"Wow that was amazing!" I exclaim, a wide smile on my face. The rush, the power, the increase heart rate, fuck! Such a thrill.
"Are you sure you haven't done this sport before?" He asks, cocking a brow.
I roll my eyes, "No, I haven't." I reply
He nods, though his expression says he doesn't believe a word I say. "Yeah, sure! How do you explain you- a beginner coming first." He folds him arms tucking them under his armpits, his legs slightly ajar from each other.
"Beginners luck!" I smirk. Then I pat my self trying to find my phone. "What the–"
"Lose something?" He smirks. I frown, "If you have what I'm looking for, I suggest you give it to me." I say with a stoic expression.
He sighs dramatically, "you really are no fun!" He states placing my phone in my hand. I raise a brow and he rolls his eyes bringing out my wallet from his back pocket and places it in my hands. I grab it forcefully. "Thanks a lot!" I say sarcastically.