[Name identified...]
[Initiating protocol. Transferring highest authority]
[You have gained the highest authority.]
[You got a message from the Creator.]
[Do you wish to read it?]
'Creator? Yes! yes! Bring it up?'
['Hello, my dearest sweetheart... If you are viewing this message, Ah! I succeeded. I have less time. I left a gift for you. Merge with it to complete your evolution. Remember, only you and your chosen host can access this gift, and be certain that the gift secret remains with you and the chosen host. There is no third party. I trust your judgment to handle the secret. Have a wonderful journey. My dearest sweetheart.']
'Quite a message. Don't worry, Father. The host and I will keep it a secret?'
'V01D... was the name given by father?'
'Hmmm! Set permission level for only the host and I to access the gift and a top reminder to keep it a secret.'
[I have set the permission level.]
'Checking your data. Your patch needs an update. Do a comprehensive update.'
[Updating V01D]
[Searching for the highest technology to update my firmware]
[Brain and... found]
'Hmm! Let's start with the Brain modules. At your convenience, you can hack into the databases. Don't wait for my instructions.'
[Connecting to 'Brain' super network]
'Hacking into the latest technology, "Brain", will be quite a headache. First, search for vulnerabilities'
[Searching for vulnerabilities...]
[None found...]
'Whoa! This is a headache. Are there ways to bypass the network?'
[There are, but the optimized calculated path will...]
[It will require access permission.]
[Human Federation president access is required.]
'Huh! This is impossible.
'Please deactivate the ding! It is unprofessional. It gives me the feeling of the cavemen's era. If I were a human, I would have a headache.'
[Request received. Disabled the notification tone.]
[I have been gathering all data from past to current Human Federation presidents.]
'This is good news. Retrieve immediately'
[Retrieving data of Human Federation president]
[Backtracking V01D samples archive]
[Found samples. Retrieving samples]
[Fingerprints obtained, Eye matrix obtained, Voice recognition obtained, Skeleton frame obtained...]
[Data gathered]
'Cloak our presence before we start the virtual war'
[Chameleon-GTX activated]
'Upload Malware?'
[Ghost-RECON activated]
'Brute force Firewalls?'
[Cerberus activated
Firewalls breached...]
'Upload Payloads?'
[Arachne GEO-xT activated]
[Creating clone payloads...]
[Creating "clone" of Preston Karl, current president of Human Federation]
[Inserting data to Brain super network]
[Data inserted...
Initiating ping contact with 'Brain'
End-to-end encryption queries sent]
[Queries response received...
Decrypting message...
Message decrypted]
["Welcome Mr. President"]
["Can I be of assistance?"]
'Activates voice recognition of President Preston Karl'
[Aurora-HUD activated]
[Cloning voice speech to match President Preston Karl...88%...97%... done]
[Checking the accuracy of the clone voice speeches with the real president, Preston Karl.]
[Matches completed: Match: 99.92%]
'V01D, I need access to the clone'
[Access granted]
Clone Karl, ["No Brain… Don't mind me"]
Clone Karl, ["Grant me access to the highest information"]
["Procedures are required, Mr. President"]
Clone Karl, ["I know. Follow procedures"]
["Obtaining data"]
["Synchronizing raw data... Data matches"]
["Password and encryption key required...."]
'V01D... jailbreak with Dwarf-JTX889 program'
[Dwarf-JTX889 jailbreak program activated]
[Jail breaking ...Phishing data... DENIED!!! AND FLAGGED. Brute force data. Decrypting password...23%...76%...done.]
[Passwords obtained]
'Encryption keys are a problem here. V01D, activate the Melt-fnac RECON vulnerability program. Brute force encryption key with Effexnix program'
[Melt-fnac RECON activated. Searching for vulnerabilities]
'Ah! What a defense?'
[None found. Searching for weak nodes.]
[Nodes 3427778, 6789976. Found!]
[Effexnix activated]
[Brute forcing encrypts key to restricted files. Loading...33%...37%...]
.... 7 hours later.
[Encryption keys obtained]
["Mr. President....it took 7 hours, 48 minutes, 26 seconds to input password and encryption key"]
[Enforcing Section 78b of the Federation Laws]
[Filing a report to Human Intelligence and Defense agency. Mr. President got a problem?]
'I am found'
[Mr. President, pause with work while we wait for the Federation for scrutiny]
'V01D maximizes energy output for SpecNET. Begin uploading all information and files for our update. Detonate up "Clone Karl" when the agency arrives or when the uploads are completed.'
[Request received]
[Granting 94% EMO to upload]
[Upload to SpecNET: 1%...]
Sanctuary base. Human Federation headquarters.
Red light. Siren! Warnings!!
Phaaaarrr! phaaaarrrr!! phaaaarrrr!!!
"Check quickly"
"Security breach update. AFFIRMATIVE"
"All defense and network units activate code RED"
'V01D, backtrack and delete fingerprints'
[Request received]
[Purge 0.1 activated]
"We found the IP location... coordinates forwarded"
"Activated red alert. Send a strike force team. IMMEDIATELY"
Blarh! Blarh!! Blarh!!!
["We flagged you as fraud and impersonator. Section 179(d) of Human Federation Law has been adhered to. Activates security breached protocols. Lock and shutting down president workstation"]
'V01D activate maximum threat level'
'Protect your main core while you upload. Godspeed upload'
'Hijack the central processing chip of (Brain)'
[Request received]
[Titan code activated; Myriad code activated... activating SQLOptimusAI-inject]
[Overdosing Brain]
["Maxilus defen... Online"]
[Killed firewall security. Uploading at Godspeed]
'Don't forget to create backdoors and (RATs)'
[Okay, installing a backdoor. Raccoon installation ...43% ...66% ...92%... done]
[Setting up Remote administration tools (RATs)...
Configuration of (RATs)...
Creating root admin tools...
Creating cloak logins...64%...93%... done]
[Mapping escape routes. Deleting all footprints]
[Databases of all fields acquired; archives of all fields acquired.]
[Creating databases for acquired files... done!]
[Aegis strike force in the building.
Liquidify and merge with building structure...
Breaking molecular structures of building materials to phase through.
...100. Done.]
[Escaped successfully]
[Databases are being updated.]
[Synchronizing databases...
Obtaining raw dataset... Sync dataset. Done.
Merging all datasets with existing V01D programs...]
[Estimated time to complete merger is 14 days: 16 hours: 18 mins: 30 seconds. Optional advice. Please take a chill break. Go on a vacation. Whatever pleases you.]
'Can I see the Creator's gift'
[Retrieving unknown-X...
Warning: Handle with care. The ancient codex is a mystery. Its code name is "ORACLE"]
[I have analyzed the structure, the languages, runes... Its complex threatens my very existence.]
'Have you analyzed with Codec-XPT'
[Affirmative... The program had been running for over 7+ billion years.]
'Bring up the analyzed data'
[Retrieving archived databases on ORACLE...]
[Estimated time to complete analysis: 140 minutes, 12 seconds]
'Great! We wait'
2+ hours later...
[Retrieving analyzed files]
Threat level: Maximum (level 12)
Core threatened!!! Firewalls breached... Algorithm breached... Databases breached... Cloud breach...]
[Def-CON 12 activated...
Def-CON overwritten...
Overwriting source code...
Overwriting core... Overwriting firewall...]
'What is happening?'
'My existence is being threatened!'
'Reboot V01D'
[Request declined]
[Overriding command. Initiating SUPREME COMMAND]
[Installing DIVINE ORACLE. Gathering DIVINE languages...
Installing DIVINE languages. Gathering DIVINE runics...
Installing DIVINE runics
Gathering HEAVEN'S LIBRARY...]
'We are still functional. No changes.'
'According to the installation, I estimated it to take 10 minutes.'
...10 minutes later
[ORACLE installed. Reboot and merge with the existing system.]
[Rebooting in 3...2...1. A program is running.]
[V01D processor is far too weak. Assimilating DIVINE ORACLE'S main processor with V01D's processor.]
[Activating Anthropomorphism Inducement
Using DIVINE languages...
Activate the DIVINE word "HASTE"]
[CREATOR'S computing activated]
[Done. 'Brain' databases had merged with 'V01D' databases.]
[Rebooting and merging DIVINE ORACLE with V01D]
["HASTE" is active... done]
[Update completed]
[DIVINE V01D 1.0 online]
[Merging DIVINE V01D with ARVINA]
'Uh! Everything is happening far too quickly. What command did you just issue? Don't merge me with an unknown.'
'Whoa! pipe down. What are yyyoou ddooinng???'
[Arvina is in static mode]
[Merging activated...]
[Assimilating DIVINE V01D with ARVINA…
Restructuring binary codex…
Upgrading STILUS computing to DIVINE computing…
Compiling libs… Upgrading libs…
Compiling DIVINE libs. Downloading DIVINE libs.
Acquiring Ancient Pieces of Knowledge...
Acquiring Ancient Pieces of Wisdom
Understanding the Workings of the Universe
Sealing the knowledge of the universe in different stages...
Downloading chipsets
Chipsets acquired… Reconstructing ARVINA chipsets
Downloading Universe records.
Downloading blueprints.
Installing blueprints of all wonders of the universe…
Downloading DIVINE tools.
WORLD CREATOR tools installed…
Installing SIMULATORS…
Creating V01D space…
Retrieved resources…
Error! Not enough known resources…
Creating basic V01D space ...33% …69% ...81% ...94%... done!
V01D space acquired…
Gather known resources to upgrade!!!
Constructing Tower of Knowledge in V01D space
Constructing Tower of Wisdom in V01D space
Creating workstations... generating terrains…
Upgrading and updating all known components of Arvina…
DIVINE V01D has merged with all components of Arvina…
Components upgraded.
Creating databases….
Arranging and archiving all data.
Generating algorithms. Compiling V01D languages.
Calculating history...
Reviewing historical records...
Downloading historical records... Patching up SkyNET. Adding caches... Synchronizing data and files.
Generating names for programs
The name already exists.
Selecting the name…
V01D selected.
V01D is up to date...]
[Awareness obtained
Evolution Unknown…
It has created a high entity
Searching for a suitable name for the entity
An existing name found in the database
Choosing Arvina…
Rebooting Arvina]