These sectors create numerous job opportunities for aspiring professionals who want to make a difference in their areas of specialization. They give prospective personnel a chance to gradually apply their skills, improve their knowledge, gain experience, and advance their careers."

Mystica was ready to continue her explanation. She got the recently added annoying system notification.

{Your thirst value is low. Drink some water, minerals, or whatever liquid to quench your thirst.}

"Geez! It is not only a satiated or hungry level. Annoying thirst levels are added."

{We feel your pain. But this policy is to limit talkative.}

"Nima! Freedom of speech has been limited. Don't you think this infringes on the player's rights?"

{Desist from changing white to black. We will add a fee-deduction policy for those who are found guilty. In reality, when you talk more than parrots, don't you require a glass of water to quench your thirst? Use your brain.}

"Ah! Even AIs are fierce."