Frankly speaking, the dean was partially right. At the start of this arena duel, the rules were pugilist methods of fighting, but how many applicants understood the fist-to-fist combat?
They slowly changed the rules to match their fighting styles. Introducing the spirit souls to the arena. They just have to be constantly reminded not to be violent. The university noticed but swept it under the rug. Good seedlings were eliminated due to weaker equipment and gears.
The dean should have stood out and corrected such foul play, but he never did. Now, Voider equipment is superior. He remembered to fix the rules. Adding up one and two, anyone can solve the puzzle that he was after the voiders.
Maybe the winning streak of Voiders has taken up some crucial positions, hitting on some people's nerves. The admissions quotas will definitely be short this year. They do not like such ideas.
The dean was pushed to the front. He was to fight for their interests while being the villain.