Episode 10.5

Back then, when he first attempted it, Musator helped us, but he also said that he was powerless in such a situation. Furthermore, neither Mak nor Marto is in the room. The bracelet is on my mind. Gasard showed me which of the stones I need to activate to call for help. Only... How did he do it back then? Damn, I just forgot. But maybe Mak will notice it too.

I can hardly hold back the tears rising in me, as well as the trembling.

Damn! Damn! How do I get out of here? I'm not only afraid for myself, but also for Nora. This guy hardly seems like he won't carry out his threat. And that's especially what I want to prevent.

She has nothing to do with it.

Even though I'm scared of what will happen, I know denying it is futile. Why should two suffer for it?

Besides, no matter how much time I buy, they'll find out anyway.

I take a deep breath once, then I take another step towards him. The gazes of both of us are tense. They seem to want to know what happens now.

Slowly, I pull up my sleeve and reveal my bracelet to this creep. Immediately, a satisfied smile spreads across his face.

But I'm not done yet.

I certainly won't give this idiot the pleasure of showing everyone the bracelet.

Once again, I gather all my courage and then raise my arm high.

"Nora is just a prisoner like you, I'm the only one wearing this damn thing!" I shout loudly.

The prisoner standing with Nora doesn't believe me and prefers to confirm it himself. After seeing the golden bracelet with his own eyes, he pushes the girl away from him.

The other prisoners take a few steps back, forming a circle around us. Some have regret in their eyes, while others seem to only want to see what happens next, and still others seem very amused by the situation. But no one comes to my aid.

Not even Musator.

His gaze speaks only of regret for me. But I understand why he doesn't intervene. Those who stand there grinning and watch everything amused outnumber us.

Even I don't trust him to have enough power to keep them all away from me without losing everything he's built up.

Musator walks slowly towards Nora, briefly stopping beside me.

"I'm sorry for you, girl," he says in a clearly sympathetic tone. "If only you had hidden the bracelet better..."

My direct gaze makes him silent. "Do you really think I'm so stupid not to pay attention?" I demand to know from him. After a short time, I say in a quieter tone, "I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time."

Now his gaze looks puzzled.

A hand gently strokes my cheek while my heart refuses to calm down. I'm terribly afraid, but I don't want to give this creep the satisfaction of intimidating me.

"So, little spy, what's the best thing to do with you now?" A gleeful grin spreads across his face.

"I'm not a spy, just a special guest." Before he can say anything, I continue. "My father was once known as a rebel. The bracelet is solely there to monitor me."

Disbelieving looks are directed at me. I didn't even think they would believe me anyway.

My head drops, I shake it. "Over 200 years ago," I sigh, in such a soft tone that hardly anyone understands. "I can't even believe it myself."

Musator looks at me confused. He seems to be the only one who believes me.

"Malgard?" he utters his assumption, even though it comes quietly and unbelievingly from his throat.

My gaze shifts to him. "I was told that was my father's name," I say softly, nodding.

But instead of defending me, there is now a relieved smile on his lips. Something that just makes me look at him in surprise.

"And I thought I had to worry about you," he exclaims before moving on to Nora. I watch him puzzled for a moment, then my wrist is roughly grabbed.

The prisoner in front of me pulls me towards him.

"If you behave, what we demand, we'll be nice to you too." His gaze amusedly wanders along my body. "First of all, we'll start with you offering up your pretty ass."

Three of his comrades step out of the crowd, including the two who had knocked Moriphos down.

But they can forget me surrendering without a fight.

"Never!" I confront the guy and try to break free. I can't, he's holding me too tightly for that.

"Oh yes, my sweet!" A broad grin spreads across his face. "What can you do against it anyway?" He tries to pull me along, something I fight against. I try to free myself, I hit his hand, but still, I can't manage it. He's much too strong for me and seems hardly impressed by my attempts to free myself.

"Leave her alone!" someone shouts across the room. Nora.

Musator instructs her to be quiet. I hope he can calm her down. I don't want my attempt to protect her to be in vain. Unfortunately, he fails. She curses at the guys and would like to protect me from them.

"Damn it, Nora, shut up!" I shout quietly, praying that these idiots ignore her words.

But unfortunately, that's not the case.

The guy with me looks at the blonde. "Looks like someone else wants to have some fun," he grins.

Another glance goes to the guards. Still no sign of Marto or Mak, and the other guards seem as uninterested as before.

I was told that they wouldn't intervene if the prisoners killed each other.

I look back at the creep holding me. His gaze is interested in Nora, licking his lips as he does. The other three continue to look amused at me.

An idea comes to me on how I might free myself, even though I'm afraid of the consequences. But can it really get any worse?

I bite the guy on the arm, immediately he screams in pain. I keep biting, even until I taste his blood in my mouth. Still, he doesn't let go of me.

"Damn bitch!" he growls at me. With his free hand, he tries to hit me, but I won't let it happen.

Before that, I raise my leg with all my might.

The man still holding me immediately falls to the ground, where he remains, writhing in pain. Unfortunately, he pulls me down with him since he still holds me firmly.

Nevertheless, it was a small success.

Not only did I manage to incapacitate this guy for the time being, his three comrades just look at me confused. Apparently, it was the last thing they expected from a small, helpless girl.

But now I finally find the opportunity to free myself. Before the other three can do anything, I jump up and try to escape.

But where to?

My gaze wanders over the circle of prisoners, where no one offers me an escape route. Suddenly, a hand grabs my left wrist and whirls me around. The hand of another man grabs my right wrist.

It's the two who knocked Moriphos down.

These two strong brothers.

But I won't surrender to them either. I swing my leg and deliver a strong kick to the right one's shin.

He screams in pain, lets go of me, and rubs his aching leg.

The other one pulls me towards him, clinging tightly, leaving me no chance to kick him back. He even holds one of my arms firmly, while the other one is free. Immediately, I slap him hard across the face.

Meanwhile, his brother has recovered from my kick. Along with the fourth man, they approach us and pull me away from their comrade.

My gaze is venomous and warning towards the man in front of me.

"You little beast, you want a lesson, huh?" He laughs while the two men lift me so high that I can only touch the ground with my toes.

"Let's trim her claws first," one of the others says, laughing.

"Keep your hands off her!" Nora shouts into the room. She tries to come to me and intervene, but Musator holds the young girl back.

"Nora, leave it, or do you want these idiots to do the same to you?" His gaze is warning.

"Then please do something," she begs him. Tears stream down her cheeks. "You're in charge here, aren't you?"

Musator shakes his head. "Not even I can help her now." He pulls Nora close. She tries to say something, but he interrupts her. "Mak is always nearby. I'm sure he'll come to her rescue."

It seems to calm Nora, but not me. I don't understand how Musator can be so confident. My gaze returns to the guy. At that moment, all I see is his hand swooping down towards me.


How much I wish Musator is right. That Mak really comes to rescue me.

I can imagine what those guys want to do to me, and I really don't like the thought.

If Mak were to save me, I would truly do almost anything in gratitude.