Chapter 11 Suker and Modric

Chapter 11 Suker and Modric

  "Come on!!"

  Suk shouted excitedly.

  However, what he saw was that Maslodzic fell down directly due to interference from the defensive players.

  Ah~~~~~~! !

  Suk rubbed his head in frustration.

  You put it all to your mouth, can't you eat it?

  Maslodzic stood up awkwardly, he was afraid to look at Su Ke.

  The ball that penetrated the defense line this time was extremely wonderful. Maslozic only needed to gently guide the ball forward to successfully form a one-on-one situation.

  But he messed up.

  However, this delivery also caused many people to turn their heads and look at Su Ke in surprise.

  Their short center actually has such excellent passing ability?

  Not just passing the ball, but seeing the big picture in the game.

  This is a very amazing talent.

  Even Oripe in the audience blinked and muttered to himself:

  "Should I let him play as an attacking midfielder?"

  It is impossible for Su Ke to play as an attacking midfielder.

  Not only is there no market for attacking midfielders in future football tactics, but they are also far away from the goal.

  The current Su Ke is developing new abilities and plays a supporting role mainly in passing.

  But he still wants to be a one-hit goal scorer.

  All the current changes are to make up for the physical gap so that he can better adapt to the professional arena.

  When he grows taller, hum...

  Suk's eyes gleamed, feeling that his future was bright.

  "Come again! Come again! Come again!"

  Suk urged to continue kicking.

  Now he has just found the feeling and is enjoying the game. He doesn't want to be cut off at this moment.

  Everyone returned to the game.

  After such cooperation, Su Ke's cooperation became smoother.

  Modric is a talented midfielder in his own right, and his judgment of the court situation is better than anyone here. Even if he doesn't play very seriously, he still puts huge pressure on the defense.

  Mlinar was a little uncomfortable at first, but with the cooperation between Suker and Modric, he also followed suit and gradually began to join in, and even began to evolve into a three-person linkage scene.

  And when these three people completed the cooperation in passing, the two wingers and the back line gradually began to press forward.

  Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

  This is the sound of the ball rubbing against sneakers. Every time he passes the ball, Suker chooses to touch the ball with one foot, or two at most.

  The entire transfer process was extremely smooth.

  Even if there is a problem in a certain link, when the ball passes to the feet of Suker, Mlinar and Modric, the situation will calm down instantly.

  The three core ball-holding players radiate their influence to the entire team. At this time, the offensive fangs are gradually revealed.

  Su Ke turned his head and looked at his teammates and the defense on both sides, and he took the initiative to retreat again.

  Seeing Suker's movements, center back Cobarro, who had previous experience, immediately chased after him.

  At this time, Modric passed the ball to Suker, but Suker had no idea of ​​stopping the ball and knocked back.

  This decisive kick made Cobalo, who rushed from behind, feel stunned.

  Suk turned his head and looked at Koballo, grinning and showing his bright white teeth.

  For some reason, Corballo always felt that this smile was a bit hateful.

  Modric had already moved the ball to the side, and Suker immediately got over.

  Vitolic saw Cobarro sticking to Suker's side and chose to pass the ball back to Modric.

  Modric threw a kick to Suker, Coballo immediately pounced forward, and Suker passed the ball back.

  "Why do you always send back messages!"

  Cobalo jumped in the air and shouted dissatisfied.

  Suk shrugged: "Then don't press me!"

  Cobalo curled his lips and stopped pressing forward, waiting for you to pass the threatening ball?

  At this time, Modric actually passed the ball to Suker again.

  Cobalo couldn't bear it any longer, so he suddenly started running, this time running with all his strength, trying to intercept before Su Ke.

  But Su Ke did not wait there, but took the initiative to retreat to meet the ball.

  Both of them rushed towards the ball at an extremely fast speed. Looking at the ball in front of them, Suk used the arch of his left foot to gently move it towards the outside.

  The ball rolled to the left, and Suker immediately turned around and distanced himself in the opposite direction of the pass.

  Cobalo missed again, but his attention followed the movement of the ball and he didn't see Suker, who was standing at the same position as him and adjusting in small steps.

  In the area on the left, Mlinar arrived here very smoothly, and his next task was very simple.

  Use the space created by Sukra to directly insert a through ball.

  Sure enough, the moment Mlinar received the ball, Suker suddenly started and advanced at high speed.

  "Been beaten through again?"

  "Stop him!"

  The defensive players on both sides quickly moved forward, and the goalkeeper also abandoned the goal to expand the blocking area as much as possible.

  In theory, Suker's shooting angle is very harsh.

  But...who said you have to shoot?

  Suker pushed forward from the middle towards the left side, and also drew all the defensive forces to the left side. There was only one full-back in the middle position.

  What Su Ke has to do next is very simple.

  A simple fake shot directly caused the opponent to flip over. At the same time, Su Ke gently stepped on the ball with his right foot, stopping the ball in place, while he continued to kill towards the left, while also drawing away most of the defensive power.

  But they didn't notice Modric behind Suker.

  The two formed a cross movement. Modric stole the ball that Su Ke had stopped in place. Facing the goal guarded only by the full-back, Modric easily hit the lower left corner.

  The ball hit the net.


  The moment Su Ke saw the goal, he jumped up with excitement.

  Also exclaiming were the players on the offensive side.

  Even Mlinar was holding his head in disbelief.

  Is this really their offense?

  Simply don't be too detailed.

  The two guys, Suker and Modric, made many consecutive cross-running runs and tentative passes, smoothly passing the ball to the dangerous area.

  Of course, Suk's diagonal thrusts and stepping on the ball are also very imaginative.

  And Modric's ability to read Suker's thoughts is also very crucial.

  "These two guys... what the hell!"

  Oripe still had a shocked expression on his face.

  If it weren't for this dilapidated stadium, he would have thought he was watching Arsenal play.

  The main reason is that this attack was too smooth. It was almost a one-kick pass throughout the entire process, and the defensive force was drawn away as much as possible before the goal was scored.

  Suker and Modric seem to have formed some kind of tacit understanding here.

  The cooperation between these two makes the goal so smooth.

  "Luo Tengma Siqi, you missed it again!"

  "Obviously you didn't notice!"

  "I've been watching closely."

  "Then you didn't hold him back either!"

  The defensive side was a little upset, mainly because they were being teased like a dog being walked by the opponent, and no one was happy.

  "Okay, stop arguing, don't forget, we are a team!"

  Mlinar came over to smooth things over, and these words made them feel a lot better.


  They are a team, and a good forward means they are also good. Anyway, it's okay if they weren't the one who got away in the game.

  Soon, everyone began to discuss excitedly.

  Mostar Rangers used to play defensive counterattacks, simple and crude tactics.

  This exquisite tactical coordination and this gorgeous running understanding made them feel very comfortable.

  Even Modric stood there blankly.

  He carefully felt the previous cooperation.

  There was no mistake, everyone was where they should be, and everyone's movement was a part of promoting this goal.

  Among them, the short forward named Su Ke connected it all.

  What a wonderful feeling!

  Modric didn't feel this way at Zlinijski Football Club in Mostar, where he played.

  You know, that's a Super League team!

  Although the intensity is higher compared to this kind of amateur football, this kind of coordination can still be used at that level.

  The most important thing is the control of rhythm and smoothness.

  Modric was silent. He had not played such smooth football for a long time since his transfer to Bosnia and Herzegovina.

  He used to complain that his teammates were pigs and didn't understand his movement and passing intentions.

  But the cooperation that was not played in the Super League was actually played in amateur football where we met for the first time?

  Which link did the problem occur?

  Is it my own problem or my teammates' problem?

  Modric fell into deep self-doubt.

  "Hey! High five!"

  At this time, a voice sounded.

  Modric looked down and saw Suker raising his hands and smiled; "You are so awesome, your passing is great."

  Modric's face turned red.

  It was obviously this guy who led the attack. UU read

  Suk looked at the hooded boy in front of him and asked, "Are you feeling unwell? Are you a player? Are you interested in coming to play football with us?"

  Su Ke immediately initiated the invitation.

  Modric nodded and shook his head.

  Suk didn't know why.

  But Modric turned around and shook his head: "I'm leaving."


  Su Ke quickly said: "I haven't played enough yet."

  Modric turned to look at Suker and suddenly said: "You...should play in the midfield."

  Suk was stunned for a moment. This sentence was wrong, but it could be regarded as Modric's advice to him.

  "I am better at running without the ball, but I lack a good midfielder to pass the ball to me." Su Ke chuckled and said, "I am the top scorer in Serie B."

  Modric: "The top scorer in Serie B cannot score a single goal in the Super League."

  Su Ke was stunned, whether this guy can chat or not, I have already praised you, so there is no need to compliment each other in business.

  A hint of displeasure was evident on Suk's face.

  Modric knew he had said the wrong thing and immediately said, "Sorry, I didn't mean it,'s the truth!"

  Su Ke: "..."


  Suk sighed and raised his arm to pat Modric on the head, but found that he couldn't reach it, so he could only retreat and pat his shoulder, saying, "Come here often when you have time, we will be here every Tuesday." Training camp."

  "Tuesday?" Modric nodded and said, "I understand."

  After that, he turned around and left.

  Suk looked at Modric's leaving back, raised his brows slightly, a thoughtful look appeared on his face, and finally showed a smile of understanding.