Chapter 284: Instant Kill! He Really Did It

Chapter 284: Instant Kill! He Really Did It


"It seems the ninja's shadow clone technique has too many limitations..."


As the original body, Ling Zhan could naturally sense the situation through his clones.


To outsiders.


Three clones, three completely different combat methods, and successfully suppressing the monster army—this was already an extraordinary performance.


But in Ling Zhan's eyes, it was still lacking.


First, each shadow clone could only inherit one of the original body's techniques.


Although they could move freely and inherit combat skills, they could only inherit one skill each.


This meant that besides the skills currently displayed, the clones couldn't use any other skills.


This greatly limited the combat power that Ling Zhan himself possessed.


If he could use 'One Qi Becomes Three Pure Ones' instead of 'Shadow Clone Technique.'


Then by now, all the 'Ling Zhans' would have already killed the bosses at the east, west, and north gates.


But it didn't matter...


The purpose of the three clones was to defend the city.


Like the shredding formation made of poisonous vines behind him.


To actually kill the bosses, the original body had to make a move.


So, the original Ling Zhan finally took action at this moment!


As the live-stream cameraman for this secret realm raid, Funuo naturally shifted the camera to the main body at the south gate as soon as he noticed Ling Zhan moving!






Where was he?


The camera showed an empty spot where Ling Zhan should have been.


The people who expected a sweeping sword strike from him were wide-eyed and full of confusion!


"He's at the Minotaur!"


Fortunately, an adventurer with a sensing talent pointed out, and Funuo quickly moved the camera to the enormous boss holding a giant axe!


At the same time, Funuo was secretly shocked.


Such a fast teleportation speed!


Even he couldn't capture the trace of this non-specialist!


Others also quickly shifted their gaze to the boss.


The Minotaur had long awakened.


Its huge, blood-red bull eyes stared at the young man who had just teleported.


As a level 63 gold-named boss, it naturally possessed various powerful skills and passives.


Among them, 'mental perception' passive, a must for every high-level boss.


This passive was like a spider web around itself; any prey stepping into this perception web would be detected.


Such meticulous perception made it very difficult for many teleportation skills to escape detection.


The secret realm granted them these perception passives to prevent heavy and slow bosses from being toyed with by agile assassin classes.


Not only that.


They were also granted various self-protection skills, and both physical and magical defenses reached an exaggerated level.


With such exaggerated dual defenses, solo raids became extremely difficult.




The dual defense calculation formulas for high-level bosses had completely changed.


Many thought that a top-tier warrior with an 80% defense reduction skill could easily help the team kill high-level bosses.


But that's not the case.


Because data experts discovered through countless explorations and tests that level 60 and above red and gold-named bosses had a hidden value in their dual defenses.


Namely: base dual defense + 100% = total boss defense.


Meaning, a high-level boss with 100,000 defense actually had 100,000 + (100,000 x 100%) = 200,000 defense.


And this '(100,000 x 100%)' was a hidden attribute.


The main point was...


All defense reduction methods only affected the 'hidden value,' not the 'base dual defense.'


For example, a 50% defense reduction skill on a boss with 200,000 defense.


People would think the boss's remaining defense would be 100,000.


But it's not.


The actual remaining defense would be: 100,000 + [100,000 x (100% - 50%)] = 150,000.


Meaning, after the defense reduction skill, the boss still had 150,000 defense, not 100,000.


To summarize:


No matter how much you reduce defense or magic resistance, bosses above level 60 still retain their base dual defenses.


It's impossible to reduce their dual defenses to zero.


This setting greatly increased the difficulty of raiding bosses above level 60.




The Minotaur saw this human youth recklessly teleporting over.


Its huge nostrils snorted white gas, and its mouth, dripping with disgusting saliva, grinned mockingly!


Next moment, it swung its massive fist, capable of easily destroying city walls, at the youth!


The howling wind from the punch made the spectators doubt if they would be smashed into pulp if hit!




But the youth, holding a single sword, didn't choose to confront the Minotaur head-on!


His figure almost instantly disappeared from the original spot!




The Minotaur, with its punch missing, showed a hint of surprise; high-level bosses naturally had human-like intelligence, their own consciousness, and thoughts.


What surprised it was...


Its proud perception passive couldn't capture the opponent's teleportation location!


As it tried to turn its huge head to observe...




From a distance, the Slime boss suddenly screamed!


When the Minotaur turned, it saw the same-tier Slime boss being cut in half!




At this moment, a stunning sword intent surged into the sky!


What shocked the Minotaur even more was that under this sword intent's impact, the Slime boss, expected to easily regenerate, continued to scream in agony.


The mountain-like gelatinous body, cut in half, was covered in strange black flames!


These black flames prevented the Slime boss from healing, causing it to let out sharp, miserable cries.


Despite its proud regenerative passive.


The black flames rendered it useless!


Damn human!


Where is he?


The Minotaur had no time to think about how the human bypassed the Slime boss's defenses.


Its giant bull eyes scanned around.


Even now, it couldn't sense the human's presence!


"Looking for someone?"


At this critical moment.


The human's calm voice suddenly echoed in its ears.




At this moment.


The once confident, arrogant Minotaur sensed a deep threat from its shoulder!


Its battle instincts, imprinted in its genes, told it to activate its innate defensive skill!




The golden lines on the giant bull boss's body shone brilliantly!


The invincible skill's casting was rapidly completing!


This high-level boss was truly strong.


Its invincible skill only took one second to cast!




In Ling Zhan's eyes, it was still too slow.




As he stood on the Minotaur's shoulder!


At such close range, one second was too slow!


So slow that Ling Zhan waited 0.5 seconds, then raised his staff, and as the invincible skill was about to complete.




A black light hit the Minotaur's body precisely!


The giant body trembled.


The brilliant golden light quickly faded.




The boss's invincible skill was interrupted at the last moment.


And it had a five-second silence debuff!


Simultaneously, a dazzling sword light shot from its shoulder!


The Minotaur's ugly face finally showed fear!


Perhaps out of extreme fright.


Or maybe out of desperation.


It swung its giant axe at its own shoulder!




It was too late.


Before the axe could fall.




Like a streak of light cutting through the sky.


The spectators saw a fierce sword light, with black flames, slicing through the Minotaur's neck.




A massive, ugly head flew high, falling to the ground, raising dust.


The dark blood that should have sprayed was evaporated by the black flames and sword energy.




After the head, the lifeless body stiffened, falling straight down.


Ling Zhan, before it fell, gracefully landed, swiftly collecting the boss loot, then rushing towards the east gate.


The fearless Minotaurs and Slimes.


Charged into the poisonous vine shredding formation.




Strengthened by multiple skills, the poisonous vines were harder than steel and instantly poisoned the monsters!


The dead monsters' experience points naturally went to Ling Zhan.


The people on the south gate walls saw the charging monster army and felt no tremor!


The sense of security came from the vine defense wall.


But now, they had no time to care about the small monsters.


Their faces were filled with shock and amazement.


Instant kill!


These bosses, needing several adventurer teams, were really instant killed by this non-specialist!