One standard month, or thirty-one days, is all that is needed to build a mortal spacecraft; if a million free humans were employed on the project, it would take hundreds of thousands of aerospace engineers and other positions to complete the same task in a matter of a few hours. At most three days.

Just as you thought, a million free workers are competing for such jobs. Not only that, every worker had one or two pieces of knowledge about spacecraft. Ariel Sebastian and her design team feared the completion of the job in a day. Although they will take their time explaining every component of the spaceship and its job, they will complete assembling the spaceship in a matter of hours or a couple of days.

She walked to her next station with a crowd of enthusiastic, learning gentlemen. No-no, enthusiast-lewd gentlemen. Pointing at an ongoing construction.

"This, yeah! exactly what I came for, is the Forecastle: