
"Are you sure she is fit for the royal faction?" A mysterious voice whispers, seemingly amused.

"Personality wise, likely not." Laughs a woman, running her fingers down my face. 

I lay there mangled, defenseless, and confused. My eyes remain lightly shut, not wanting to meet reality quite yet. Somewhat hoping the grim reaper would carry me away in its gray, icy arms. It wouldn't be a lie to say she'd been looking forward to it. Sitting in the same fiery hell as those previous government officials. They would ask me If I had been made into a marvelous display. I would laugh awkwardly, as I brought joyous disappointment. 

"The young miss is minimally injured."

"Excuse me?" I say without thinking, opening my eyes to see the exact situation I had been brought into. 

I lay somewhat defensively on a green couch in the middle of a bustling room. Teenagers in black uniforms continue on their day-to-day activities, not even sparing a glance at the scene in front of them. As if it was just another normal day in the environment they resided.

It turns out that this school actually does exist and the public execution hadn't meant to happen yet. It's almost as shocking as the fact I'm not dead. No plausible explanation could decipher the events of what happened in the vehicle. Other than the soldier potentially lying between his words. The soldier must have lied to me, there is no way that car could actually be traveling 80 miles per hour. I will remember to inquire about it later.

"See, minimally injured."

Unlike the cellphone, this could actually be a trustworthy witchcraft accusation. Assuming I did actually jump out of a government car traveling 80 miles per hour and survived, how could a witch be so easily executed? Unless the whole thing is a farce, and just another excuse to maintain control. That the witch propaganda is only propaganda. I can't help but roll my eyes once or twice in response to my own thought process.

A red-haired set of fraternal twins, and a blonde doctor stand before me. They all wore the same crest proudly on their chests, if I recall correctly, it's the same crest embroidered on my new white duffel. Which appears to have found itself on the floor beside me. The crest must represent either the academy or the royal faction, whatever that's about. But that wasn't the only similarity, these three adults smelt like chemicals. 

"Young Miss, welcome to THE ACADMEY." The woman greets, smiling proudly giving off the aura of your typical hidden villain in a cliche movie. Using her seductive looks and big, voluptuous breasts to her every advantage. 

"The academy?" What kind of name for a government owned school is that? Nothing about this makes any shred of sense. Maybe I am dead after all... 

"A place of great power and learning. The Royal Faction personally sponsored your admittance, graduate from here and we'll personally provide you a get of jail free card." The woman continues, to the dismay of her brother. 

The government must really not want me to hear about the royal faction if everyone seems to flip out over it. Common enough where people don't feel the need to keep it under tight lips, but sensitive enough I may be a threat with too much knowledge. Not that I could ever successfully be a threat. Either that, or the woman straight up deceived me with her words. 

"How long till I graduate?" I ask, probing the other twin for information. I am seventeen years old previously about to have graduated high school. Making it impossible for this place to have a normal secondary school system. Mysterious private schools located in an unknown part of town, aren't particularly known for taking in senior students right before graduation. 

"Lady Cassy, this sponsorship will open the gateway for a future government position." Says the man, in attempt to pique my interest. 

Vivianne Cassy witch turned corrupt old government official. Making rulings to destroy the lives for anyone suspected of not confirming to the pushed agenda. Yeah right. I want freedom. That's the only thing I have ever yearned for. A government position is nothing but a fancy way of saying we want you in an even smaller, more hidden cage. 

I am not going to graduate. If that were likely these suspicious adults would provide an estimated timeline. Everyone here is set up to die. Only time will tell whether or not this place is better than burning at the stake. So, I smile and play stupid. 

The expression on the red-haired man's face relaxes, while the faces on the woman and doctor tense up. Just what happened while I was asleep? Clearly something world changing. I'm harmless I swear. I don't think for myself. Buy my bullshit! I will play the victim and get my ass out of this train reck. 

A seductive young man makes his way through the bustling room, a look of pleasant seriousness plastered on his bedazzling face. His hair an odd color, black with streaks of silver in the bangs. Icy blue eyes peak through the gray streaks, which I could have sworn are staring greedily into mine. Upon closer inspection his muscular figure could be seen through his white, lab rat uniform. Made to show every imperfection and blemish his utterly perfect body carried. A shame we are not in the same faction... A man that handsome might actually keep my thought process in line. What do I need to switch? Fuck playing the damsel. I'll become a god if I can make this man mine. 

"Vivianne." He mutters quietly under his breath, causing my heart to leap. 

"Student 612, what brings you to the Royal Faction?" Asks the doctor, the set of twins analyzing every detail. "You know the rules."

You know who doesn't know the rules? Me. So please doctor man, explain them. I'm a diligent listener, I swear. Keep this handsome piece of art in my line of sight just a little longer. 

"I'm out of place." Student 612 tells the doctor, taking a step back. His gaze failing to advert away from mine. If it weren't for the slight look of panic, I might have thought he'd be interested in me. 

"You start class tomorrow, maybe this lad can show you how things are done." Says the red-haired woman, eying the young man. 

The two adult men couldn't believe what just happened, each turning to the woman in awe. However, they didn't speak anymore on the topic. Potentially to keep sensitive information out of the ears of teenagers. 

"Young Miss, if you need anything ask for the principal or miss Robbin." He says, before dismissing the handsome young man and I.

Only then did something important occur to me. This boy called me Vivianne.