Childhood Friends’ Pursuit

On a weekend at the beginning of May, I went to Kazuma's house to play.

I told Airi that Kazuma and Momose were my childhood friends and asked her if she wanted to come with me, but she replied with, 'No thanks.'

I knew that would be the case, so I didn't pester her and decided to go by myself.

While the three of us were playing a famous racing game, Kazuma and Momose complained to me.

"I feel like it's been a while since we've played like this."

"Isn't it because someone has been refusing Kazuma's and my invitation."


It was true that I hadn't played with them at all for the past month. I kept turning them down because Airi was at home.

Even though we were childhood friends, I never did anything that would interfere with their dates.

Occasionally, the three of us would have a quick bite after school, or we would play a game together on a day off, but we didn't even do that lately.

I didn't blame Airi, since it was me who decided not to play with them. It was a fact that I hadn't spent time with the two of them, and it was natural for me to be blamed, so I just accepted it.

I didn't feel obligated to do so, but I reflected that I should have played with Kazuma and Momose at least a little.

Kazuma and Momose tilted their heads to the side to see my reaction.

"Isn't Minato-kun acting weird? It's not like we hang out every day, but it feels strange."

"I think so too. Minato refusing to play with us is a common occurrence, but there's something bugging me about it."

"I think it's just your imagination…"

"But you know, it's different from the way he usually says no."

"Is that so? When I refuse, it's almost always because I'm addicted to a video game."

"That's true, but… I don't know, it's kind of hard to put into words."

"But there's hardly a month where I don't play at all."

"Yeah, that's true."

Since we had both known each other for a long time, the two of them would be able to see the slightest changes in me.

I smiled inwardly, wondering if I should be happy or sad that we had a relationship that couldn't hide anything.

"Didn't Minato's stepmother say something outrageous to you?"

"Did she put some kind of restriction on you living alone?"

"Of course not, there are no restrictions."

"Hmm, guess so…"

I knew they would be able to connect the fact that I hadn't played with them since April with the fact that I had met my stepmother around that time.

Naturally, Momose knew about my family situation. I had also told her about my meeting with my stepmother in early April.

Apparently, my stepmother wanted to say something. I mistook it as a drag. Well, she certainly said some crazy things. Specifically, she wanted me to take in a girl.

"Anyway, tell me if something's wrong."

"Tell me too."

"I know. Thanks."

Kazuma and Momose raised their eyebrows and looked at me with concern. I smiled back and told them not to worry.

It would probably be impossible to keep it a secret forever, and I didn't want to hide anything from the two people who were so worried about me.

After a while.

"So, why is it that only my tools are strangely bad?"

"Give it up, Kazuma. We all know you're out of luck."

"Hee hee, I'm the best!"

While we were having a lively conversation as usual, I wondered at what point it would be best to tell the both of them about Airi.

"Oh, by the way, it's almost midterm."

"I hate that it's already that time of the year. It's only been a month since we started school."

"Momose's distaste for studying hasn't changed even in high school."

"I'd rather know how people who love to study feel about it…"

"I don't get it either."

"Huh…? Minato-kun, you can get good marks with little to no study. You have no idea how we feel!"

"I don't really like to study. That's unreasonable."

It had been quite a while and I was about to leave when Kazuma started to talk to me.

Momose had always hated studying since she was in junior high school, and she didn't seem to like this upcoming test either, and she had a frown on her face.

"Where do you want to have the study session? At my place as usual?"

"Yeah, that's…"

I had completely forgotten about it.

The three of us always had a study session at Kazuma's house every time a test was coming up. We had been doing this since junior high school.

However, I didn't want to have a study session with the two of them and leave Airi alone at home.

If Airi knew, she was likely to say, 'I'm fine on my own', but I didn't feel good about leaving Airi at home alone and going to a study session.

The image of Airi studying alone in silence came to my mind, and I began to feel a little ache in my chest.

As she had already said that she didn't want to make any friends, she definitely wouldn't have a study session with us.

"I'm sorry. Can I skip out on this one?"

"Minato-kun, what's really going on?"

"I knew it. Something must've happened with that person."

As I bowed deeply to them, they looked at me with a puzzled expression.

It was only natural that they would be suspicious of me since I was quitting what we had been doing since middle school.

Moreover, Kazuma was dimly aware of my situation. At this rate, I would have no choice but to tell them.

"I'm sorry, I got into a little trouble."

"I knew it. What's going on?"

"…I can't tell you now. But I promise I'll tell you later."

I felt bad and kept my face down.

My heart ached for not being able to talk to my long-time childhood friends freely.

However, I couldn't just talk about Airi, who obviously had some trouble with her friends.

When I remained silent, Kazuma grabbed me by the shoulders and made me look up.

Kazuma said as he glared,

"Let me ask you this again. Are you all right?"

"I'm fine. The person didn't do anything to me."

"Then that's good… Make sure to tell me later, okay?"

When I answered honestly, Kazuma grinned. He knew I wouldn't say anything if I didn't mean it.

I was thankful that he didn't ask further questions.

Momose, who sat next to me, had her usual lively smile on her face.

"Minato-kun, you have to tell me too!"

"I know, I'll explain it later. Thanks again, both of you."

I bowed my head again and thanked them. I was really glad that these two are my childhood friends.