Chapter Twelve


I hate Mondays. If anyone says they like it, It's going to be hard to stop myself from smacking them. What's good about waking up after relaxing for two days doing absolutely nothing, and then heading to school early because you have a test.

I swear these teacher know what they do. I think they have secret meetings where they plan to give all their tests on Mondays knowing that students won't be prepared.

I glance down at the paper on my desk with despair. We have a pop quiz on maths today and I didn't study. How could I, with all the distractions I've had the past week. Not that it would make a difference though.

I sigh loudly.

"Lucy, I would appreciate it if you didn't disturb everyone with your loud breathing". Mr Clark comments from his desk

"And I would appreciate it if you didn't give a ding dang pop quiz on a Monday, but looks like we are both losers" I say with a sassy tone and a totally fake smile.