Chapter 7: Prototype 1

Commander Henri angrily grabbed Arthur's shirt and forcefully pushed him against a wall nearby. The impact of the shove reverberated through the pilot station, causing the pilots in their pods to cast uneasy glances before returning to their tasks. It is common knowledge among those under the commander's authority to avoid provoking his anger.

"What do you mean Prototype 1 was stolen?! Didn't I provide you with the necessary money and exosuits to protect it?" He shouted in frustration. Arthur could only avert his gaze, feeling embarrassed to confront his father, trembling like a frightened child. "Yes father, but while we were transferring Prototype 1 to another research facility, Japanese terrorists hijacked the truck. I'm not sure how they identified the truck carrying the Prototype, as it was disguised as a regular semi-truck!" Arthur quickly explained, trying to justify his actions.

However, this only succeeded in infuriating the commander further. "You allowed Japanese terrorists to obtain the prototype?!" He continued to shout before slapping Arthur across the face, causing a red and swollen mark. Arthur had no option but to accept the blow, as the one reprimanding him was not just his father but also his superior, holding a higher rank than he does. "Can you comprehend the potential public outcry if news spreads that the Japanese have possession of a classified weapon? Do you understand the consequences if the higher authorities find out?!" He expressed his frustration by repeatedly hitting his son, causing Arthur's face to become extremely swollen.

Prototype 1 was a groundbreaking nanomachine that represents a major advancement in the field of nanotechnology i the Frecitannian Empire. It is the first of it's kind to be a highly intelligent, self-working, and independent nano killing machine.

Typically, nanomachines must be combined with an exosuit in order to maximize their capabilities but this nanomachine is designed to be able to function on its own, without the need for external control or direction. It is equipped with advanced sensors and processors that allow it to analyze its environment and make decisions based on its programming.

Prototype 1 is capable of identifying and targeting specific cells or organisms for destruction. It can move through the body with precision, seeking out and neutralizing threats with incredible efficiency without fail. Its small size allows it to navigate even the tiniest of spaces.

The intelligence of Prototype 1 sets it apart from other nanomachines. It is able to learn and adapt to new situations, constantly improving its efficiency and effectiveness. This makes it a versatile tool that can be used in a wide range of applications, from technological advancements to military operations. The Prototype is classified as a war weapon.

It is possible that the nanomachine could potentially impact items at a molecular level, despite not being thoroughly tested yet. The Emperor of the Frecitiannian Empire had assigned his trusted ally Henri William to continue conducting experiments on it and monitor its progress. However, it has now been stolen, and the blame falls on the commander for trusting it to his foolish son.

The commander released his hold, taking deep breaths to soothe himself and prevent himself from becoming overly frustrated by his son's foolishness. He rubbed his head with his fingers, his mind aching as he contemplated his next steps.

"Do you atleast have any information on the whereabouts of these terrorists?" the commander inquired calmly to Arthur. Arthur knew the consequences of saying no, so he was relieved that he did have some leads. "Yes, sir," he responded confidently. "These terrorists have been a persistent threat for months and we have narrowed down our investigation to suspect that they are located in kyoto, Zone 9."

Commander Henri hesitated briefly, feeling more at ease upon hearing the remark. Zone 9 is where numerous Japanese citizens who rebelled years ago found refuge and safety until after the war. It is also where many of the Japanese Monarchy sought shelter. The commander couldn't resist a slight chuckle, quickly masking it with a cough.

He faced Arthur and placed a hand on his son's shoulder. "Son, I have a solution for the problems you have caused me," he said. Arthur begged, "Please tell me what I should do, I will do whatever it takes!" He hung his head in submission.

Commander Henri was a man who enjoyed using war as a means to resolve conflicts. He wasn't interested in politics, but rather in the brutality and chaos of warfare. Despite being instructed not to harm any Japanese Monarchy in Zone 9 after the war, he had always desired to eliminate the area entirely. The discovery of terrorists potentially possessing a classified weapon now provided him with a plausible justification to take action.

"My son, I need you to eliminate all the Japanese inhabitants in Zone 9 until you locate the prototype and bring it back safely."

Arthur's eyes widened in astonishment at his father's unexpected request. During the period when Arthur was in charge of the Japan Sect, the Japanese citizens remained peaceful and had finally found stability after years of turmoil. This was due to Arthur's charisma and intelligence. Despite his lack of courage when it came to his father, he is an all rounded talent.

He provided the Japanese with technology, education, employment opportunities, as well as the opportunity to serve as soldiers and scientists. If Zone 9 were to be destroyed, all the effort he had put in would be ruined. He couldn't imagine the consequences if the other Japanese outside of the Zone discovered the truth.

It is likely to result in riots, protests and possibly a rebellion. If this occurs, the Frecitannians would be justified in wiping out the Japanese population, which is what Arthur's father desires. However, Arthur does not want this outcome as it could jeopardize his role as the leader of the Japan Sect.

Thoughts raced through Arthur's mind, he felt compelled to defend his cause at any cost, even if it meant defying his father's orders. "But father, the people-" Arthur started, but the commander cut him off before he could finish. "The people of Japan must understand who the true leaders are. Over the years, they have become arrogant and ungrateful for the help we have provided. The terrorists have been causing trouble for too long and we cannot continue to keep this information hidden," the commander explained, causing Arthur to pause and acknowledge the undeniable truth of his words.

Commander Henri further explained, "The Japanese needs a demonstration to understand the consequences of going against the Empire and Zone 9 is a suitable test subject." He observed his son who appeared defeated with clenched fists knowing there was nothing he could do. With a challenging tone, he remarked, "Are you perhaps feeling pity for the Japanese?" Arthur quickly attempted to clarify, "It's not about pity, I am completely loyal to the Empire, it's just..."

The commander placed a comforting hand on his son's head and spoke in a sympathetic manner. "Son, the others have doubts about you, thinking you are too gentle. I have entrusted you with a high position," the commander said in a solemn tone. Locking eyes with Arthur, he waited for a response he knew was coming and without hesitation, Arthur conceded and nodded in agreement.

Deep within, the commander concealed a mischievous grin. He was a cunning old man with extensive knowledge of warfare. He was willing to do whatever it took to see bloodshed, even manipulating his own son.

"Don't let me down son."