[Go over the drill one more time.]

[Great, Next exercise: Back to the basic exercises - It's never too late to go back to the basics.

Improve your skill by mastering it first. And if it's not working at the end, go back to the beginning again.

Use this exercise when making technique changes. Don't stress out. I will hand techniques over to you later.]

[The next training: Blank bale (with a target) - Blank bale is shooting at a bale without aiming, and most people don't put a target up. This is my personal recorded video to help you out.

Shooting without aiming helps you work on techniques. It removes the irrelevancy from your priority list and makes the process more important. But it's so different from shooting with a target that it often doesn't help when you move back to a normal setup.

Keeping the target in the background normalizes the ability to shoot without aiming. It is a great tool for combating target panic.