Chapter Eight


Still on the road, I asked Tamara if I was dropping her home. She muttered something I couldn't hear, then she asked if it'll be alright to stay at my place. I agreed. We stopped at a food vendor, bought some food and ate, because I could already hear the loud grumbles coming from our tummy, and continued home.

I bent towards the flower pot on the left and using my phone's flashlight, I dug out my key. Once I opened the door, we walked in and I shut it, turning the lock. We were consumed with darkness, so I turned on the light. Then I headed to my room with Mar behind.

"The bathroom is this way" I say pointing to my right, "in case you need to shower before bed". We enter my room, and I head to the drawer, taking out two long shirts. One has a picture of Justin Bieber, while the other has a quote, 'you can't fuck with me if you wanted to' on it and I hand her one with bieb's.

"Here, you can change into this" I stretch my arm giving her the shirt

"Thanks,"she smiles softly. I nod and change into my shirt and fall on the bed while she goes to change in the bathroom. I snuggle under my cover, sighing contently.

After a few mins, she's out and she joins me on the bed facing me. I know she wants to say something, but I'm afraid of what she'll say.

"Just spit it out" I say, "I know you want to say something". She hesitates a little,

"You are a Bieber fan?" She asks grinning. I laugh. Totally not what I expected.

"Yes, yes, I am" I smile, then my face turns serious, "don't you want to know what she meant?" I ask confused.

She shakes her head slowly, smiling at me, "I don't want to rush you into giving me information you are not ready to share. When you are ready, I'm all ears" she smiles warmly at me. I smile back feeling something deep inside me.

"Thank you" I whisper and she nods. Soon darkness engulfs me as my eyes droop slowly.


My alarm beeps loudly and I groan, flicking my eyes open a little, stray light from the curtain peeking into my room and falling on my face. Ugh! What time is it?. I yawn, rubbing my eyes, turning and stretching on the bed, that is, till I hit the floor.

"Shit!" I cuss. My eye lands on the alarm clock which shows 12:15pm. How long did I sleep? Damn, I'm late. Steve is going to be so mad at me. Well, it's not like it's the first time anyway. I sigh.

Steve is my manager at The Flapjacks, the cafe where I work. I work shifts on Saturday afternoons. The name might not seem like much, believe me, you're not the only one who hates it. But, the food is so yummy, it can make you tingle in a good way. I got a job there as a receptionist.

The alarm beeps and then the broadcasters from the station starts talking:

"Ok! We are back for the joke of the day. What did Beyonce call her husband before they were married?" The first one asked.

"I don't know, what?" The other replied

"Fiancé" the first replied and they both laughed.

I chuckled too from where I was on the ground, shoulders shaking slightly. Fiancé. Haha.

I slowly stand, cracking my neck. Mar is still sleeping so I walk towards the bathroom to brush. Taking out my toothbrush, I add some toothpaste on it and start brushing. With my brush in my mouth, I head back to the room. I open my curtains and my room gets illuminated.

There's not really much in my room. It's painted light green. I have my drawings and a few photographs hanging on the walls around the room. Mum always said I loved drawing and photography, not that I'm any good at it, but that was before everything changed.

My bed is on the far side of the room, there's a closet for clothes and shoes. There's a television by the side. I have a wall clock that spoilt a few months back still hanging there, waiting for me to fix it. Yeah, not soon.

"Ughh!" She moaned, "Who turned on the light?"she says sleepily

"Wake up, sleepy head" I hope that's what I say because I'm still brushing. I walk around the bed to her side and drag away the cover from her body. She whimpers, curling into a ball.

I huff, sighing heavily. "Wake up Mar, you're gonna make me later than I already am" I poke her arm, she doesn't respond, just turns facing the other direction. A thought enters my head and I smile mischievously. I head out to the bathroom, round up my brushing and return back with a cup of water.

"Tamara, are you sure you don't want to wake up?" I say in a sing-song voice, dangling the cup over her head. She just groans and mumbles something like, "oh Cody, pls take me with you".

Because I'm not that bad, I try again, "Ta-ma-ra, wakey wakey, eggs and bakey" she sits up immediately, knocking the glass off my hand and the water spills on her. She screams loudly.

"What the hell, man?" She rubs her throbbing head, groaning

I double over in laughter, my sides already aching me. "I- I called yo-ur name," I said, wheezing, "I decided to try another method. Looks like that did the trick" I laugh shrugging.

She smacks my hand hard. "Hey!" I protest smacking back.

"Oww" she moans, getting off the bed glaring at me, "you interrupted this beautiful dream I was having with Cody Simpsons" she pouts.

"Really? Aww, I'm sorry, I didn't know" I place both hands on my cheek looking sympathetic, "do you wanna go back? Maybe he can also give you brunch while you're at it" I joke

"Hardy har har, you're so funny" she deadpans. I grin.

"Come-on, I need to head to work before I get fired. Some of us actually have to work, you know, now go brush your teeth because I don't know if Cody told you, but it stinks" I say arms folded

She glares but moves out anyway. As she goes to brush I yell, "also take a shower while you're at it". I head in to take a shower. 10 mins later, we're both done showering and dressing up. Tamara wore my clothes to go since hers reeked of alcohol and sweat. I wore a black top, with a short flay skirt and black fishnets with my black combat boots.

"Let's go get lunch," I say, leading the way out.

"Where exactly are we going?" She asks with a brow raised

"To get lunch" I say. She rolls her eyes.

We enter my car, a Mercedes CLA, and drive off. On the way, Cody Simpson's la de dee played on the radio and Tamara was excited, singing along

"Cause all the girls are looking fine

But you're the only one on my mind

La de dee da, la dee Doo

La da da me, la da da you

La de dee da, la dee Doo

There's only me, there's only you

La de dee da, la dee do-"

I abruptly turn off the radio along with the engine once we arrive, sighing in relief.

"Hey! What gives?"she pouts

"I think you've la de dooed enough, We're here" I say getting out

"Oh! Finally, can't believe it took so long"she says, I give her my evil eye and she shrinks backwards a little. She looks up, "The Flapjacks?" She gives me a questioning glance. I shrug it off and enter inside.

The smell of pies, muffins, pancakes and honey fill the air. I take in a deep breath inhaling the scent, and exhale deeply. The walls are painted bright yellow which makes the cafe warm and gives it a homey feeling. Arts from different artists hung on the walls and there's a really good view from the windows too.

Ughh! Time for work. But first. . .

I take a bite out of my muffin and moan. God, this is so good, so yummy, exactly what I needed to start the day.

Steve wasn't happy that I came an hour late, but we worked things out, Eventually. He still glares at me when I glance over at him. Tamara ordered pancakes with strawberries and orange juice and a slice of blueberry pie, as I changed into my work clothes which was just me putting an apron over my clothes. Once she was done, she left saying something urgent came up and she had to leave. She was acting all strange and suspicious looking, but it ain't my business.


It was almost closing time and I couldn't wait to leave here. Don't get me wrong, I love my job but I can't say the same for the people walking in. A few customers were still in the shop and I was silently praying for them to hurry and get out. The bell clinks indicating another customer's entry.

Really? Don't you people have other places and things to do other than try to keep me here later than usual. Right now, I'm on my break and I don't need any disturbance.

I sigh, "welcome to Flapjacks. What would you like?" I say with a monotone voice. I glance at the person that blessed me with their unwanted presence. My face becomes hard and my jaw sets.

"What the flying fuck are you doing here?" I grit out, hands folded.

"Hello Lucia" I frown at that name, no one has called me that in a long time, it brings back memories, and not the good kind. "long time, no see" he smirks
