Chapter 2 Mostar Wanderers

Chapter 2 Mostar Wanderers

  The Bosnian police are very concerned about their only port. For this reason, after receiving the report and conclusive evidence, they immediately launched an operation against Harun.

  I don't know how to punish Su Ke. Anyway, he was taken out of the police station by his coach at this time.

  Oripe is a fat man weighing more than 100 kilograms. His height of 175 centimeters and his bloated figure give people a choppy appearance.

  She was wearing a blue sportswear. Although it was a loose fit, it felt tight on Oripe's body.

  There is a whistle hanging around his neck all year round as if to identify himself as the head coach.

  Oripe is also the coach of Mostar Rangers, the Bosnian second division team where Suker plays.

  Oripe carried Suk to the corner of the street like a little chicken, and then said angrily: "You promised me!"

  Suk lowered his head, like a child who had done something wrong, and said nothing.

  Seeing this, Oripe became even more angry.

  "Speak! Do you think I will still believe you?" Oripe said angrily: "The police station has already issued a warning. If a similar incident occurs again, you will be sent back to Croatia. If you still want to come here, When it comes to playing football, be honest."

  Suk quickly raised his head and nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

  Seeing Suk's childish face, the anger in Oripe's heart dissipated quickly.

  In fact, looking at this young man living in a foreign country, pursuing his football dream, Oripe felt very sorry for him.

  After that, Oripe took Suk and stuffed him into a single-box truck, then walked around and got into the driver's seat to start the vehicle.

  Oripe started the car and spoke concisely: "Today is game day."

  Su Ke looked up in surprise: "There is no game today!"

  Oripe wrote lightly: "The schedule has been changed."

  Suker just nodded. In fact, schedule changes in Bosnia and Herzegovina's second league are very frequent. Since the financial situation of the entire second league team is very bad, the salary given to the players is not high. In order to subsidize living expenses , many players will choose to work part-time.

  This is the case with Su Ke. After all, it is very difficult to maintain a living while playing football.

  For most players, the reason why they are still playing football is very simple, that is, to get rid of the second league, be promoted to the Bosnia and Herzegovina Super League or transfer to a Super League team.

  This is the only way out for those who are still holding on.

  Of course, there are also people like Kovic who think that they can't make a living in football, and finally give up and start to make a living.

  While the players in Europe's top leagues are making a lot of money and picking up beautiful girls, these players in the lower leagues are still worrying about their lives.

  It can be said that football here is a sport that presents two extremes.

  Only a small number of people who have reached the top league through the single-plank bridge can truly experience the joy that comes from professional football.

  The single-box truck was speeding on the asphalt road. While controlling the steering wheel, Oripe took out a paper ball from his pocket and threw it.

  "The guardian application has been approved. Sakovich will not be looking for you in the future."

  Hearing this, Su Ke had an expression of surprise on his face.


  Seeing the other party's happy look, Oripe couldn't help but smile and said: "Yes, it's approved. So, if you score a few more goals under my hands, you can transfer to a Super League team in the future." ."

  Su Ke unfolded the paper ball and looked at the contents, then smiled with satisfaction: "We will be promoted to the Super League together!"

  Oripe smiled but said nothing.

  "But do you really not want to go back to Croatia?"

  Suk shrugged; "I don't want to go back and be a priest."

  Oripe nodded, understanding.

  This series of events is related to Suk's life experience.

  Sukben was a child from a church orphanage in Croatia. He was valued by Sakovich, a believer who came to worship during a football exhibition inside the church.

  Sakovich is a youth training coach in Bosnia and Herzegovina. He took a fancy to Suker's talent and wanted to cultivate it.

  After some persuasion, he became Suker's guardian in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and at the same time brought him to Bosnia and Herzegovina for youth training.

  In fact, the whole process went very smoothly, and Su Ke performed very well.

  But the only problem is the body!

  At the age of 14, Suk seemed to have stopped growing and could not increase his height.

  At the age of 15, when his peers had already exceeded the 170 cm limit, and some even reached a height of 180 cm, Suk still maintained a mini figure of 150 cm.

  And this kind of figure also brings great trouble to this little guy who plays center.

  The two sides showed two extremes in the confrontation. Although Su Ke is very flexible, in the youth training, if the height is not up to standard, he will basically be labeled as unqualified.

  And Suk's talent is not to the point where Sakovich thinks he can ignore his height.

  In the end, Suker was removed from the youth training list by Sakovich, and he was ready to return to Croatia.

  But the stubborn Suker finally chose to abscond and join the Mostar Rangers team.

  After a period of adjustment, Suker performed very well here. In the end, after contact between Oripe and Sakovich, he chose excessive custody.

  Anyway, for Sakovich, all he needs to do is get rid of this trouble.

  The two hit it off immediately, and the whole process went very smoothly.

  And Suker has lived up to Oripe's expectations. He scored 9 goals for the team last season. This season, he scored 8 goals in 11 rounds to lead the scorer list.

  It is hard to imagine that this boy, who is only 150 centimeters tall, would have such a wonderful performance in the fiercely physical Bosnia and Herzegovina league.

  The truck drove off the asphalt road and entered a mountainous area.

  Under bumpy road conditions, the single-box truck continued to move forward through the narrow dirt road.

  After a while, the surrounding grass gradually faded away, and a simple arch came into view.

  Two slender bamboo poles support a banner with the words 'Welcome to Mostar Wanderers' written in Croatian.

  Yes, Mostar Rangers is a team that gathers Croatians.

  After passing through the simple arch, a court surrounded by a waist-high fence comes into view.

  But compared to the stadium, this place should be called a ranch.

  The lawn was in extremely bad condition, and the brown soil even felt sticky when turned over. The nets on both sides were in tatters, and the holes were knotted, making the entire net look very rough.

  Not far away, there are groups of cattle grazing with their heads down, and their breath is filled with the smell of grass and cow dung.

  It can be said that the environment here makes many rival teams who play here feel uncomfortable, but for Mostar Rangers, this is the perfect home ground.

  Compared with opponents who are not accustomed to the venue, they who always play here know everything about the court, even where there are pits, where the grass is bad, and where passing the ball can slow down the ball. They all know it clearly.

  When Oripe and Suker arrived at the stadium, many people were already around.

  The football market in the entire Bosnia and Herzegovina Professional League is not very good. There are sometimes less than 1,000 people watching the games of the Bosnia and Herzegovina Premier League. But in this game, Mostar Rangers had close to 150 fans. The number of residents watching the excitement exceeded 200.

  It is true that Mostar Rangers is a second-division team, but their football market is definitely the most popular in the entire second-division league.

  Su Ke doesn't know the specific reason, but there are many fans in every game.

  At 30 marks per game, tickets are very cheap, and you can even come in from other places to watch the game, thus completing the purpose of evading tickets.

  But the fans gathered here took the initiative to hand their tickets directly to Oripe.

  Oripe was busy collecting money, and behind him was a group of Mostar Rangers players, and Suker was one of them.

  Suker sat on the ground and put on a red and black striped jersey.

  To be honest, Su Ke doesn't like this jersey because the stripes are horizontal and it feels like a prison uniform.

  But as a home jersey, they couldn't refuse.

  After putting on the jersey, Suker took out his sneakers from the van.

  This is a tattered sneaker. The leather on the toes is peeling and there are even a few holes, but it is still wearable.

  Finally, he stuffed the shin guards into his socks and patted them gently.

  In the Bosnia and Herzegovina League, shin guards are a magic weapon for leg protection. Even if Grealish comes, he has to wear standard shin guards, otherwise his sexy calves will be scrapped by him.

  After getting dressed, Suk began to say hello.

  "Boss, pass the ball to me more today!"

  Su Ke first greeted a man wearing the No. 10 jersey. This man was the oldest, about 30 years old.

  His name is Ivan Mlinar, he is the captain of the team, UU Reading is 35 years old this year.

  Mlinar is the most famous carpenter in the entire town of Mostar. Just like his meticulous hand skills, he also has excellent foot skills.

  Mlinar is the playmaker of Mostar Rangers and the boss who feeds Suker the ball.

  It can be said that the main offensive line of Mostar Rangers is the connection between Suker and Mlinar.

  Mlinar twisted his waist and smiled at Suk.

  He also loves this little teammate who can always score goals.

  After all, who likes to lose?

  After greeting the captain, Suk turned to another place and shouted: "Bakchi, let's concede two fewer goals today. Don't make it more difficult for me."

  Bakchi, the goalkeeper of Mostar Wanderers, is a super colander.

  If you hit the ball, you must take it!

  In the words of head coach Oripe, the opponent only needs to shoot, and Bakci can stuff the ball into his own goal.

  After Su Ke finished shouting, a bald young man stood up, screamed and rushed towards Su Ke. Su Ke nimbly dodged and, after several twists and turns, successfully knocked down the bald goalkeeper named Bakchi. .

  This time, everyone burst into laughter.

  While the Mostar Rangers players were communicating, on the other side of the stadium, Sarajevo FC, their opponent in this game, was also watching them.

  Sarajevo FC, whose name sounds domineering, is actually a rookie club.

  After all, the teams in the second division are almost the same. Their situation is similar to that of Mostar Rangers, but after all, they are a team in the capital, and their treatment is better.

  After the two sides completed their final preparations, they finally prepared the tactics for the game amidst the shouts of the surrounding fans.