"Arvina, could you please guide me on the proper way to start a fire?"

["Absolutely! Implement the strategies used in previous eras, particularly the Stone Age. They got a fantastic idea on how to start a fire."]

"Aish! I feel like I will degenerate. How can I accomplish that legendary feat?"

["You need Flint and others"]

"Ehh! What for? Please brief me."

["Flint is also called "fire stone". Pick up the stone a few meters from here. It's marked on the Virtual 4D map. Don't ask me tedious questions.

A fire striker or flint stone, when hit by a hard, glassy stone such as quartz, jasper, agate, or flint, cleaves small, hot, oxidizing metal particles that can ignite tinder.

You would quickly strike rough int stones together using your hands. The sharp edge of the stones would be rubbed together, and a spark would be created. Friction would make the stones emit light. The spark would fall on the dried leaves arranged, and would set them alight."]