost. I am sorry it took us years to be able to even contact both of you. But now that everything that has happened has we can all be alright to see each other again." Winter looked at her mother as tears formed in her eyes "I have missed you so much." she said as she hugged her. Miley smiled and hugged her tightly "I am glad to have you back, my little snowflake." Aaron looked at them and a tear fell from his cheek. "I just wish y'all would have come back sooner. We both needed you when we were lost..." She looked at him and put her hand on his cheek "Son, you may have needed us but you pushed through it. Didn't you? I mean look at both of you. Yes you both went through hell and back but look at you now." He lightly smiled as they heard the front door open. Miley looked at him "It's your dad don't worry, he usually comes home around this time." Aaron looked at the stairs as a man with dark black hair, tall, a set of horns with glowing red eyes stepped into view. Aaron stood there not knowing what to think. His dad and mother both were back in his life. So was his sister, she was back to normal. It was time for them to start a life together as a family once again.