Chapter 13: Friends?

It was late in the night and the events of the wedding were still fresh in the minds of those who had attended earlier that day. Most of the guests had gone home but Felux knew that if an assassin wanted to end Delrik, his wedding night would be the perfect chance to do it. As such, Felux was on guard, patrolling the hallways, when he noticed a group of maids all huddled around the corner outside the hallway leading to Delrik's main bedroom.

Deborah whispered to her compatriots, "She's still there."

Felux came up behind them and peaked around the corner to see what the maids were looking at. Standing as a sentry outside Delrik's door was Tilda.

"What's she doin?" Felux asked as the maids jumped and exclaimed, "Sir Felux!"

Lorna, one of the cutest maids, knew that Felux was a good humored sort of fellow so she felt justified in complaining, "She's making sure to keep us away."

Bess explained further, "It's the wedding night and she won't let us get closer."

"She's keeping all their dirty secrets all to herself. This is so unfair," Lorna said, then she batted her long eyelashes, "You would let us get closer, wouldn't you, Sir Felux?"

Felux said, "It's probably time to get to yer own beds."

"Boring," Bess said. She had wanted to listen in on the intimate happenings within the couple's first shared night together.

"Told you," Deborah said as the maids walked away from their vigil. Deborah had guessed they would get caught and sent back to their rooms but Bess and Lorna had naively disagreed. 

Felux watched them leave before he turned his attention to Tilda. He remembered holding her earlier that day and he blushed when he remembered their kiss. He was getting distracted. He marched on, refocusing on his patrol.

Tilda had been waiting by the door to make sure no nosy gossips tried to take advantage of the situation. As soon as Tilda knew the coast was clear she would knock on the door and escort Cosaria back to her quarters. While it was a fake relationship, the couple had decided to pretend to play the part to avoid unwanted attention.

A few minutes had passed and Tilda hadn't heard the chattering from the maids. She went over and checked the surrounding hallways. All clear. It was finally safe for Cosaria to head back to her own chambers and get this charade over with. Quietly, Tilda knocked on the door to Delrik's room.

Cosaria opened the door, her face was flush bright red. Quickly, she stepped into the hallway and closed the door behind her.

Tilda asked, "You okay?"

Cosaria began walking quickly. She said, "He... we... we almost kissed!" She tried to fan off her red visibly embarrassed face.

Tilda smirked, "Really?"

Tilda didn't think Cosaria could get anymore red but she did.

It doesn't seem like she wants to talk about it, Tilda thought and she wasn't going to push it.

Tilda said, "So, did you enjoy the day?"

Cosaria was grateful for the change in subject. She said, "Did my family actually leave?"

Tilda happily said, "Yes. Immediately after the garden incident. It was like watching chickens scatter."

"Oh," Cosaria said.

Tilda said, "You were amazing today Cosaria. You stood up to them."

Cosaria flashed one of her adorable, sunshiney smiles as she said, "Thank you!"


The next day Gordana, the Arquix Head Maid, found Tilda and asked, "Tilda, do you have a moment? Can you deliver these pillows to Lord Delrik's private office?"

Tilda said, "Of course."

She took the pillows and headed on her way. She slowed as she got closer to Delrik's office.

Wait, She thought, What if Sir Felux is there? Can I face him? What will I say? Don't overthink it. Just a good morning is good.

It wasn't like she had stayed up late overthinking their unexpected interaction the day before... oh wait, she had.

As Tilda rounded the corner she saw Felux leaving the office.

Good morning, good morning,

"Good morn-"

As soon as Felux saw Tilda, he bolted the other way.

Tilda halted in the hallway. Here she was thinking she was the one overthinking it.

Well, I guess that takes care of that problem, Tilda thought.


Gordana announced to the kitchen, "Ready the food. The Knights just finished up for lunch."

The kitchen staff were among the most necessary and most under-appreciated in servant nobility. They spent all day busing and bustling to provide food for the entire castle. Three meals a day, everyday of the week. It was grueling laborious work, often spent kneading dough or slaving over a giant fireplace. Tilda had been assigned to the serving station.

She was carrying a plate with chicken on it, when she looked out the window and locked eyes with Felux, who was leading the knights. Immediately, he looked away.


Inside the mess hall, Tilda had expected to see Felux enter the queue of Knights getting food. But he never passed by her serving station even as the last few Knights trickled in.

Curious, Tilda approached one of the eating Knights and asked, "Where is Sir Felux?"

"He was here..." The Knight said as he looked around, "I guess he went somewhere else."

He's avoiding me, Tilda concluded.


Tilda was on a ladder picking blueberries in the garden. She had a basket and was determined to make a pie. The area was extremely quiet and peaceful. Birds chirped nearby and the sun was warming the fresh greenery.

It's been a week now since the marriage, Tilda marveled. She felt reflective on everything that had happened so far. She thought, Cosaria has made three gallons of holy water, which is really incredible but also highly illegal. If the church ever found out, we'd be...

Tilda shuttered. Not a thought worth thinking about.

Lord Delrik hasn't bothered Lady Cosaria. He just lets her do whatever she wants.

Tilda pictured Cosaria sitting patiently, reading in the castle library. The castle's collection was extensive in comparison to the Baxarte's estate.

She's been doing a lot of reading. I haven't talked to Sir Felux since...

The feeling of Felux's kiss flashed through her memory.

Since then. She sighed.

A bird landed beside her basket as Tilda watched it.

It's peaceful here, Tilda thought.

Tilda saw a large collection of blueberries just a bit higher from her reach. She moved her body closer. The ladder wobbled but Tilda was confident she could keep it balanced.

Why did Sir Felux do that, does he like me? Probably. It wouldn't make sense otherwise. So then what do I want?

Tilda plucked a blueberry and observed that the backside was grossly discolored and smashed. She flung it away and continued picking.

Could I be in a relationship right now? Grandma would like to see me married.

"You'll be an old maid before too long if you don't start flaunting yourself. Let them men know about your feminine wiles. You'll snatch one in no time," Grandma had advised in her senile way.

Somehow, that didn't improve Tilda's desire to start a relationship.

With Cosaria in a year contract marriage, and the future being so uncertain. It would be nice if she just stayed with Lord Delrik, that would make my life easier, Tilda thought.

She pictured Delrik wrapping Cosaria in his arms. The image reminded Tilda of a panther clutching a rabbit in its jaws.

I'm not going to push for that, She thought, There's still a chance he's a psychopath and it's hard to say if they're even compatible. Not my place.

Tilda tapped her finger on the ladder.

But Sir Felux. He's...

Tilda sighed.

Just because I like him and he might like me, it doesn't guarantee a future together, Tilda reasoned, And Lady Cosaria, would I have to leave her to be with him? Could I make a choice between the two if I had to? Am I willing to take that chance?

Tilda reached for some berries extra high up. The ladder adjusted to her weight and came crashing down, spilling the basket of blueberries.

Tilda gathered as many blueberries as she could when she noticed a scrape on her knee. It was bleeding.

"Ow, ow, ow, ow," She said as she wobbled home with her basket of blueberries.


Tilda's basket sat on the table next to a washcloth, a bucket, and a bandage. Tilda was trying to wash off the scrape but it hurt.

Passing by, Felux noticed Tilda in the room but decided he wouldn't try to make things weird by engaging in conversation. He would continue to pass by like it was nothing.

"Ow, ow, ow, ow," She said as she gently cleared off the dirt and dried blood.

Felux immediately went to her side and asked, "Are you okay?"

Tilda looked up, surprised to see Felux actually talking to her.

"Oh yeah," She said, "Nothing serious. I just... fell."

Felux said, "Looks bad," as he knelt down in front of her. He grabbed the rag from Tilda's hand and dipped it in the water. He paused before applying the rag to the scrape. He said, "Sorry. I've been taking liberties without yer permission. Is it okay if I...?"

Tilda said, "Go ahead."

Felux applied the water as Tilda gritted her teeth from the pain.

Felux asked, "What'd you do?" He'd treated plenty of wounds on the battlefield so the task was routine to him.

"I was picking some blueberries. You want some?" Tilda asked.


Tilda plucked a few berries from the basket as Felux began wrapping Tilda's injury. She offered a handful of blueberries to him.

"In a moment," He said as his hands were busy with the injury.

Tilda said, "Open your mouth."

Felux opened his mouth and closed his eyes, ready to savor the sweet sensation of a blueberry.

Instead, Tilda flicked a blueberry at his face and missed his mouth completely.

Felux opened his eyes and smiled as Tilda flicked another blueberry, hitting him in the nose. He laughed.

She said, "You have to at least try to catch it."

She flicked another blueberry and Felux's mouth caught it. He finished wrapping the bandage and moved to seat himself beside her.

Tilda popped a blueberry in her mouth. She thought she might as well start with the heart of the matter.

She said, "So you've been avoiding me."

He said, "Sorry."

"For what, avoiding me or kissing me?"

"Both, I'd think," Felux said. He felt bad. He knew he was reacting badly to the whole situation but he wasn't sure what to do. He just felt so panicked whenever he saw her and he wasn't sure how to handle the barrage of emotions, so instead, he decided to avoid them altogether.

Tilda asked, "Why are you sorry for kissing me?"

"I was being too forward."

"Is that it?" Tilda asked, "You don't have a secret girlfriend, you're not in love with Lord Delrik? No forbidden heartbreak that left you jaded?"

"Naw," Felux said, "Just overly dedicated to my job."

"Ah, that's that thing we both have in common. One of the things I like about you," Tilda said. He was a kindred soul.

"You like me?"

"As does half the manor," Tilda said, "But don't worry. I'll keep your secret, you know, the one about being madly in love with Lord Delrik." She couldn't resist teasing him about it. She'd heard the sentiment so many times by now. According to most of the gossiping maids, the romance between Delrik and Felux was an unquestionable truth.

"Oh?" Felux asked, "And what're they saying about you?"

"I don't know."

Tilda grabbed Felux's hand and placed some blueberries in it.

She said, "Sir Felux, we're friends right?"


"Then don't avoid me, okay?"

"Ah... Okay."

Tilda said, "Good. You're one of my favorite people here."

From that comment alone, Felux knew he had a chance.

As Tilda checked her knee, she said, "This looks like it'll work."

Then Tilda stood up and grabbed her basket. She announced, "I've got to deliver these to Lady Cosaria."

As Tilda started out the door, she stopped halfway there. Without turning back to face him, she said, "We're not anything more than that, are we?"

Felux studied Tilda's back. He was confused. So she wanted to be friends, but judging by the way she didn't want to face him, she didn't want anything more than that. Or did she?

He decided to play it safe when he said, "...naw."

Tilda breathed a sigh of relief. She asked, "Is that okay?"

"Aye. That's fine," Felux said.

Tilda was satisfied with his answer as she left the room.

Alone, Felux popped a blueberry in his mouth.

"That's fine fer now," He said.