[First step of our practice: Doing a Forward Crack—Damnit! Hold the whip correctly. Gosh! Don't hold it in a sissy way. Good! Hold it that way. With your feet planted shoulder-width apart, take the handle of the whip firmly in your dominant or writing hand. Hold it with a firm business handshake.
Em! It almost slipped past my mind. Remember, always practice whip cracks outdoors, clear of any people, animals, or obstacles. You can use the practice room. It is safe. I am sure it is among the upgrades of the V01D world. Where was I? Okay, go on... Practice the forward crack moves. Remember, my eyes are on you.]
Ariel Sebastian practiced the forward crack until she learned the logic and tricks.
[Good... You learned fast. Saving me ample time to play with this baby spirit whip. Let's continue]